6thpink screens: i am learning good taste!

Newcomer to fvwm (well, i used it a little some years ago, but did not know anything about its true power). Moreless a week to get this:

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc[/color]




( _________________________)

) (__ _ _ _ _

( __)( / )( // )//\

) ( \ / \ // \

(__) / //(//_) 2.5.12

My cojonutta .fvwm2rc file




Local vars



SetEnv fvwm_home $[HOME]/.fvwm
SetEnv fvwm_icons $[fvwm_home]/icons
SetEnv fvwm_scripts $[fvwm_home]/scripts
SetEnv fvwm_wallpapers $[fvwm_home]/wallpapers
SetEnv fvwm_functions $[fvwm_home]/functions
SetEnv fvwm_menus $[fvwm_home]/menus

This will control the width of the upper

fvwmbuttons bar

SetEnv fvwm_top_width 40
SetEnv fvwm_side_height 90

Path for icons (actually not used)

ImagePath $[fvwm_icons]:$[fvwm_icons];.png:+



Here we read the functions that, for modularity

reasons has been put into separated files


Read $[fvwm_functions]/startup-functions
Read $[fvwm_functions]/basic-functions
Read $[fvwm_functions]/program-launching-functions
Read $[fvwm_functions]/thumb-functions


Here we read the menus that, for modularity

reasons has been put into separated files


Read $[fvwm_menus]/root-menu
Read $[fvwm_menus]/programs-menu
Read $[fvwm_menus]/fvwm-help-menu
Read $[fvwm_menus]/fvwm-windowops-menu





Title bar - Active, also Pager Balloons

Colorset 3 fg white, RootTransparent buffer, Tint CornflowerBlue 50

Title bar - Inactive

Colorset 4 NoShape, RootTransparent Buffer, Tint black 50, fg grey

Window border

Colorset 5 fg White, bg Black


Colorset 6 RootTransparent buffer, Tint #efebef 40, fg black


Colorset 7 fg black, Translucent White 50

Highlight menu

Colorset 8 fg DarkRed, bg #e6e7d7, sh Black, hi #202070

Not used

Colorset 9 fg rgb:00/00/00, hi rgb:00/00/00, sh rgb:00/00/00, bg rgb:e9/e9/d9
Colorset 10 fg rgb:00/00/00, hi rgb:dd/00/00, sh rgb:dd/00/00, bg rgb:fb/fc/ec


Colorset 11 RootTransparent buffer, Tint LightSlateBlue 40



Pager and desktop configuration


DesktopSize 4x1
DesktopName 0 Escritorio
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeResistance 50 50
EdgeThickness 1

Style “FvwmPager” Sticky, !Handles, !Borders, StaysOnTop, NoTitle,
NeverFocus, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0, CirculateSkip,
FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable, WindowListSkip

*FvwmPager: Balloons
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont “xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:Bold:size=8.5”
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 3
*FvwmPager: NoSeparators
*FvwmPager: NoDeskHilight
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 11

Working area

EwmhBaseStruts 0 $[fvwm_side_height] $[fvwm_top_width] 0 # l r t b



Menu configuration


MenuStyle * FVWM, PopupOffset -6 100, Animation
MenuStyle * Greyed black, Hilight3DOff, BorderWidth 1, TitleUnderlines1,
MenuStyle * SeparatorsLong, TrianglesSolid
MenuStyle * Font “Shadow=1:xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:size=8.5:antialias=True”,
MenuColorset 7 #, ActiveFore DarkRed
MenuStyle * ItemFormat “%.4s%.1|%5.7i%.5l%.5l%.5r%.5i%2.3>%1|”
MenuStyle * VerticalItemSpacing 2 2, VerticalTitleSpacing 5 5



