usage of fvwm-menu-xlock

Hi Guys

I am currently trying to find a way to lock an xterm session by using fvwm-menu-xlock. I’ve got fvwm 2.4.15 installed and unfortunately I don’t have xlock command installed in the distribution.

So I’d appreciate if their is anyone who can help me to find a way to lock an xterm session using fvwm-menu-xlock.

In the .fvwmrc config file I am actually using -->

+ "Lock Screen" Exec /usr/bin/fvwm-menu-xlock &

  but nothing happens please help ???????????????



You’re wanting to lock a specific xterm? Use vlock.

FVWM 2.4.X isn’t supported anymore, and fvwm-menu-xlock is older than your Mum, most likely. It’s not supported.

– Thomas Adam

Thanks !!