Style: Iceape on workspace1 and others apps anywhere but 1

(workspaces nbr x=1 y=4)
Instead of saying in styles that we want one app to a precise workspace, it’s here bit different.

I would like that
iceape is the only one on workspace 1,
and whatever comes goes either on the present workspace 2, 3, or 4,
and if I am in iceape it goes in workspace 2.

It’s rather different to usual things actually … I am wondering how to do that actually …

Style iceape StartsOnDesk 0 1

Implied by you not setting any style lines at all for positional things.

DestroyModuleConfig a:*
*a: add_window "Any (icecape, CurrentPage) ThisWindow MoveToPage 0 2"

Module FvwmEvent a

– Thomas Adam

THanks !

I mod-ed it like this, but unsuccessfully …

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent: *
*FvwmEvent: add_window RestorePosition
*FvwmEvent: add_window “Any (icecape, CurrentPage) ThisWindow MoveToPage 0 2”
*FvwmEvent: close_window SavePosition
#*FvwmEvent: Cmd Function
#*FvwmEvent: new_page CurrentPageFocusFunc
#*FvwmEvent: new_desk CurrentPageFocusFunc
*FvwmEvent: destroy_window CurrentPageFocusFunc
*FvwmEvent: focus_change MarkWindowAsActiveFunc
#*FvwmEvent: window_name RecaptureWindow
#*FvwmEvent: Delay 1

Style iceape StartsOnDesk 0 1
Style firefox StartsOnDesk 0 1

Module FvwmEvent AW-event [/code]

DestroyModuleConfig a:*
*a: add_window foo

DestroyFunc foo
AddToFunc foo
+ I None (foo, CurrentPage) Break
+ I MoveToPage 0 7

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent a

– Thomas Adam