Do these modifications work on any program?

Here is a min configuration:

DesktopName 0 One
DesktopName 1 Two

Style XTerm StartsOnDesk 1

Key 1       A   C   GoToDesk 0 0
Key 2       A   C   GoToDesk 0 1
Key	Escape	A	C	Exec exec xterm

DestroyFunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc
DestroyFunc UrgencyFunc

Style XTerm !FPGrabFocus
Style XTerm !FPFocusByProgram
Style XTerm !FPFocusByFunction

Load it up, press ctrl-1 (puts you on desk 0).
Press ctrl-Escape to load xterm.
Press ctrl-1 to show xterm loaded on desk 1 and jumped to desk 1.

Do any of these functions work for anybody? Why are they including in FVMW3?!? Did the person who put them in even test them?!?

Is anybody using these successfully with FVWM3, and if so, what program do they work with?

For my info, is your question related to this page:
/Wiki /Tips /FocusStealing
?.. UrgencyFunc, !FPFocusByProgram and !FPFocusByFunction

Yes, and the reference to ‘UrgencyFunc’ and ‘EWMHActivateWindowFunc’ in the FVWM3 manual page.

My goodness, someone’s testy. Did you get out of the wrong side of bed or something?

What’s happening here is SkipMapping. I suspect you’re after: Style XTerm SkipMapping

As for testing the config - it depends where you got it from, and how much out of context the thing I’m looking at is. It certainly works as intended, yes.



This isn’t helping…

Nope, just really tired of trying to decipher the FVWM manual and trying to figure out if something has been tested or not.

I got it from my brain. And that IS the complete config. I don’t know why people think it’s PART of a config. No, it is a total config file that shows these functions don’t work. Replace your current config and see. Feel free to load whatever program you want, and see how it doesn’t work.

Where did I list SkipMapping in the above config? Did you even read what I posted?

You also forget to list the programs it works with.

I was referring to the behaviour you were describing and what I thought would be the correct Style line to add to your configuration file. If that’s incorrect, you’ll need to be more specific as to what you’re trying to do, and what is not working. As it stands, what you’ve provided does neither.

I’m sorry you’re finding configuring FVWM difficult – I know it can be, and there’s a high degree of cognitive load which is required.

I’m not unsympathetic to that.

But being combative like this doesn’t help, so unless you get yourself a personality readjustment in your next reply, I won’t be helping you.

Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.

Please top being so combative, this is a place to get help, not rant about things you think are broken.

I tested your configuration and it works just fine. If you hit Ctrl-1 or Ctrl-2 it moves you to desk 0 or 1 correctly. If you hit Ctrl-Escape it opens an xterm on Desk 1 as requested and moves you to that desk when the window is mapped.

Part of launching a new program is to map it, which makes it visible. In fvwm to make a window visible the view port has to move to the same desk and page the window is on. If you don’t want this behavior you also need to include the SkipMapping style as suggested. In that case the window will open on Desk 1 but will not map it (thus moving your view port to the same desk/page it is on).

fvwm is nearing 30 years old, and the options in fvwm are well tested. In the future ask about what your goal is, not accuse the devs of being bad and we can help try to point you to the correct configuration to do so.

To add, I know the manual page is long, but if you go to the StartsOnDesk style and read a bit more about StartsOnPage it actually states this in the manual page:

StartsOnPage in conjunction with SkipMapping is a useful technique
when you want to start an app on some other page and continue with
what you were doing, rather than waiting for it to appear.

Which gives you a key word to read further.

SkipMapping tells fvwm not to switch to the desk the window is on
when it gets mapped initially (useful with StartsOnDesk or