Fvwm Pager Problems...

I’m struggling to get my pager set up… I just can’t seem to get the windows in it to show up… heres all the related config

DeskTopSize 4x1

Start Function

AddToFunc StartFunction

  • I Test (Init) Exec exec fvwm-root --dither --retain-pixmap $[fvwm_wallpaper]
  • I Module FvwmPager 0

Module Config

Colorset 12 fg white, bg black, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #b5b2ff 80
Colorset 13 fg white, bg black, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #eeefcf 70
Colorset 14 fg #63656e, bg black, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #b5b2ff 60
Colorset 15 fg black, bg #e7e7e7, Plain
Colorset 16 fg white, bg black, RootTransparent buffer, Tint #e4e5c7 90

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Geometry 160x32-0-0
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 13
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 16
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 14 12
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 15
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: SmallFont none
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont “xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:style=Roman:size=7:antialias=True”
*FvwmPager: BalloonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth 1
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: MoveThreshold 0
*FvwmPager: SolidSeparators
*FvwmPager: WindowBorderWidth 1[/code]

Anyone have any ideas?

How big is your desktop?
I’m wondering if the geometry for your pager is off the page?

I have a 1024x768 desktop with a DeskTopSize 3x2

Here’s my pager config:




DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Geometry 150x50-0-0
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 60
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 61
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 63 62
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 63
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: SmallFont none
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont “Shadow=1 1 SE:xft:sans:bold:pixelsize=10:minspace=True”
*FvwmPager: BalloonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth 1
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: MoveThreshold 0
*FvwmPager: SolidSeparators
*FvwmPager: WindowBorderWidth 1


Maybe you can play with my one until it works :open_mouth:

If you know what i mean :wink:

I tried using in yours, but substitued in my colorsets. It still doesn’t work. I took the colorsets directly from taviso’s config so i assume they aren’t the problem.

I’ve got some more information that might be useful to work out what is going wrong…

  1. When i start up fvwm, the page has no windows on it at all…
  2. If i change to another page with the pager, the paper window and my system tray window can be seen on the selected page, but no others
  3. If I iconify a window, the pager refreshs to fine. Goes back to how it is in 2 once i click on it.

These are their styles

# Application Styles
Style FvwmPager NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnBottom, NoHandles
Style peksystray NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnBottom, NoHandles

would a screenshot be useful?

I’ve got some more info… it seems really wierd but when i iconify a window, it shows up in the pager. When i deiconify it, the window appears full in the pager but once i grab the title bar to move it, it disappears again, and the spot where it was in icon is redrawn in the pager.

Which version of FVWM are you using? I had some weird problems with the pager, which resemble (but don’t quite match) those you describe with 2.5.10. Since I upgraded to 2.5.12 the pager works as expected.