Announcement: NsCDE 2.3

After some 11 months, Not so Common Desktop Environment (NsCDE) 2.3 is finally released.
In this release, there are as usual many fixes and improvements, as well as some new features.
Below is the list of most important works done for this new release.

- Font and Color Style Manager: reload new themes without FVWM restart
- Qt6 integration support
- Optional Picom X Compositor internal support
- Thunderbird 102+ CSS theme integration support
- Firefox up to 113+ CSS theme integration support
- Font and Color Style Manager reshape, add integrations as separate dialog
- (De)Iconify X11 freeze glitch fvwm workaround
- Front Panel initial placement fix instead of workaround
- Fix GWM FvwmScript segfault on exit
- More missing icons in XDG icon theme
- Handle gsettings org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme
- Xscreensaver 6.X support
- Add detailed X resources for xcalc and some old Athena based apps
- Tuning X resources for more old apps
- Font and Color Style Manager: remember widget integration options
- GTK3 theme fixes: treat nasty header bar as toolbar
- Initial setup: add detailed integration questions, Qt6 support
- Front Panel clock: triangle hour and minute hands to match original
- GWMPager as popup on workspace change in no-page mode
- Fixed some easy-to-make keyboard shortcuts accidental calls
- Firefox and Thunderbird user.js additions for nice initial look & feel
- Thunderbird HTML compose window toolbar fix
- Docs update, many portability fixes, misc fixes, some typo fixes
- Portability and test phase fixes
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Thanks, good to know. I will take a look.