my first post


After seeing so many nice screenshots, I too thought of posting my screenshot.

Here are few details

I am using Travis’s code for making thumbnails
on the right top corner is the pager with a wmcalclock and wmpinboard
Below that is an aterm presently running mplayer playing a song

all of these are swallowed by FvwmButtons
I am using torsmo for sytem info

I am still struggling with translucency, will post it asap I get it working.


You missed a leading “h” in your hyper link.

Very beautiful colors. wmcalclock and wmpinboard are 2 of my favorite dock apps :slight_smile:

I just applied the patch directly to 2.5.12 source. It works out-of-the-box.

tx shaozi,

I too applied the patch directly, but, somehow it is not working. I will check it out again and post a screenshot if I succeed.