Apps ignoring keybindings

From time to time, some of my applications (especially aterm) ignores my window related keybindings (maximize, iconify, move etc.). Alt-tab window switching and all other bindings works fine.

I it hard to find any pattern, but it seems that it “infects” other windows. If an aterm begins to ignore the keybindings, and I start a new aterm up, the new aterm works fine until I focus the old aterm and then focus back again.

Does anybody have a clue what this is?

Sounds really weird. What Style options do you have for aterm? Can you post your config? What were you doing with your aterm when it happened? Did you restart fvwm in between? Do you get anything into .xsession-errors (if you use ie. xdm)? What version of fvwm are you running? What version of aterm? With what configuration options?

What Style options do you have for aterm?
Nothing specific for aterm. See the config.

Can you post your config?

What were you doing with your aterm when it happened?
It can happen at any time. When I have just started, when in vim etc.

Did you restart fvwm in between?

Do you get anything into .xsession-errors (if you use ie. xdm)?
I don’t think so, but I am not sure, as I can’t reproduce it right now. But it will come back…

What version of fvwm are you running?
fvwm 2.5.12 compiled on Mar 25 2005 at 17:30:26
with support for: ReadLine, XPM, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM, XRender, XFT, NLS

What version of aterm? With what configuration options?
aterm version 0.4.2 from 06 September 01
(background image,XPM,utmp,menubar,transparency,fading,NeXT scrollbar,XGetDefaults)

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

This is a known problem. It also happens with Xterm sometimes – I think it’s a facet of a particular focus policy, but don’t quote me on that. I did look into it once a few months ago.

– Thomas Adam