Firefox won't open on current screen

For some reason firefox will not open on the same screen I launch it from. Im on desktop 0 but it will only open on desktop 1. I even set the style to manualplacement and once I click the mouse where I want it, it still jumps to desktop 1. Here is my config

# Startup, Init, Restart Fuctions
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Read modules
+ I Read style quiet
+ I Read menu
+ I Read binds
+ I Module FvwmCommands
+ I Module FvwmMFL
+ I Module FvwmIconMan MyIcon
+ I Module FvwmButtons StaloneTray
+ I Exec exec xmodmap -e "keycode 9 = Escape asciitilde"
+ I Exec exec dunst 
+ I Exec exec xfce4-power-manager
+ I Test (x nm-applet) Exec exec nm-applet
+ I Exec exec $[scripts]/
+ I Exec exec picom
+ I Exec exec feh --bg-max /home/micah/Pictures/wallpapers/Dark_Nature.png

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc SessionInitFunction
AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
+ I Nop

DestroyFunc SessionRestartFunction
AddToFunc SessionRestartFunction
+ I Nop

# Setup ENV Variables
SetEnv cache $[HOME]/.fvwm/icons/cache/
SetEnv scripts $[HOME]/.fvwm/scripts
SetEnv icons $[HOME]/.fvwm/icons

# Global Behavoir Commands
DesktopName 0 Main
DesktopName 1 Extra
DeskTopSize 1x1
ClickTime 250
MoveThreshold 3
EdgeThinkness 0 # Disables Edge Scrolling
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * MiniOverLapPlacement, GrabFocusOff, !UsePPosition
OpaqueMoveSize unlimited
Style * ResizeOpaque
Style * ResizeOpaque, SnapAttraction 15 SameType ScreenAll, SnapGrid
Style * DecorateTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * !FPGrabFocusTransient, FPReleaseFocusTransient
Style * WindowShadeScrolls, WindowShadeSteps 10
IgnoreModifiers L25
Style * Lenience
Emulate Mwm
Style * NoIcon
EwmhBaseStruts 0 0 0 30

# Global Colorsets
ColorSet 0 fg #eeeeee, bg #252724
ColorSet 1 fg #252724, bg #c6da83
ColorSet 2 fg #222222, bg #F9FAF4

# Per App Config
Style FvwmIconMan NoTitle, HandleWidth 0, NeverFocus
Style FvwmPager NoTile, HandleWidth 0, NeverFocus, Icon
Style FvwmButtons HandleWidth 0, NeverFocus
Style ConfirmQuit PositionPlacement Center
Style firefox ManualPlacement

# Global Key Binds
Silent Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, NoGeometry, SelectOnRelease Meta_L, CurrentAtEnd
Key 1 A 4 GotoDesk 0 0
Key 2 A 4 GotoDesk 1 1

# App Key Binds
Silent Key Return A 4 Exec exec xfce4-terminal
Silent Key B A 4 Exec exec firefox
Silent Key F A 4 Exec exec thunar
Silent Key Space A 4 Exec exec dmenu_run
Silent Key D A 4 Exec exec discord

# Window Management Key Binds
Silent Key Q A 4 Close
Silent Key W A 4 Iconify
Silent Key R A 4 Resize
Silent Key M A 4 Maximize

# Title Bar Button Mouse Binds
# Title Bar Buttons: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
#   1 - Open the WindowOps menu.
#   2 - Close on single click, Destory on double click.
#   4 - Maximize (right/middle button will only maximize vertical/horizontal)
#   6 - Iconify (minimize)
Mouse 1 1 A Menu MenuWindowOps Delete
Mouse 1 2 A Close
Mouse 1 4 A Maximize 100 100
Mouse 3 4 A Maximize 50 100
Mouse 1 6 A Iconify

#   TitleBar: Click to Raise, Move, Double Click Shade
#             Mouse Wheel Up/Down to WindowShade On/Off
#   Borders: Click to raise, Move to Resize
#   Root Window: Left Click - Main Menu
#                Right Click - WindowOps Menu
#                Middle Click - Window List Menu
#   Right click TitleBar/Borders for WindowOps Menu
Mouse 1 T    A RaiseMoveShade
Mouse 1 FS   A RaiseMove Resize
Mouse 4 T    A WindowShade True
Mouse 5 T    A WindowShade False
Mouse 1 R    A Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Mouse 2 R    A WindowList
Mouse 1 I    A RaiseMoveX Move "Iconify off"
Mouse 3 I    A Menu MenuIconOps

