4 CPU loaded 100%

I just a little bit modified default config of fvwm 2.6.7 and added two panels using FvwmButton alongside with
default RightPanel. I have 4 cores and I observe that all 4 cores are loaded 96-100%. System monitor shows me that
it is 4 FvwmButtons occupied all cores! They use simple memory around 14Mb each but use all cpu’s. How to solve
this problem? Below is part of my config

DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Test (Init, f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault) Exec exec fvwm-root -r $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Exec exec fvwm-root -r $[FVWM_DATADIR]/default-config/images/background/my2.png
+ I Test (Init) Module FvwmBanner
+ I Module FvwmButtons RightPanel
+ I Module FvwmEvent EventNewDesk
+ I Module FvwmButtons MyClock  # My panel
+ I Module FvwmButtons MyYard   # My panel
+ I Module FvwmEvent EventNewDesk
+ I FvwmGbirthDay
+ I FvwmVolume 
+ I FvwmClawsMail 
+ I FvwmMegaSync
+ I FvwmDropBox
+ I FvwmSkype 
+ I FvwmGxkb 

# MyClock
Style "MyClock" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable
DestroyModuleConfig MyClock: *
PipeRead 'echo SetEnv height2 $(($[vp.height]-70))'
PipeRead 'echo SetEnv width2 $(($[vp.width]-120-70))'
*MyClock: Geometry 70x70+$[width2]-$[height2]  # XxY + position X + position Y
*MyClock: Colorset 9
#*MyClock: Rows 5
#*MyClock: Columns 1
*MyClock: (Swallow asclock 'Exec asclock -geometry -3000-3000 &')

Style MyYard !Title, !Borders, !Handles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, NeverFocus
DestroyModuleConfig MyYard: *
PipeRead 'echo SetEnv height3 $(($[vp.height]-800)'
PipeRead 'echo SetEnv width3 $(($[vp.width]/2-280))'
*MyYard: Rows $[vp.height]
*MyYard: Columns 375 
*MyYard: Font "xft:DejaVu Sans:size=8:bold"
*MyYard: Geometry 375x70+$[width3]+10 
*MyYard: Frame 0 
*MyYard: (75x70, Colorset 30, Title "Documents", Icon "/home/nail/.fvwm/icons/48x48/folder-documents.png", ActiveColorset 12, Action(Mouse 1) "Exec caja /home/nail/Documents")
*MyYard: (75x70, Colorset 30, Title "MEGAsync", Icon "/home/nail/.fvwm/icons/48x48/folder-documents.png", ActiveColorset 12, Action(Mouse 1) "Exec caja /home/nail/MEGAsync")
*MyYard: (75x70, Colorset 30, Title "Desktop", Icon "/home/nail/.fvwm/icons/48x48/folder-documents.png", ActiveColorset 12, Action(Mouse 1) "Exec caja /home/nail/Desktop")
*MyYard: (75x70, Colorset 30, Title "Terminal", Icon "/home/nail/.fvwm/icons/32x32/terminal.png", ActiveColorset 12, Action(Mouse 1) "Exec mate-terminal")
*MyYard: (75x70, Colorset 30, Title "DoubleCmd", Icon "/home/nail/.fvwm/icons/32x32/double-commander.png", ActiveColorset 12, Action(Mouse 1) "Exec doublecmd")

It happens only one time. I reload computer and now works well.