Fvwm3-1.0.1 released

Hi all,

I’ve released version 1.0.1. Details here: https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3/releases/tag/1.0.1

Is my config file for fvwm 2.6.9 supposed to work with fvwm3? Because I’m not getting the same results.

Hi @Yonut27

Could you provide more information? Such as, your config file, what isn’t working, etc? Just saying “I’m not getting the same results” without trying to explain what’s not working, isn’t very helpful for anyone trying to help fix your problem.


I agree, and here you go:
I have a few buttons on the left side of my screen which aren’t visible. Neither is my “shoutbox”. I have access to my right click menu, but clicking on “quit” won’t left me quit. So from my config, all I see that’s working is the display of the right click menu (not the functions) and the use of my key bindings.

Update: The menu works, it just won’t allow me (old behavior) to right click-hold-select-release. But I can left click on the menu entry to get it working. Also, I cannot move my xterm window by the titlebar. It is also missing my time-date with Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-DateTime (swallowed by button).

Update 2: The titlebar won’t lower the window on double click and I cannot resize the window by the handles at all. Cursor changes, but no movement is possible.

Here is my config:

#  ____________________________   #
# (   _________________________)  #
#  ) (__  _  _  _    _            #
# (   __)( \/ )( \/\/ )/\/\       #
#  ) (    \  /  \    //    \      #
# (___)    \/    \/\/(_/\/\_) 2.6 #
#                                 #
# Yonut27's config file.          #
#                                 #

# Reserve Space #
	EwmhBaseStruts 100 0 0 0

# OpaqueMove Vs. Wired Frame #
	OpaqueMoveSize unlimited

# Ignore NumLock and CapsLock #
	IgnoreModifiers L25

# Default Font #
    DefaultFont "xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"

# Set Desktops #
	DesktopName 0 Internet
	DesktopName 1 Coding
	DesktopName 2 Torrents
	DesktopName 3 Special
	DesktopName 4 Hidden1
	DesktopName 5 Hidden2
	DesktopName 6 Hidden3
	DesktopSize 1x1

# Key Binding #
	Silent Key Escape A C Func_Xterm
	Silent Key F1 A C GotoDesk 0 0
	Silent Key F2 A C GotoDesk 0 1
	Silent Key F3 A C GotoDesk 0 2
	Silent Key F4 A C GotoDesk 0 3
	Silent Key F7 A CS GotoDesk 0 4
	Silent Key F10 A CS GotoDesk 0 5
	Silent Key F11 A CS GotoDesk 0 6

# Window Buttons #
	Mouse 1 2 A Close
	Mouse 1 3 A MoveToDesk 0 0
	Mouse 1 4 A Func_Maximize
	Mouse 1 5 A MoveToDesk 0 1
	Mouse 1 6 A Iconify
	Mouse 1 7 A MoveToDesk 0 2
	Mouse 1 8 A Module FvwmIdent
	Mouse 1 9 A MoveToDesk 0 3
	Mouse 1 R A -
	Mouse 3 R A Popup MenuRightClick

# FvwmIdent #
	DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent: *
	*FvwmIdent: Colorset 2
	*FvwmIdent: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=12:antialias=True"

# FvwmScript #
	DestroyModuleConfig FvwmScript:*
	*FvwmScript: DefaultColorset 6

# Set Variables #
	ImagePath $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icons

#                                                   #
#  ****   *   *  *****  *****   ***   *   *   ****  #
#  *   *  *   *    *      *    *   *  **  *  *      #
#  ****   *   *    *      *    *   *  * * *   ***   #
#  *   *  *   *    *      *    *   *  *  **      *  #
#  ****    ***     *      *     ***   *   *  ****   #
#                                                   #

# MainButtonPanel #
	DestroyModuleConfig MainButtonPanel: *
	*MainButtonPanel: Geometry 100x75+0+0
	*MainButtonPanel: Colorset 9
	*MainButtonPanel: Frame 0
	*MainButtonPanel: Columns 4
	*MainButtonPanel: Rows 10
	*MainButtonPanel: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=20"
	*MainButtonPanel: (4x4, Swallow DateTime 'Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-DateTime', Frame 0)
	*MainButtonPanel: (4x1)
	*MainButtonPanel: (1x4, PressTitle "X", Icon download.png, Action(Mouse 1) Func_GetYoutube, Action(Mouse 3) Func_GetDavid)
	*MainButtonPanel: (1x4)
	*MainButtonPanel: (1x4, PressTitle "X", Icon hdd.png, Action(Mouse 1) Func_DisplayInfoHere, Action(Mouse 3) Func_DisplayInfoStorage)
	*MainButtonPanel: (1x4, PressTitle "X", Icon light.png, Action(Mouse 1) Func_BrightnessMenu)
	*MainButtonPanel: (4x1)