Basic Bindings


Root menu

Key F1 A M Menu FvwmRootMenu

Tasks list

Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort,
NoGeometry, NoCurrentDeskTitle, SelectOnRelease Meta_L

left win key: xterm

Key Super_L A A FvwmXTerm

Mouse 1 in root: root menu

Mouse 1 R A Menu FvwmRootMenu

Mouse 3 in root: WindowOps

Mouse 3 R A Menu FvwmWindowOpsMenu

Mouse 2 en root: tasks list

Mouse 2 R A WindowList NoDeskSort,
NoGeometry, NoCurrentDeskTitle, SelectOnRelease Meta_L

Mouse 1 first window button: close

Mouse 1 1 A FvwmDeleteOrDestroy

Mouse 1 second button: minimize

Mouse 1 3 A FvwmMinimize

Mouse 1 third button: maximize

Mouse 1 5 A FvwmMaximize 100 100

Mouse 2 third button: maximize width

Mouse 2 5 A FvwmMaximize 0 100

Mouse 3 third button: maximize height

Mouse 3 5 A FvwmMaximize 100 0

Alt + mouse 1 to move window

Mouse 1 W M FvwmMove

Mouse 1 drag drop to move iconified

Mouse 1 I A IconClick1

Mouse 2 close iconified

Mouse 2 I A IconClick2

wheel up on title bar shades window

Mouse 4 T A FvwmWindowShade True

wheel down on title bar unshades window

Mouse 5 T A FvwmWindowShade False



Mouse and Focus Behavior


ClickTime 350
MoveThreshold 3
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises
Style FvwmButtons Layer 5
Style “ePSXe - Enhanced PSX emulator” Layer 6



Global Styles and options


Various stuff that i don’t fully understand yet,

have been working in all the rest. ;=)

Ignore numLock modifier

IgnoreModifiers L25
Style * MinOverlapPlacement, GrabFocusOff
Style * ResizeOpaque, NoPPosition
OpaqueMoveSize -1
Emulate MWM
HideGeometryWindow Never
SnapAttraction 10 SameType Screen
SnapGrid 3 3
XorValue 55555
Style * DecorateTransient, DontRaiseTransient
Style * DontLowerTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * GrabFocusTransientOff
Style * WindowShadeSteps 20, WindowShadeScrolls
SetAnimation 10 -.01 0 .01 .03 .08 .18 .3 .45 .6 .75 .85 .90 .94 .97 .99 1.0
Style * MwmDecor, SlipperyIcon



Icon related styles


Style * IconBox 900x700+10+48, IconGrid 3 3, IconFill top left
Style * IconFont “xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:Bold:size=8”
Style * NoIconTitle



Program Styles


Not working still, just examples

Style “*” Icon 48x48/unknown.xpm
Style “XTerm” Icon xterm-linux.xpm, NoActiveIconOverride, MiniIcon mini.xterm.xpm
Style “gvim” Icon 48x48/gvim.png, IconOverride, MiniIcon mini/gvim.png, EWMHMiniIconOverride
Style “Firefox-bin” Icon 48x48/firefox.png, MiniIcon mini/firefox.png, EWMHMiniIconOverride
Style “irssi” Icon 48x48/gaim.png, MiniIcon mini/irc.png
Style “xmms” WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip
Style “MPlayer” Icon 48x48/mplayer.png



Window Decor


DestroyDecor MyDecor
AddToDecor MyDecor

  • TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 24
  • ButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 1 Inactive Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 3 ActiveUp Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 3 ActiveDown Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 3 Inactive Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 5 ActiveUp Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 5 ActiveDown Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 – Flat
  • ButtonStyle 5 Inactive Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 – Flat
  • BorderStyle Simple – NoInset Flat
  • ButtonStyle All – UseTitleStyle
  • BorderStyle – HiddenHandles NoInset
  • TitleStyle InActive ( Colorset 4 – Flat )
    Active ( Colorset 3 – Flat )



Window Styles


Style “" UseDecor MyDecor
Style "
” Font “xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:minspace=False:antialias=True”
Style “" BorderWidth 1, HandleWidth 1
Style "
” MWMBorder, FirmBorder
Style “" Colorset 4
Style "
” HilightColorset 3
Style “" BorderColorset 5
Style "
” HilightBorderColorset 4





DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent: *
*FvwmIdent: Colorset 8
*FvwmIdent: Font “xft:Sans::size=8:antialias=True”



My puñetero FvwvButtons panel

icons: eXperienceCrystal

from www.gnome.org

As you can see I use many apps

per icon, depending on the mouse

button that you click.


