Any idea to display the workspace number at changes?


Like metacity, it displays in the middle of the screen, which an adjacent workspace number it is.

[code]DestroyFunc Move-or-Iconify
AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify

  • I Focus
  • I Raise
  • M Move[/code]

Has someone already thought about this / made such thing ?
Happy Tux !

DestroyFunc ShowString
AddToFunc   ShowString
+ I Exec echo '$*' | osd_cat -A center -p middle -f '*lucida*-20-*' -s 5 -d 1

DestroyFunc ExpandAndShowString
AddToFunc   ExpandAndShowString
+ I PipeRead `echo ShowString '$*'`

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent-Flash: *
*FvwmEvent-Flash: Delay 1
*FvwmEvent-Flash: Cmd ExpandAndShowString
*FvwmEvent-Flash: new_desk $$$$[$$[desk.n]]
*FvwmEvent-Flash: new_page "Page: $$[page.nx] $$[page.ny]"

AddToFunc StartFunction I Test (init) FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-Flash

Adapt to suit.

– Thomas Adam

Very great ! Only very few changes ! But I am wondering if I restart the fvwm, then it doesnot work anymore.

With xcompmgr -c, it does not give to much great result : long band of shadow (but it’s okay, fairly !)

THANK you !

DestroyFunc ShowString
AddToFunc   ShowString
+ I Exec echo '$*' | osd_cat -A center -p middle -f '*lucida*-20-*' -s 5 -d 1

DestroyFunc ExpandAndShowString
AddToFunc   ExpandAndShowString
+ I PipeRead `echo ShowString '$*'`

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent-Flash: *
#*FvwmEvent-Flash: Delay 1
*FvwmEvent-Flash: Cmd ExpandAndShowString
#*FvwmEvent-Flash: new_desk $$$$[DesktopName$$[desk.n]]
*FvwmEvent-Flash: new_desk $$$$[$$[desk.n]]
*FvwmEvent-Flash: new_page "Page: $$[page.nx] $$[page.ny]"

I put :

  • I Test (init) FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-Flash
    in my start function above in my config.

It probably won’t work with xcompmgr, and if it doesn’t – tough. It’s a bug in xcompmgr if so.

– Thomas Adam

I had to remove it … I dont know why but for some reasons, after using long hte X , it hangs when workspace changing / swithcing ;… :frowning: I mean slow of 4 sec of waiting , nothing can be clicked (get focus) with the mouse

I’d go with FvwmButtons or FvwmScript if I wanted to do this.

I don’t know how good or bad it would be, but it should work. Something in the lines of:

DestroyModuleConfig FE:*
*FE: new_page kkk

DestroyFunc kkk
AddToFunc kkk
+ I DestroyModuleConfig foofunc: *
+ I *foofunc: Geometry 300x100+111+111
+ I *foofunc: (Title 'Page: $[page.nx],$[page.ny]', Action (Mouse 1) Nop)
+ I Module FvwmButtons foofunc
+ I Wait foofunc
+ I Schedule 500 All (foofunc) Close

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent FE

Untested, it should work though. That’s the basic idea with FvwmButtons.

It’s indeed working very well, very fast.
While +M Moving windows to other workspace, it shows up afterwards (releasing the mouse)…
(bit ugly for the moment)

Here is my code (above is the startfunction):


DestroyModuleConfig FE:*
*FE: new_page kkk

DestroyFunc kkk
AddToFunc kkk

  • I DestroyModuleConfig foofunc: *
  • I *foofunc: Geometry 150x50+500+300
  • I *foofunc: (Title ‘Page: $[page.nx],$[page.ny]’, Action (Mouse 1) Nop)
  • I Module FvwmButtons foofunc
  • I Wait foofunc
  • I Schedule 500 All (foofunc) Close

Style foofunc BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0, NoTitle[/code]

It works

I was opening a new topic asking a similar question as this “how does a page number appear at change”. Instead of making a new one, sorry for bumping a 15-year-old, but this gave the solution.

6thpink’s code works well. What I cannot figure out is how the FvwmButton foofunc with the display of page number appears, when the page changes. Hopefully automatically instead of a mouse or key binding.