FVWM title bar

It’s not well explained under the man but I guess the size and fitness rely on the content of the taskbar. You can specify the number of row with the Row keyword. The color management is achieved via Colorset and FocusColorset keywords. The font is achieved vi Font, SelFont and StatusFont. To give you some hint, here’s my taskbar’s conf:

Style "FvwmTaskBar" NoTitle, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0, Sticky, \ WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, Colorset 30 DestroyModuleConfig FvwmTaskBar: * *FvwmTaskBar: Geometry +0+0 *FvwmTaskBar: Rows 1 *FvwmTaskBar: Font "shadow=1 1 se:xft:Blippo:Bold:pixelsize=12" *FvwmTaskBar: SelFont "shadow=1 1 se:xft:Blippo:Bold:pixelsize=10" *FvwmTaskBar: StatusFont "shadow=1 1 se:xft:Blippo:Bold:pixelsize=12" *FvwmTaskBar: Colorset 30 *FvwmTaskBar: FocusColorset 30 *FvwmTaskBar: NoBrightFocus *FvwmTaskBar: AutoStick #*FvwmTaskBar: AutoHide 2 *FvwmTaskBar: UseSkipList *FvwmTaskBar: DeskOnly #*FvwmTaskBar: UseIconNames #*FvwmTaskBar: 3DFvwm *FvwmTaskBar: ClockFormat *FvwmTaskBar: DateFormat *FvwmTaskBar: MailBox None *FvwmTaskBar: StartName *FvwmTaskBar: StartMenu (Mouse 1) MenuFvwmRoot *FvwmTaskBar: StartMenu (Mouse 2) MenuFvwmRoot *FvwmTaskBar: StartIcon $[fvwm_img]/icon/fvwm_small.png
Check my screenshot to see how it renders.

You can change the color of the titelbar using Colorsets
Perhaps you could define

This will all Titelbars set to be lightgrey and the active window will have a blue Titlebar.

Size and thikness I don’t know so far…


Use something like this to specify the height of a titlebar:

TitleStyle Centered Height 16

So in a windowdecor it might look something like this:

DestroyDecor DefaultDecor
AddToDecor DefaultDecor
 + TitleStyle Centered Height 16
 + TitleStyle Active TiledPixmap cityofdreams/top.png -- flat
 + TitleStyle Inactive TiledPixmap cityofdreams/top.png -- flat
 + ButtonStyle 1 \
 	Active (Pixmap cityofdreams/menu.png -- flat) \
	Inactive (Pixmap cityofdreams/menu_shaded.png -- flat)

There’s no way to define the width of a titlebar yet, this topic might be of interest.

Hummm … I’ve read too fast. I was talking about TaskBar instead of TitleBar. :blush: