Auto shade/unshade window

Is there a way to auto unshade a window with mouse over and reshade when focus is lost like e16 could do and if so how?

You can do it on two ways:

  1. With FvwmEvent. I’ve done this with the icon manager in Fvwm-Nightshade. You need two, eventually four event handler coupled with some functions]#-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Event Handler. Aktivated in the StartFunction with

+ I Module FvwmEvent FvwmEventShowHide

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEventShowHide: *
*FvwmEventShowHide: enter_window FESH-EnterWindow
*FvwmEventShowHide: leave_window FESH-LeaveWindow[/code]Eventually four because you could need WINDOWSHADE and DEWINDOWSHADE, too. More possible events you find here.

  1. With an own FvwmModule. There exists an example to auto raise windows.

Hope this helps.

– Thomas –