FVWM forms is quite useful, and one thing I like to have is a help screen which will display my custom key bindings. This awk script can create such a form configuration based from a file which defines FVWM key bindings.
It’s simple script. I’m posting this more because I think its a neat idea, than it being a hard script to generate.
Feed this awk script your fvwm bindings file, and it will output a form configuration which you can call up in FVWM which will document those bindings. Redirect the output to a file, then read that file in somewhere in your fvwm startup config, or copy the output into some other file.
The FVWM command “FvwmForm HelpForm” will bring it up. Change the configuration of the form in the “BEGIN” section to your liking.
This script will ONLY document Keybindings, and ONLY those which are defined with the word “KEY” in ALL CAPITALS. Lines with “Key” at the start will be ignored. This way, you can choose which keybindings to have documented in the help form simply by capitalising the entire word of the “Key” command at the start of the line. Following this binding definition line there MUST be a comment line starting with a “#”, and this will contain the description of what the key does.
KEY H A MCS FvwmForm HelpForm
#Bring up Help Form