Disabling WindowList Icons

Hi all,

this is my first post here. I did a lot of theme and basic configurations in fvwm. One thing I do not solve is regarding WindowList.
So here is my basic question: How do I remove/disable icons in WindowList?

Here is my config file:

#                                                                             #
# Menus                                                                       #
#                                                                             #

AddToMenu RootMenu "Root Menu" Title
+ "&Terminal"         Exec exec xterm
+ "&Clock"            Exec exec xclock
+ ""                  Nop
+ "&Window Ops"       Popup Window-Ops
+ "&X11 Session"      Popup X11-Session

AddToMenu Window-Ops
+ "&Move"             Move
+ "&Resize"           Resize
+ "&Stick"            Stick
+ ""                  Nop
+ "&Close"            Close
+ "&Destroy"          Destroy

AddToMenu X11-Session
+ "Re&fresh Screen"   Refresh
+ "&Restart WM"       Restart
+ ""                  Nop
+ "Exit to xterm"     Restart xterm
+ "Exit WM"           Quit

#                                                                             #
# Keyboard & Mouse Bindings                                                   #
#                                                                             #

# Ignore the "Numlock" key so it does not interfere with keyboard shortcuts
IgnoreModifiers L2

# Ctrl+Alt virtual desktop navigation
Key Up A CM           Scroll -100000 0
Key Down A CM         Scroll  100000 0
Key Page_Up A CM      Scroll -100000 0
Key Page_Down A CM    Scroll  100000 0

# Ctrl+Alt program shortcuts
Key C A CM            Exec exec xclock
Key K A CM            Close
Key M A CM            Menu RootMenu Nop
Key R A CM            Restart
Key T A CM            Exec exec x-terminal-emulator || xterm

# Simple default mouse bindings for the root window:
Mouse 1	R A           Menu RootMenu Nop
Mouse 2	R A           Menu Window-Ops Nop
Mouse 3	R A           WindowList

# ... and for the title bar buttons:
Mouse 0	1 A           Menu Window-Ops Close
Mouse 0	2 A           Maximize
Mouse 0	4 A           Iconify

# ... and other parts of the windows / borders / icons:
Mouse 1	FS A          Resize-or-Raise
Mouse 1	T A           Move-or-Raise
Mouse 1	I A           Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 2	I A           Iconify
Mouse 2	FST A         Menu Window-Ops Nop
Mouse 3	TSIF A        RaiseLower

#                                                                             #
# Init & Restart Functions                                                    #
#                                                                             #

DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmCommandS
+ I Module FvwmPager 
+ I Read mystyle quiet
+ I TestRc (-1) Read $./mystyle quiet
+ I TestRc (-1) Exec exec xsetroot -solid \#202020

# my addon ;)
+ I Module FvwmButtons LaunchTime

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc SessionInitFunction
AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc SessionRestartFunction
AddToFunc SessionRestartFunction
+ I Nop

#                                                                             #
# Custom Functions                                                            #
#                                                                             #

DestroyFunc Move-or-Raise
AddToFunc Move-or-Raise
+ I Raise
+ M Move

DestroyFunc Move-or-Iconify
AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify
+ I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Iconify

DestroyFunc Resize-or-Raise
AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise
+ I Raise
+ M Resize

#                                                                             #
# Global Behavior Commands                                                    #
#                                                                             #

ClickTime 750
DeskTopSize 2x2
EdgeResistance 250
EdgeScroll 0 0

#                                                                             #
# Basic Style Settings                                                        #
#                                                                             #

DefaultColors \#000000 \#c0c0c0
DefaultFont xft:Sans:Normal:size=8:antialias=True
Emulate Mwm
MenuStyle * Background \#c0c0c0
MenuStyle * Foreground \#000000
MenuStyle * Mwm
Style * BackColor \#c0c0c0
Style * BorderWidth 6
Style * HoverToFocus
Style * DecorateTransient
Style * EdgeMoveDelay 250
Style * EdgeMoveResistance 10
Style * Font xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True
Style * ForeColor \#606060
Style * FPLenient
Style * HandleWidth 6
Style * HilightBack \#c0c0c0
Style * HilightFore \#000000
Style * HintOverride
Style * Icon /usr/share/pixmaps/fvwm/xterm.xpm
Style * IconBox 1 -300 -1 -1, IconFill Left Bottom
Style * MwmBorder
Style * MwmButtons
Style * MwmDecor
Style * MwmFunctions
Style * TileCascadePlacement
Style * !UsePPosition
Style * StippledTitle
TitleStyle Centered Height 20

Style Fvwm* BorderWidth 2
Style Fvwm* CirculateSkip
Style Fvwm* CirculateSkipIcon
Style Fvwm* Sticky
Style Fvwm* !Title
Style Fvwm* WindowListSkip

#                                                                             #
# Module: FvwmPager                                                           #
#                                                                             #

Style FvwmPager BackColor #000000
Style FvwmPager BorderWidth 1
Style FvwmPager FixedPosition
Style FvwmPager FixedSize
Style FvwmPager HandleWidth 1
Style FvwmPager HilightBack #000000
Style FvwmPager StaysOnBottom

*FvwmPager: Back #666666
*FvwmPager: Fore #444444
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonBack #ffffff
*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderColor #000000
*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth 1
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont xft:Sans:Normal:size=8:antialias=True
*FvwmPager: BalloonFore #000000
*FvwmPager: BalloonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: Geometry 100x250+0+0
*FvwmPager: Hilight #111111
*FvwmPager: SmallFont 5x8


Fvwm uses MenuStyles to define the appearance of menus. You always use a default menustyle that applies to most menus. But you can also define a specific menustyle that just applies to one particular menu. And within any menustyle definition, it is the “ItemFormat” style that defines whether the menu includes miniicons. The manpage goes into greater detail…

Looking below, the default menustyle is first copied to the “WindowList” menustyle, and then only the ItemFormat style is changed. These lines should probably be placed somewhere below the default menustyles. Hope this works okay.

DestroyMenuStyle WindowList CopyMenuStyle * WindowList MenuStyle WindowList ItemFormat "%|%20.15l%10.|" #MenuStyle WindowList ItemFormat "%|%.15l%.5i%2.3>%10.|"

Due to MenuStyle being partially destructive - just redefine the ItemFormat.