DestroyModuleConfig LaunchTime: *

Style “LaunchTime” NoTitle, Sticky, !Borders, !Iconifiable, FixedSize,
FixedPosition,WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop, CirculateSkip, !Handles,
NeverFocus, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0

*LaunchTime: Frame 0 ## When i’m working i change this to ‘1’
## so i can see the divisions
*LaunchTime: Colorset 6
*LaunchTime: Rows 1
*LaunchTime: Columns 24
*LaunchTime: Font “xft:Sans:Bold:size=8”

Root menu, tasklist & windowOps

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/tux.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Popup “FvwmRootMenu” Root 1 2 SelectOnRelease’,
Action(Mouse 2) ‘WindowList Root 1 2 SelectOnRelease’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Popup “FvwmWindowOpsMenu” Root 1 2 SelectOnRelease’)


*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/krfb.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec xterm’,
Action(Mouse 2) Exec gmrun -geometry=$32x200+0+$[fvwm_top_width],
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec aterm’)

Many more progs

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/mozillacrystal.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec firefox’,
Action(Mouse 2) ‘Exec aterm +sb -e links2’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec thunderbird’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/noatun.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec xmms’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec gmplayer’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/gedit-icon.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec gvim’,
Action(Mouse 2) ‘Exec xedit’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec nedit’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1, Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/gimp.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec gimp-2.0’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec gqview’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/gnome-games.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec epsxe’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/openoffice.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec xooffice’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/k3b.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec k3b’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/yast_PhoneTTOffhook.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec gnome-ppp’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/gnome-settings.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec kcontrol’,
Action(Mouse 2) ‘Exec xscreensaver-demo’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec gtk-chtheme’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/yast_DVD.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec dvdrip’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec grip’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/acroread.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec acroread’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1,
Icon /usr/share/icons/eXperienceCrystal/32x32/apps/file-manager.png,
Action(Mouse 1) ‘Exec krusader’,
Action(Mouse 2) ‘Exec gksu porthole’,
Action(Mouse 3) ‘Exec evidence’)

*LaunchTime: (1x1)

*LaunchTime: (1x1)

*LaunchTime: (1x1)

*LaunchTime: (1x1)

*LaunchTime: (1x1)

*LaunchTime: (1x1)

*LaunchTime: (1x1)

*LaunchTime: (4x1, Swallow ‘FvwmPager’ ‘Module FvwmPager’)

Module FvwmButtons -g 936x$[fvwm_top_width]+0+0 LaunchTime


My puñetero fvwmbuttons side panel

that only holds a gkrellm2 instance


DestroyModuleConfig LaunchTime2: *

Style “LaunchTime2” NoTitle, Sticky, !Borders, !Iconifiable, FixedSize,
FixedPosition,WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop, CirculateSkip, !Handles,
NeverFocus, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0

*LaunchTime2: Frame 0
*LaunchTime2: Colorset 6
*LaunchTime2: Rows 1
*LaunchTime2: Columns 1
*LaunchTime2: Font “xft:Sans:Bold:size=8”

*LaunchTime2: (1x1, Swallow ‘gkrellm2’ ‘Exec gkrellm2’)

Module FvwmButtons -g $[fvwm_side_height]x768-0+0 LaunchTime2[/code]

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/functions/startup-functions[/color]


Startup Functions

DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction

  • I Module FvwmButtons

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction

  • I Exec exec xscreensaver
  • I Exec exec fvwm-root -r $[fvwm_wallpapers]/background.png

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction

  • I Nop[/code]

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/functions/basic-functions[/color]


