need some help with colorsets

Hey guys,

I am trying to set up the right colorsets. Here is my current config and it’s screenshot:

ColorSet 0	fg #000000 bg #294fde
ColorSet 1	fg black bg lightyellow

#	Window Decor and Style
DestroyDecor	DefaultDecor
AddToDecor		DefaultDecor
	+ TitleStyle Height 17
	+ TitleStyle ColorSet 0
	+ ButtonStyle 1 Vector 4 49x49@3 49x51@3 51x51@3 51x49@3				-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle 2 Vector 4 40x40@3 60x60@3 60x40@4 40x60@3				-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle 4 Vector 5 40x40@3 60x40@3 60x60@3 40x60@3 40x40@3		-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle 6 Vector 5 40x60@3 60x60@3 60x55@3 40x55@3 40x60@3		-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle
	+ BorderStyle Active Solid black
	+ BorderStyle Inactive Solid black

Style * Colorset 0, UseDecor DefaultDecor,			
Style *		BorderWidth 3, HandleWidth 1,				
Style *		NoButton 3, NoButton 5, NoButton 7,			
Style *		NoButton 8, NoButton 9, NoButton 0

I guess what I’m looking for is some direction towards getting my style like this:

The config to get that looks like this:

SetEnv COLOR   LightBlue
SetEnv HICOLOR DodgerBlue
SetEnv FG_COLOR   Black

#Window Decor and Style	

DestroyDecor	DefaultDecor
AddToDecor		DefaultDecor
	+ TitleStyle Height 17
	+ TitleStyle					VGradient 128 $[HICOLOR]3 $[HICOLOR]4	-- Flat
	+ TitleStyle  Active			VGradient 128 $[HICOLOR]3 $[HICOLOR]4	-- Flat
	+ TitleStyle  Inactive			VGradient 128 $3 $4		-- Flat
	+ TitleStyle  ToggledInactive	VGradient 128 $3 $4		-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle 1 Vector 4 49x49@3 49x51@3 51x51@3 51x49@3				-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle 2 Vector 4 40x40@3 60x60@3 60x40@4 40x60@3				-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle 4 Vector 5 40x40@3 60x40@3 60x60@3 40x60@3 40x40@3		-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle 6 Vector 5 40x60@3 60x60@3 60x55@3 40x55@3 40x60@3		-- Flat
	+ ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle
	+ BorderStyle Active Solid black
	+ BorderStyle Inactive Solid black

Style * UseDecor DefaultDecor,			
Style *		BorderWidth 3, HandleWidth 1,				
Style *		NoButton 3, NoButton 5, NoButton 7,			
Style *		NoButton 8, NoButton 9, NoButton 0

I would like to use VGradient with the light blue…not sure what the proper setup for the colorset is, or how to use it.


forgetting about the gradient for a minute…I can’t get fv to use that colorset. So at this point I’m just trying to get that working.

See anything wrong with how I’m going about this?

You need a comma in there like in:

Colorset 1 bg black, fg white

you are my hero.


that’s the sign when one has been coding for too long a stretch.