A console that goes up/down when we press ALT F12 (yakuake)


Style Quake Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop, \
            CirculateSkip, !Title, !Handles, BorderWidth 1

SetAnimation 20 0 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 1

DestroyFunc QuakeTerminal
AddToFunc QuakeTerminal
+ I Next (Quake, CirculateHit) ToggleQuakeTerminal
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) StartQuakeTerminal

DestroyFunc ToggleQuakeTerminal
AddToFunc ToggleQuakeTerminal
+ I ThisWindow (Visible) AnimatedMove +0p -100
+ I TestRc (Match) KeepRc Next (HasPointer) Focus
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) KeepRc ThisWindow Move +0p +0p
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) ThisWindow Focus

DestroyFunc StartQuakeTerminal
AddToFunc StartQuakeTerminal
+ I Exec exec rxvt -title Quake -e screen -S Quake -R
+ I Wait Quake
+ I Next (Quake, CirculateHit) ResizeMove 100 60 +0p +0p

AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Test (Restart) Next (Quake, CirculateHit) Move +0p -100
+ I Test (Quit) Next (Quake, CirculateHit) Destroy

Module FvwmAuto 40 -mleave "Silent ThisWindow (Quake) AnimatedMove +0p -100"

In StartFunction

+ I Module FvwmCommandS

A script named quake contains simply

FvwmCommand 'QuakeTerminal'

Then I can type for example in quake term

sleep 20

The term will be back after 20 seconds.

Another example:

sudo portsnap fetch update; quake

will pop up the quake window when port update is done.