# Binding Functions
DestroyFunc RaiseMoveShade
AddToFunc RaiseMoveShade
+ I Raise
+ M Move
+ D WindowShade

DestroyFunc RaiseMoveX
AddToFunc RaiseMoveX
+ I Raise
+ M $0
+ D $1

DestroyFunc RaiseMove
AddToFunc RaiseMove
+ I Raise
+ M $0

DestroyMenu MenuIconOps
AddToMenu   MenuIconOps
+ "$[gt.(De)Iconify]%icons/win/iconify.png%" Iconify
+ "$[gt.(Un)Maximize]%icons/win/max.png%"    Maximize
+ "$[gt.(Un)Shade]%icons/win/shade.png%"     WindowShade
+ "$[gt.(Un)Sticky]%icons/win/sticky.png%"   Stick
+ "$[gt.(No)TitleBar]%icons/win/title.png%"  Pick (CirculateHit) ToggleTitle
+ "$[gt.Send To]%icons/win/sendto.png%"      Popup MenuSendTo
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Close]%icons/win/close.png%"     Close
+ "$[gt.Destroy]%icons/win/destroy.png%" Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Raise]%icons/win/raise.png%" Raise
+ "$[gt.Lower]%icons/win/lower.png%" Lower
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Stays On Top]%icons/win/top.png%"       Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "$[gt.Stays Put]%icons/win/stays.png%"        Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "$[gt.Stays On Bottom]%icons/win/bottom.png%" Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Identify]%icons/info.png%" Module FvwmIdent

DestroyMenu MenuWindowOps
AddToMenu   MenuWindowOps
+ "$[gt.Move]"         Move
+ "$[gt.Resize]"       Resize
+ "$[gt.(De)Iconify]"  Iconify
+ "$[gt.(Un)Maximize]" Maximize
+ "$[gt.(Un)Shade]"    WindowShade
+ "$[gt.(Un)Stick]"    Stick
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Close]"   Close
+ "$[gt.More]..." Menu MenuWindowOpsLong This 0 0

DestroyMenu MenuWindowOpsLong
AddToMenu   MenuWindowOpsLong "$[gt.Window Ops]" Title
+ "$[gt.Move]%icons/win/move.png%"           Move
+ "$[gt.Resize]%icons/win/resize.png%"       Resize
+ "$[gt.(De)Iconify]%icons/win/iconify.png%" Iconify
+ "$[gt.(Un)Maximize]%icons/win/max.png%"    Maximize
+ "$[gt.(Un)Shade]%icons/win/shade.png%"     WindowShade
+ "$[gt.(Un)Sticky]%icons/win/sticky.png%"   Stick
+ "$[gt.(No)Title Bar]%icons/win/title.png%" Pick (CirculateHit) ToggleTitle
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Close]%icons/win/close.png%"     Close
+ "$[gt.Destroy]%icons/win/destroy.png%" Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Raise]%icons/win/raise.png%" Raise
+ "$[gt.Lower]%icons/win/lower.png%" Lower
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Stays On Top]%icons/win/top.png%"       Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "$[gt.Stays Put]%icons/win/stays.png%"        Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "$[gt.Stays On Bottom]%icons/win/bottom.png%" Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "" Nop
+ "$[gt.Identify]%icons/info.png%" Module FvwmIdent

# Menu Style
MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff, HilightBack, HilightTitleBack, SeparatorsLong
MenuStyle * TrianglesSolid, TrianglesUseFore
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%s%|%3.1i%5.3l%5l%5r%5.3>%|"
MenuStyle * Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=12:antialias=True"
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 2, ActiveColorset 1, TitleColorset 0

# Root Menu
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot "Root Menu" Title
+ "openSUSE Menu" Popup xdg_menu
+ "" Nop
#+ "$[gt.Re&fresh]%icons/refresh.png%" Refresh
+ "$[gt.&Restart]%icons/restart.png%" Restart
+ "$[gt.&Quit]%icons/quit.png%"       Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-ConfirmQuit

# Generage Xdg Menu
#PipeRead "fvwm-menu-desktop -e"
PipeRead 'xdg_menu --charset UTF-8 --format fvwm2'

# Modules
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Back #908090
*FvwmPager: Fore #484048
#*FvwmPager: Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# turn off desktop names for swallowing in above button bar example:
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: Hilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPager: Geometry -1-28
#*FvwmPager: Label 0 Misc
#*FvwmPager: Label 1 Maker
#*FvwmPager: Label 2 Mail
#*FvwmPager: Label 3 Matlab
*FvwmPager: SmallFont 5x8
*FvwmPager: Balloons            All
*FvwmPager: BalloonBack         Yellow
*FvwmPager: BalloonFore         Black
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont         lucidasanstypewriter-12
*FvwmPager: BalloonYOffset      +2
*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth  1
*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderColor  Black

