complain about the grammer of Mouse ?

hi,i am a fvwm new user.
fogive my poor english,i will try to explain my question.

Mouse 0 4 A Maximize 0 100

Mouse Button Context Modifiers Function

what is “4” in code stand for?


The window button you’re pressing. They’re numbered like this:

0  2  4  6  8                                   9  7   5  3  1

– Thomas Adam

i konw what 0 stand for,but 4 not. not context & modifier.
you mean pressing button 0 or 4 all can achieve Max?

again,should i say :confused: or :laughing:
Numbers are buttons: 1 3 5 7 9 0 8 6 4 2 ?
but,whatever,thanks 4 your answer!