Add FvwmButtons to Swallow application, and closing the app

I have Swallow an application (script) in one FvwmButton, same as stalonetray in RightPanel. Works fine but how to add FvwmButtons above and below (see image with red lines).


When adding new buttons e.g. *ToDFrame: (4x1) it adds to the left or right side of the Swallow button. Not above and below.

When closing the FvwmButton, KillModule FvwmButtons ToDFrame does the job but does not close the app, requiring an additional click to Destroy.

How to add vertical FvwmButtons and destroy applications?

My config…

SetEnv EXTRA_DIR $[HOME]/.fvwm/extraEXT

DestroyFunc CloseToDo
AddToFunc CloseToDo
+ I KillModule FvwmButtons ToDFrame
+ I Destroy

Module FvwmButtons ToDFrame

DestroyModuleConfig ToDFrame: *
*ToDFrame: Geometry 500x300-100+60
*ToDFrame: Back #83abaa
*ToDFrame: PressColorset 4
*ToDFrame: Rows 1
*ToDFrame: Font "xft:Sans:size=12:antialias=True"
*ToDFrame: Padding 2 2
*ToDFrame: (40x1, Title "OK", Frame 0, Action(Mouse 1) CloseToDo )
*ToDFrame: (4x1, Back #8c8c8c, Frame 0)

*ToDFrame: (500x1, Back #8c8c8c, Swallow(NoClose,UseOld) \
     Todour 'Exec exec $[EXTRA_DIR]/MODULES/ToDoList/Todour/Todour', Frame 1)

*ToDFrame: (4x3, Back #8c8c8c, Frame 0)

Style ToDFrame !Borders, !Title, WindowListSkip, !Sticky

The answer is a container e.g. *ToDFrame: (1x1, Container (Rows 3, Columns 1)), but cannot find good examples of how the x and y work. Also, not sure if container allows assigning of different heights of rows and the width of columns.
As it is now, is quite ok.

Any solution on how to close the FvwmButton and application with one mouse click? Currently, the function requires to click twice.

DestroyFunc CloseToDo
AddToFunc CloseToDo
+ I KillModule FvwmButtons ToDFrame
+ I Destroy