changes in 2.6.18? pixmap and PlacementPenalties

I am very puzzled.
I realized my 2.5.18 on debian etch is complainig about this:

[FVWM][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn’t load image from /usr/local/games/enemy-territory//ET.xpm
[FVWM][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn’t load image from /usr/local/games/ut2004demo/ut2004demo.xpm
[FVWM][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn’t load image from /usr/local/games/wolfenstein/WolfSP.xpm

The WolfSP.xpm was complained, I deleted enemy-territory and ut2004 because they were not functional insallations years ago. Now /usr/local/games doesn’t exist at all.

Does fvwm cache this stuff somewhere?

# Set Environment variables
SetEnv fvwm_home $[HOME]/.fvwm
SetEnv fvwm_png $[fvwm_home]/png

# Set the image path
ImagePath $[fvwm_png]:$[fvwm_png];.png:+

Thats it. I have no links or something like that in my .fvwm directory.

Why is fvwm trying to open these files? “fvwm-config --info” tells “Default ImagePath: /usr/include/X11/bitmaps:/usr/include/X11/pixmaps”

Also I get:
[FVWM][style_parse_and_set_window_style]: <> Unconsumed argument in MinOverlapPercentPlacementPenalties 2 5 1 2 0.5 50: 0.5 50

Which worked for ages since I realized it today while fiddling with my config.

For reference my complete ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc is at

Regards, Konsti

Okay, here on debian “/etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook” is read.
Actually I am fiddling out how
to get rid of this, make it consistent or delete the file.

Ok… these fucking games put themselve desktop files into
I hate programs installing by hand putting anything NOT into /usr/local!

Now the “Unconsumed argument in MinOverlapPercentPlacementPenalties 2 5 1 2 0.5 50: 0.5 50” is left.
Can I blame 2.5.18 for that?

Yes, it means you’ve specified too many arguments.

– Thomas Adam

But this worked in 2.5.16, can this be?
Every config I find in the internet calls this function with 6 parameters.

6 parameters are for MinOverlapPlacementPenalties. MinOverlapPercentPlacementPenalties take at most 4 parameters.
The warning for unused parameters to style option is new in 2.5.17.

Okay, then I understand.
I stole it once from, this config is all over the internet and has (commented out) 6 parameters. I copied it without knowing what I did :slight_smile: …long time ago. Now I need to understand the manpage.

Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacement
Style * MinOverlapPlacementPenalties 1 0.01 0.01 0.50 0.01 0.01
Style * MinOverlapPercentPlacementPenalties 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.01

Unconsumed argument in MinOverlapPercentPlacementPenalties 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.01: 0.06 0.03 0.01