# FvwmIconMan

DestroyModuleConfig MyIcon: *
*MyIcon: NumManagers 1
*MyIcon: Resolution  page
*MyIcon: Background  #222222
*MyIcon: Foreground  #F9FAF4
*MyIcon: Font        "xft:azukifontBI:pixelsize=17" # 7x13bold
*MyIcon: Format      "%t"
*MyIcon: Action	     Mouse 1 N sendcommand Raise, Focus
*MyIcon: Action      Mouse   3 N sendcommand "Iconify"
*MyIcon: Action      Mouse   2 N sendcommand "FvwmIdent"
*MyIcon: FollowFocus true
*MyIcon: Sort        id

*MyIcon: IconButton          up #f9faf4 #222222 # Minimized Window

*MyIcon: FocusButton          down #252724 #c6da83 # Current Focused Window
*MyIcon: PlainButton          up #c6da83 #252724 # Unfocused 

*MyIcon: SelectButton         down c6da83 #252724 # Bar Hover Unfocused Window
*MyIcon: FocusAndSelectButton up #c6da83 #252525 # Bar Hover Focused Window

*MyIcon: DontShow icon=Untitled resource=Untitled
#*MyIcon: DrawIcons true
*MyIcon: ButtonGeometry  150x0
*MyIcon: ManagerGeometry 16x1+10-2

# Stalonetray
DestroyModuleConfig StaloneTray:*
*StaloneTray: Fore #222222
*StaloneTray: Back #c6da83
*StaloneTray: Geometry 110x20-10-5
#*StaloneTray: (Swallow "stalonetray" "Exec exec stalonetray")
*StaloneTray: (Swallow(NoClose,UseOld) \
    stalonetray 'Exec exec stalonetray', Frame 0)
DefaultColorset 0
Style * ColorSet 1
Style * HilightColorset 1
DefaultFont "xft:azukifontBI:pixelsize=17"

# Window Decor
# Buttons Locations: [1 3 5 7 9  TTTTT  0 8 6 4 2]
#   1 - WindowOps Menu
#   2 - Close
#   4 - Maximize
#   6 - Minimize
Style * TitleAtLeft
Style * Handles
Style * RoundedCorners
TitleStyle Centered Height 17 -- Flat
Style Fvwm* BorderWidth 2
Style Fvwm* CirculateSkip
Style Fvwm* CirculateSkipIcon
Style Fvwm* Sticky
Style Fvwm* !Title
Style Fvwm* WindowListSkip
Style * UseDecor FvwmDecor,\
        Colorset 0, HilightColorset 0\
        !Handles, NoInset, BorderWidth 2

DestroyDecor FvwmDecor
AddToDecor FvwmDecor
+ TitleStyle Centered Height 18 -- Flat
+ BorderStyle -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle Reset
+ ButtonStyle All -- Flat
+ BorderStyle Flat
+ AddButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp (Pixmap $[icons]/windowmenu_n.png -- Flat) \
		   ActiveDown (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat) \
                   Inactive (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat)
+ AddButtonStyle 2 ActiveUp (Pixmap $[icons]/close_n.png -- Flat) \
                   ActiveDown (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat) \
                   Inactive (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat) 
+ AddButtonStyle 4 ActiveUp (Pixmap $[icons]/maximize_n.png -- Flat) \
                   ActiveDown (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat) \
                   Inactive (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat) 
+ AddButtonStyle 6 ActiveUp (Pixmap $[icons]/minimize_n.png -- Flat) \
                   ActiveDown (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat) \
                   Inactive (Pixmap $[icons]/inactive.png -- Flat) 

I tested your config, seeing only Desk 0, if no other scripts are included.

I made a few changes with two desks (0 and 1), FvwmPager Geometry, and StaloneTray stays on top. Also added my desk/page indicator to know if a desk or page.

Style StaloneTray StaysOnTop

DeskTopSize 1x1 ## (columns - rows)

Module FvwmPager 0 1 ## (desk number - number of desks)

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Back #908090
*FvwmPager: Fore #484048
#*FvwmPager: Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# turn off desktop names for swallowing in above button bar example:
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: Hilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPager: Geometry 200x120-1-28 ## width x height


Found two Key bindings

Key 1 A 4 GotoDesk 0 0
Key 2 A 4 GotoDesk 1 1

There is no problem with the Firefox. Or, am I missing something?

That was my whole config. Did you have the same issue I was having? I honestly don’t know why its doing that.

Ok it seems to be a firefox issue. I started with a blank config and firefox is still not opening on the right page.

Check the Firefox version. My is 132.0.1

The FvwmPager example, is copied from Kise github. This is the screenshot.