Basic Functions


I # Immediate

M # Motion

C # Click

H # Hold

D # Doubleclick


Closes or kill the window

DestroyFunc FvwmDeleteOrDestroy
AddToFunc FvwmDeleteOrDestroy

  • H Nop
  • M Nop
  • C Delete
  • D Destroy

Shades or unshades window

DestroyFunc FvwmWindowShade
AddToFunc FvwmWindowShade

  • H Nop
  • M Nop
  • C WindowShade $0
  • D WindowShade $0

Maximizes window

DestroyFunc FvwmMaximize
AddToFunc FvwmMaximize

  • H Nop
  • M Move
  • C Maximize $0 $1
  • D Maximize $0 $1

Moves window or icon

DestroyFunc FvwmMove
AddToFunc FvwmMove

  • H Nop
  • M Move
  • C Nop
  • D Nop

Minimizes to thumbnail

DestroyFunc FvwmMinimize
AddToFunc FvwmMinimize

  • H Nop
  • M Nop
  • C Thumbnail
  • D WindowShade

Actions to take with click1 over icons

single click restores window

double click maximizes window

DestroyFunc IconClick1
AddToFunc IconClick1

  • C DeThumbnail
  • D DeThumbnail
  • D Maximize 100 100
  • M Move

Actions to take with click2 over icons

single click closes window

double click kills window

DestroyFunc IconClick2
AddToFunc IconClick2

  • H Nop
  • M Nop
  • C Delete
  • D Destroy[/code]



Program Launching Functions


Most of these are actually useless

DestroyFunc Fvwm_pypanel
AddToFunc Fvwm_pypanel

  • I Exec exec pypanel

DestroyFunc Fvwm_k3b
AddToFunc Fvwm_k3b

  • I Exec exec k3b

DestroyFunc Fvwm_thunderbird
AddToFunc Fvwm_thunderbird

  • I Exec exec thunderbird

DestroyFunc FvwmXTerm
AddToFunc FvwmXTerm

  • I Exec exec xterm

DestroyFunc FvwmATerm
AddToFunc FvwmATerm

  • I Exec exec aterm

DestroyFunc FvwmGVim
AddToFunc FvwmGVim

  • I Exec exec gvim

DestroyFunc FvwmGimp
AddToFunc FvwmGimp

  • I Exec exec gimp-2.0

DestroyFunc FvwmFireFox
AddToFunc FvwmFireFox

  • I Exec exec firefox

DestroyFunc FvwmXmms
AddToFunc FvwmXmms

  • I Exec exec xmms

DestroyFunc FvwmViewManPage
AddToFunc FvwmViewManPage

  • I Exec exec xterm -fg White -bg DarkBlue -g 80x40 -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold
    -n “Manual Page - $0” -T “Manual Page - $0” -e man “$0”[/code]

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/functions/thumb-functions[/color]

[code]DestroyFunc Thumbnail
AddToFunc Thumbnail

  • I Raise
  • I ThisWindow (!Iconic) SetEnv Icon-$[w.id] $[w.iconfile]
  • I SetEnv Layer-$[w.id] $[w.layer]
  • I ThisWindow (Iconifiable, !Iconic) PipeRead
    “xwd -silent -id $[w.id] | convert -scale 128 -frame 1x1
    -mattecolor black -quality 0 xwd:- png:$[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
    && echo WindowStyle IconOverride, Icon $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
    || echo Nop”
  • I TestRc (Match) Test (f $[w.miniiconfile], f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png) PipeRead
    “composite -geometry +2+4 $[w.miniiconfile] $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
    $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png; echo Nop”
  • I Iconify
  • I ThisWindow (Iconic) Layer 0 0

DestroyFunc DeThumbnail
AddToFunc DeThumbnail

  • I PipeRead “echo Test \(i \$\[Icon-$[w.id]\]\) WindowStyle Icon \$\[Icon-$[w.id]\]”
  • I PipeRead “echo Layer 0 \$\[Layer-$[w.id]\]”
  • I TestRc (NoMatch) WindowStyle NoIconOverride, Icon
  • I Exec rm -f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[w.id].png
  • I All (Iconic, CurrentPage) PlaceAgain icon
  • I UnsetEnv Icon-$[w.id]
  • I UnsetEnv Layer-$[w.id]
  • I Iconify[/code]

