Problem with the colorsets and the window title

–> Edited to use code blocks for readability

– Thomas Adam[/color]


I have a big poblem with the colorset of my titlebar and my window buttons!

I defined the following:

Colorset 1 fg white, bg black, sh black, hi white, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #000000 20 , IconAlpha 60

Colorset 7 fg black, bg white, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #d3d3d3 70
Style * Colorset 1, HilightColorset 1

DestroyDecor DefaultDecor
AddToDecor DefaultDecor
+ TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 16
+ TitleStyle InActive ( Colorset 7 -- Flat )
+ TitleStyle Active ( Colorset 7 -- Flat )
+ AddTitleStyle Active ( StretchedPixmap title_back.png -- Flat )
+ AddTitleStyle Inactive ( StretchedPixmap title_back_inactive.png -- Flat )
+ ButtonStyle All InActive ( Colorset 7 -- Flat )
+ ButtonStyle All Active ( Colorset 7 -- Flat )
+ AddButtonStyle  All Inactive StretchedPixmap title_back_inactive.png -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  All Active StretchedPixmap title_back.png -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  1 ActiveUp Vector 4 45x45@2 45x55@2 55x55@2 55x45@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  1 ActiveDown Vector 5 40x40@2 40x60@2 60x60@2 60x40@2 40x40@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  1 Inactive Vector 4 45x45@3 45x55@3 55x55@3 55x45@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  2 ActiveUp Vector 4 35x35@2 65x65@2 65x35@4 35x65@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  2 ActiveDown Vector 4 25x25@2 75x75@2 75x25@4 25x75@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  2 Inactive Vector 4 35x35@3 65x65@3 65x35@4 35x65@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  3 ActiveUp Vector 8 40x35@2 60x35@2 45x35@4 45x65@2 55x65@2 55x35@2 40x65@4 60x65@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  3 ActiveDown Vector 8 40x30@2 60x30@2 45x30@4 45x70@2 55x70@2 55x30@2 40x70@4 60x70@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  3 Inactive Vector 8 40x35@3 60x35@3 45x35@4 45x65@3 55x65@3 55x35@3 40x65@4 60x65@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  4 ActiveUp Vector 5 35x35@2 35x65@2 65x65@2 65x35@2 35x35@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  4 ActiveDown Vector 5 30x30@2 30x70@2 70x70@2 70x30@2 30x30@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  4 Inactive Vector 5 35x35@3 35x65@3 65x65@3 65x35@3 35x35@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  5 ActiveUp Vector 8 35x40@2 35x60@2 35x45@4 65x45@2 65x50@2 35x50@2 65x40@4 65x60@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  5 ActiveDown Vector 8 30x40@2 30x60@2 35x45@4 65x45@2 65x50@2 35x50@2 70x40@4 70x60@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  5 Inactive Vector 8 35x40@3 35x60@3 35x45@4 65x45@3 65x50@3 35x50@3 65x40@4 65x60@3 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  6 ActiveUp Vector 5 35x45@2 65x45@2 65x50@2 35x50@2 35x45@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  6 ActiveDown Vector 5 25x45@2 75x45@2 75x50@2 25x50@2 25x45@2 -- Flat
+ AddButtonStyle  6 Inactive Vector 5 35x45@3 65x45@3 65x50@3 35x50@3 35x45@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 1 - MwmDecorMenu
+ ButtonStyle 6 - MwmDecorMin
+ ButtonStyle 4 - MwmDecorMax
+ BorderStyle Active Solid black -- NoInset HiddenHandles
+ BorderStyle Inactive Solid black -- NoInset HiddenHandles

Currently the title is white, the active buttons are black and the unactive buttons are white. If I modify the colorset 7 by inversing fg and bg, there is no modification of the titlebar and buttons at all!!! the modification happens only if I modify the colorset 1 !!

I don’t know what’s going on and I am completely confused!!

Can someone help me to understand that??

Best regards, Brice

That’s why – “Colorset” works on inactive windows, whilst “HilightColorset” works on active windows (i.e. focused).

So you just need to change it to reflect which colorset is used when windows receive focus, and which are used when they do not (see above).


– Thomas Adam

Thanks for the quick reply!!!

Well the stuff I don’t understand is that I have:

  • TitleStyle InActive ( Colorset 7 – Flat )
  • TitleStyle Active ( Colorset 7 – Flat )
  • ButtonStyle All InActive ( Colorset 7 – Flat )
  • ButtonStyle All Active ( Colorset 7 – Flat )
  • BorderStyle Active Solid black – NoInset HiddenHandles
  • BorderStyle Inactive Solid black – NoInset HiddenHandles

That doesn’t mean that the buttons and the titlebar will use the colorset 7 and that the borders will be black???

I am extremey confused and the man page doesn’t help me understand that so much…

Regards, Brice

No – as I have mentioned throughout a number of threads on this forum you cannot have different colour borders at present, nor can you change the colour of the titlebar differently to the colorset you apply to the window overall.

– Thomas Adam


Ok then I can delete the colorset 7 and the “Solid black” as they are not relevant if I define a default colorset!

That’s definitively strange as I use a part of the taviso’s config and if you check it you’ll see that he has the same problem as I had (now). Maybe we should send him a mail!!! :laughing:

Thanks for the help!!!
