FvwmButtons not start on Login

For some reason when I log in my FvwmButtons module doesn’t load. I have to “Restart” Fvwm to get it to show up. FvwmIconMan starts just fine. I’ve done some searching but all I can find are really old posts.

This is my StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmButtons StaloneTray

This is my config for it

# Stalonetray
DestroyModuleConfig StaloneTray:*
*StaloneTray: Fore #222222
*StaloneTray: Back #c6da83
*StaloneTray: Geometry 110x20-10-5
*StaloneTray: (Swallow "stalonetray" "Exec exec stalonetray")

Hi @WarrentyExpired

You’re going to have to be a lot more specific than that.

Can you put your entire config somewhere so I can see it, please?


I have my config spilt into different files but here is my config and my modules file. The others are for the menu, key binds, and window decro. If you need more let me know!

# Startup, Init, Restart Fuctions
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Read modules
+ I Read style quiet
+ I Read menu
+ I Read binds
+ I Exec exec xrandr --output eDP-1 --off
+ I Exec exec xmodmap -e "keycode 9 = Escape asciitilde"
+ I Exec exec dunst 
+ I Exec exec xfce4-power-manager
+ I Exec exec feh --bg-max /home/micah/Pictures/wallpapers/Dark_Nature.png
+ I Exec exec picom
+ I Exec exec nm-applet
+ I Exec exec $[scripts]/volumeicon.sh
+ I Module FvwmCommands
+ I Module FvwmMFL
#+ I Module FvwmPager 
+ I Module FvwmIconMan MyIcon
+ I Module FvwmButtons StaloneTray

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc SessionInitFunction
AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc SessionRestartFunction
AddToFunc SessionRestartFunction
+ I Nop

# Setup ENV Variables
SetEnv cache $[HOME]/.fvwm/icons/cache/
SetEnv scripts $[HOME]/.fvwm/scripts
SetEnv icons $[HOME]/.fvwm/icons

# Global Behavoir Commands
DesktopName 0 Main
DesktopName 1 Extra
DeskTopSize 1x1
ClickTime 250
MoveThreshold 3
EdgeThinkness 0 # Disables Edge Scrolling
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * MiniOverLapPlacement, GrabFocusOff, !UsePPosition
OpaqueMoveSize unlimited
Style * ResizeOpaque
Style * ResizeOpaque, SnapAttraction 15 SameType ScreenAll, SnapGrid
Style * DecorateTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * !FPGrabFocusTransient, FPReleaseFocusTransient
Style * WindowShadeScrolls, WindowShadeSteps 10
IgnoreModifiers L25
Style * Lenience
Emulate Mwm
Style * NoIcon
EwmhBaseStruts 0 0 0 30

# Global Colorsets
ColorSet 0 fg #eeeeee, bg #252724
ColorSet 1 fg #252724, bg #c6da83
ColorSet 2 fg #222222, bg #F9FAF4

# Per App Config
Style FvwmIconMan NoTitle, HandleWidth 0, NeverFocus
Style FvwmPager NoTile, HandleWidth 0, NeverFocus, Icon
Style FvwmButtons HandleWidth 0, NeverFocus
########################## Icon Manager ####################################
DestroyModuleConfig MyIcon: *
*MyIcon: NumManagers 1
*MyIcon: Resolution  page
*MyIcon: Background  #222222
*MyIcon: Foreground  #F9FAF4
*MyIcon: Font        "xft:azukifontBI:pixelsize=17" # 7x13bold
*MyIcon: Format      "%t"
#*MyIcon: Action      Mouse   1 N sendcommand Focus, sendcommand "Iconify"
*MyIcon: Action	     Mouse 1 N sendcommand Focus
*MyIcon: Action      Mouse   3 N sendcommand "Iconify"
*MyIcon: Action      Mouse   2 N sendcommand "FvwmIdent"
*MyIcon: FollowFocus true
*MyIcon: Sort        id

*MyIcon: IconButton          up #f9faf4 #222222 # Minimized Window

*MyIcon: FocusButton          down #252724 #c6da83 # Current Focused Window
*MyIcon: PlainButton          up #c6da83 #252724 # Unfocused 

*MyIcon: SelectButton         down c6da83 #252724 # Bar Hover Unfocused Window
*MyIcon: FocusAndSelectButton up #c6da83 #252525 # Bar Hover Focused Window

*MyIcon: DontShow icon=Untitled resource=Untitled
#*MyIcon: DrawIcons true
*MyIcon: ButtonGeometry  150x0
*MyIcon: ManagerGeometry 16x1+10-2

# Stalonetray
DestroyModuleConfig StaloneTray:*
*StaloneTray: Fore #222222
*StaloneTray: Back #c6da83
*StaloneTray: Geometry 110x20-10-5
*StaloneTray: (Swallow "stalonetray" "Exec exec stalonetray")```

I added your Stalonetray button in Fvwm default config and removed RightPanel’s stalonetray config and added in yours. This works fine.

AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Test (x nm-applet) Exec exec nm-applet # wifi connect
+ I Module FvwmButtons StaloneTray
# Stalonetray
DestroyModuleConfig StaloneTray:*
*StaloneTray: Fore #222222
*StaloneTray: Back #c6da83
*StaloneTray: Geometry 110x20-10-5
## *StaloneTray: (Swallow "stalonetray" "Exec exec stalonetray")
*StaloneTray: (Swallow(NoClose,UseOld) \
    stalonetray 'Exec exec stalonetray --config \
    "$[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/stalonetrayrc"', Frame 0)

Thanks for trying it out on your end. I fixed it by adding + I Schedule 900 Module FvwmButtons StaloneTray I think what was happening is it was being loaded but one of the programs I have starting up covered it or something. I noticed “by luck” it pop up for half a second then disappeared. Then on the Restart if pop up.

I figured out the problem! It was xrandr being started by fvwm. I put the xrandr command in my .xinitrc file and everything works as intended!