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/menus/root-menu[/color]




DestroyMenu FvwmRootMenu
AddToMenu FvwmRootMenu “Root Menu” Title

  • “Programas%mini.ray.xpm%” Popup FvwmProgramsMenu
  • “ATerm%mini.term.xpm%” FvwmATerm
  • “Terminal FVWM%mini.term2.xpm%” Module FvwmConsole
  • “” Nop
  • “Ayuda%mini.question.xpm%” Popup FvwmManPagesMenu
  • “Reiniciar FVWM%mini.turn.xpm%” Restart
  • “Salir de FVWM%mini.cross.xpm%” Quit[/code]

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/menus/programs-menu[/color]


Programs Submenu


DestroyMenu FvwmProgramsMenu
AddToMenu FvwmProgramsMenu “Programs” Title

  • “GVim%menu/vim.png%” FvwmGVim
  • “Gimp%menu/gimp.png%” FvwmGimp
  • “FireFox%menu/firefox.png%” FvwmFireFox
  • “Irssi%menu/irc.png%” FvwmIrssi
  • “Xmms%menu/xmms.png%” FvwmXmms
  • “XRoach-Invasion%menu/xroach.png%” XRoachInvasion
  • “XRoach-Exterminate%menu/xroach.png%” XRoachExterminate[/code]

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/menus/fvwm-help-menu[/color]


FVWM Help Menu


DestroyMenu FvwmManPagesMenu
AddToMenu FvwmManPagesMenu “FVWM Man Pages” Title

  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm” FvwmViewManPage fvwm
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmAnimate” FvwmViewManPage FvwmAnimate
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmAuto” FvwmViewManPage FvwmAuto
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmBacker” FvwmViewManPage FvwmBacker
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmBanner” FvwmViewManPage FvwmBanner
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmButtons” FvwmViewManPage FvwmButtons
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmCommand” FvwmViewManPage FvwmCommand
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmConsole” FvwmViewManPage FvwmConsole
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmConsoleC.pl” FvwmViewManPage FvwmConsoleC.pl
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmCpp” FvwmViewManPage FvwmCpp
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmDebug” FvwmViewManPage FvwmDebug
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmDragWell” FvwmViewManPage FvwmDragWell
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmEvent” FvwmViewManPage FvwmEvent
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmForm” FvwmViewManPage FvwmForm
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmGtk” FvwmViewManPage FvwmGtk
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmGtkDebug” FvwmViewManPage FvwmGtkDebug
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmIconBox” FvwmViewManPage FvwmIconBox
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmIconMan” FvwmViewManPage FvwmIconMan
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmIdent” FvwmViewManPage FvwmIdent
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmM4” FvwmViewManPage FvwmM4
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmPager” FvwmViewManPage FvwmPager
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmPerl” FvwmViewManPage FvwmPerl
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmProxy” FvwmViewManPage FvwmProxy
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmRearrange” FvwmViewManPage FvwmRearrange
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmSave” FvwmViewManPage FvwmSave
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmSaveDesk” FvwmViewManPage FvwmSaveDesk
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmScript” FvwmViewManPage FvwmScript
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmScroll” FvwmViewManPage FvwmScroll
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmTaskBar” FvwmViewManPage FvwmTaskBar
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmTheme” FvwmViewManPage FvwmTheme
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmWharf” FvwmViewManPage FvwmWharf
  • “%menu/help.png%FvwmWinList” FvwmViewManPage FvwmWinList
  • “%menu/help.png%Fvwm/” FvwmViewManPage FvwmWindowMenu
  • “” Nop
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-config” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-config
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-perllib” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-perllib
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-root” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-root
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-bug” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-bug
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-convert-2.2” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-convert-2.2
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-convert-2.4” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-convert-2.4
  • “” Nop
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-menu-desktop” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-desktop
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-menu-directory” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-directory
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-menu-headlines” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-headlines
  • “%menu/help.png%fvwm-menu-xlock” FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-xlock[/code]

