Calling tvbrowser from fvwmbuttons with a scale factor doesn't work - works when done from a xterm

One my laptop tvbrowser menu fonts are too small.

Therefore in fvmbuttons I have:
Exec tvbrowser --force-device-scale-factor=0.88
This doesn’t affect the font sizes. (I may have set any influencing environment variables in fvwm3’s config file.)

If I do the same from a xterm, fonts are increased as intendet.

What am I missing?

Thank you

I would debug this using FvwmConsole/FvwmCommand/FvwmPrompt. But note it is often suggested to use Exec exec tvbrowser --force-device-scale-factor=0.88, the first Exec tells fvwm to run the command the second exec is a shell command to launch a new shell.

The reason to debug using FvwmConsole/FvwmCommand/FvwmPrompt is this allows you to send commands to fvwm directly to test things.

Unfortunately ‘Exec exec tvbrowser …0.88’ doesn’ t solve the problem.

How could I debug the problem using FvwmCommand ?
‘FvwmCommand Exec tvbrowser …0.88’ leaves font sizes unchanged.

Then it might be an issue with the environment (I don’t have this application so I cannot test it), but when you launch an xterm and load a new shell, you may have ~/.bashrc read or similar for other shells) that isn’t parsed with your login shell. So the shell and environment fvwm is using may not be the same as your terminal. This means that you might be missing some environment variables that are being taken into consideration.

I’ve made a big mistake. The command line option “–force-device-scale-factor” is reported unknown (not instantly, but after some other java startup messages). I beg your pardon.

Nevertheless the menu font sizes of tvbrowser are different when started by fvwmbuttons or from a terminal.

So the problem seems to be, how to make all the fonts which are available in the terminal accessible to fvwm3.