Does anyone have heard of any other FVWM wallpaper ?
Last year there was a logo contest on the fvwm official page.
The winning logo is now used as the standard logo of fvwm.
Why not a wallpaper contest ?
Since now fvwm has an utility to set wallpapers,
The winner may be chosen as the wallpaper for the default config.
Anyway, I would be happy to see people posting FVWM wallpapers
in this forum.
I never really thought about this much, but I must say, the cat theme would make for some very cool wallpapers…
I’ve been searching around a bit and it appeors there’s a Deviantart group dedicated to Fvwm, very empty though Maybe some of the Forum readers want to go and fill it a bit with nice Fvwm goodies? [Link]
you gave me a good idea…i think i’ma start doing some walls based on FVWM…i gotta keep practicing my Photoshop skills (does any1 uses gimp for complex graphical demands? i cant use it for anything more than resizing images…i prolly got the PS bug on me )