[color=red]Contents of ~/.fvwm/menus/fvwm-windowops-menu[/color]


fvwm Window Operation Menu


DestroyMenu FvwmWindowOpsMenu
AddToMenu FvwmWindowOpsMenu “Window Operations” Title

  • “Move%menu/window-move.xpm%” Move
  • “Resize%menu/window-resize.xpm%” Resize
  • “(De)Iconify%menu/window-iconify.xpm%” Iconify
  • “(Un)Maximize%menu/window-maximize.xpm%” Maximize
  • “(Un)Shade%menu/window-shade.xpm%” WindowShade
  • “(Un)Stick%menu/window-stick.xpm%” Stick
  • “” Nop
  • “Close%menu/window-close.xpm%” Close
  • “Delete%menu/window-delete.xpm%” Delete
  • “Destroy%menu/window-destroy.xpm%” Destroy
  • “” Nop
  • “StaysOnTop%menu/window-raise.xpm%” Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
  • “Layer +1%menu/window-raise.xpm%” Pick (CirculateHit) Layer +1
  • “StaysPut%menu/window.xpm%” Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
  • “Layer -1%menu/window-lower.xpm%” Pick (CirculateHit) Layer -1
  • “StaysOnBottom%menu/window-lower.xpm%” Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
  • “” Nop
  • “%menu/window.xpm%Window Screenshot” Pick (CirculateHit) FvwmWindowScreenshot
  • “%menu/display.xpm%Screenshot” FvwmDesktopScreenshot 5
  • “” Nop
  • “Identify%menu/window-identify.xpm%” Module FvwmIdent[/code]

To say that i have so much files because that’s my form to learn (modularize). Sugestions wellcome, of course.
And the screen: http://img106.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img106&image=gkrellshoot0126050350245tb.jpg

Your FvwmButtons’s LaunchTime could be animated with ActiveIcon. It’s really trendy! :wink:

Hi, 6thpink, Thank you for your fvwm configuration file.

I copied them to my .fvwm. But it didn’t work as I imaged.

Here’s the first problems:

  1. There’s no transparency effect. All fvwmbutton(top one and right one) shows grey. Nothing on it. What may cause it?

Cos I’m new with fvwm config, Thank you for your patient. I’m struggle with it right now.

PS: I’ve seen one of your screenshot, It’s fabulous. IT’s the grey left bar with black bottom bar, and black theme. It’s really amazing.

I got the reason. I didn’t patch the transparent patch.

Here’s another problem:

I got some icons from fvwm-crystal. It contain 22x22 32x32 48x48 sizes icons, how can I add it to fvwm? just add it’s path? the directory structure is below:


If I mere add it as this, then how to use different size of icon? Would please give me one simple example? Thanks a lot.

I’m confused now. I’m using fvwm-2.5.21 in ubuntu. but the patch is for 2.5.8.

And I downloaded a fvwm-2.5.24 package. Is there any necessary to patch for translucent?

Well, this is really really old stuff. I posted this on Jan 2005, three years ago, wow.

Are you using a wallpaper? If you don’t have one then everything will be grey just like the background for X. Or maybe your wallpaper is too uniform, and you don’t notice the transparence. Try locating the Colorsets for those fvwmbuttons on the config and changing the colours and the tint value.

It’s been 3 years since I made this stuff, but it should work nonetheless.

Mmmmm, don’t know what do you mean. There is a translucency patch, but it is only menu related stuff. Tinting in fvwmbuttons should work without any patch.

Fvwm will search for icons on any dir that is on your ImagePath. Look the fvwm man page to know what ImagePath is.

I am not sure what do you mean. Icon in png or xpm format have a proper size, and you can’t change it. If you are using the latest fvwm, you can use svg icons as well. Svg icons are resizable. All the details are in the man page, but a simple example would be:

Instead of image.png or whatever in the correct place (menu item declaration, fvwmbuttons icons…).

As said above, you don’t need anything special for panels on any recent version. You still need a patch for translucent menus. But the old patches do not work with recent versions. Visit my site, there are some fvwm files around there:


In the latest patchsets you should find the translucency patch for newer fvwm versions. But, again: this is just for menus. You don’t need anything for panels.

[n6tadam@workstation ~]% fvwm-config -I   

(So many people forget fvwm-config exists.)

– Thomas Adam

To tell the truth, I did not forget it because, in first place, I never knew it existed :laughing:

Hi,6thpink, Thank you for your patient reply. I’ve been studied on these config files–which structure are great–for hours. Many problems were gone. I got some ideas about how fvwm works, the difference between transparent and translucency.

Now, I’m using translucency menu now. I’ve downloaded and install a patched fvwm, it works fine. The next step is make it eye-candy.

I can not visit your website. I dont know the reason. Do you have other site?

thanks again

No idea. I just asked someone else to try it remotely and it seems to work. I can acess it from the intranet using local names and internet ones… Maybe it is just some DNS issue, some server in the middle must be acting weirdly. You can try later and see if it works.

I got that bored I decided to try for myself. It’s dead.

[n6tadam@workstation ~]% ping jesgue.homelinux.org
PING jesgue.homelinux.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- jesgue.homelinux.org ping statistics ---
115 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 114040ms

– Thomas Adam

Well, that is normal, since my firewall will block pings.

I am completely sure the web is accessible since other people from a completely different network on my country can view it normally.


It’s intermittent here – the routing to it is utterly buggered for some server in Spain it seems. It’s also incredibly slow to reach. Nevermind though.

– Thomas Adam

I finally got yours through tor. :slight_smile: It’s really good.

Hi,6thpink,I’m using your config now, It’s really amazing and I love it.thanks a lot.

Here’s some problems:

1.wine emule doesn’t run, I’ve install wine and emule well and the path is right. I can run it under command line from xterm(terminals).

I guess maybe some error exists in follow instructions.

Test (r "$[HOME]/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/eMule/emule.exe") + "eMule%mldonkey.svg:$[icon_size]%" parse_menu "p2p" "wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/eMule/emule.exe"
2.Icon size problem , each time I restart fvwm, the icon becomes huge,maybe 64x64 or larger, but other setting eg:language selection are working.

AS long as the paths are ok it should run. This config is very old and the panel stuff was way too complex for me to look at it right now. If it doesn’t run, look at the logs and examine the value of the variables, I don’t have that config at hand right know and can’t be any more concrete right now. Probably the problem is in some quotation.

If you took the config from my repositories at jesgue.homelinux.org, make sure you picked the latest version of that config… Even then, there is absolutely no guarantee that it will be bug free. This is old stuff and it is long since I stopped maintaining it.

Icons for…? panels, menus or what?

Maybe it is some problem with the icon_size variable. Track the config files and make sure that that var is initialized before it is used, and that the value is correct. I think that its value was stored into a file somewhere in a subdirectory under ~/.fvwm/, the name of the file should be icon_size or something like that, but I don’t really remember about this stuff anymore.

Menu Icons problem, I’ve solved it.

I’m becoming familiar with these config files even there still many pazzles, it’s really amazing.

I tried your newest ng versatile one, But I supposed that it’s not mature enough to the last one(black theme) which is my favor, it’s really cool. There are some new features of new ng got my attention, I’ll keep eye on it.

Last, thank you for your endless efforts to provide us such fvwm arts.

I don’t know if you are still active, but I want to thank you for this config. I think I would have given up on fvwm without it.


We appreciate you your fvwm configuration file.

I copied the crooks to my .fvwm. But it really didn’t are I imaged.

Here’s the primary problems:

  1. There is not any transparency effect. All fvwmbutton(top one and right one) shows grey. Nothing thereon. What might cause it?

Cos I’m new with fvwm config, I appreciate you for your patient. I’m battle with it at this time.

PS: I have seen one of the screenshot, It’s fabulous. It is the grey left bar with black bottom bar, and black theme. This is amazing.