# ScreenBrightnessPanel #
	DestroyModuleConfig ScreenBrightnessPanel: *
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel: Geometry 100x40+0+75
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel: Colorset 1
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel: Frame 1
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel: Columns 5
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel: Rows 2
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=10"
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '0', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 0)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '1', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 1)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '2', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 2)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '3', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 3)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '4', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 4)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '5', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 6)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '6', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 7)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '7', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 8)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '8', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 9)
	*ScreenBrightnessPanel:(1x1, Title '9', Action(Mouse 1) Func_ScreenBrightness 10)

# ShoutBox #
	DestroyModuleConfig ShoutBox: *
	*ShoutBox: Geometry 100x200+0+75
	*ShoutBox: Colorset 1
	*ShoutBox: Frame 0
	*ShoutBox: Columns 1
	*ShoutBox: Rows 1
	*ShoutBox: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=20"
	*ShoutBox: (1x1, Swallow SHOUT_BOX "Exec exec xterm -T 'SHOUT_BOX' -e '/home/programming/shout_box/bdea_shout_box'")

# Window Buttons #
	TitleStyle Centered Height 20 -- Flat
	ButtonStyle All - Clear
	ButtonStyle 4 - MwmDecorMax

	ButtonStyle All ActiveUp Vector 5 15x15@4 15x85@3 85x85@3 85x15@3 15x15@3 -- Flat
	ButtonStyle All ToggledActiveUp Vector 5 15x15@4 15x85@3 85x85@3 85x15@3 15x15@3 -- Flat
	ButtonStyle All ActiveDown Vector 5 20x20@4 20x80@3 80x80@3 80x20@3 20x20@3 -- Flat
	ButtonStyle All ToggledActiveDown Vector 5 20x20@4 20x80@3 80x80@3 80x20@3 20x20@3 -- Flat
	ButtonStyle All ToggledInactive Vector 5 47x47@3 57x53@3 53x53@3 53x47@3 47x47@3 -- Flat
	ButtonStyle All Inactive Vector 5 47x47@3 57x53@3 53x53@3 53x47@3 47x47@3 -- Flat

	AddButtonStyle 3 Active Vector 5 45x45@4 45x55@3 55x55@3 55x45@3 45x45@3
	AddButtonStyle 5 Active Vector 10 30x30@4 40x30@3 40x40@3 30x40@3 30x30@3 60x60@4 60x70@3 70x70@3 70x60@3 60x60@3
	AddButtonStyle 7 Active Vector 15 30x60@4 40x60@3 40x70@3 30x70@3 30x60@3 60x30@4 60x40@3 70x40@3 70x30@3 60x30@3 45x45@4 45x55@3 55x55@3 55x45@3 45x45@3
	AddButtonStyle 9 Active Vector 20 30x30@4 40x30@3 40x40@3 30x40@3 30x30@3 60x60@4 60x70@3 70x70@3 70x60@3 60x60@3 30x60@4 40x60@3 40x70@3 30x70@3 30x60@3 60x30@4 60x40@3 70x40@3 70x30@3 60x30@3

	AddButtonStyle 2 Active Vector 4 30x30@3 70x70@3 70x30@4 30x70@3
	AddButtonStyle 4 ToggledActiveUp Vector 8 30x70@3 30x30@3 70x30@3 70x70@3 30x70@3 30x45@4 55x45@3 55x70@3
	AddButtonStyle 4 Active Vector 5 30x70@3 30x30@3 70x30@3 70x70@3 30x70@3
	AddButtonStyle 6 Active Vector 7 35x68@3 35x70@3 65x70@3 65x66@3 35x66@3 35x68@3 65x68@3
	AddButtonStyle 8 Active Vector 6 30x30@3 70x30@3 50x30@4 50x70@3 30x70@4 70x70@3

#                                                                 #
#   ***    ***   *       ***   ****    ****  *****  *****   ****  #
#  *   *  *   *  *      *   *  *   *  *      *        *    *      #
#  *      *   *  *      *   *  ****    ***   ****     *     ***   #
#  *   *  *   *  *      *   *  *  *       *  *        *        *  #
#   ***    ***   *****   ***   *   *  ****   *****    *    ****   #
#                                                                 #

#ffffff - white
#aaaaaa - even lighter grey
#676767 - light grey
#4d4d4d - grey
#2d2d2d - dark grey
#1a6e99 - blue
#101010 - almost black
#000000 - black
	Colorset 1  fg white, bg black, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 2  fg white, bg #1A6E99, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 3  fg black, bg #2D2D2D, hi #474747, sh #101010, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 4  fg black, bg #4D4D4D, hi #676767, sh #303030, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 5  fg black, bg white, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 6  fg white, bg black, hi #AAAAAA, sh #999999, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 7  fg grey30, bg white, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 8  fg white, bg black, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
	Colorset 9  fg red, bg black, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape

#                                                                 #
#  *****  *   *  *   *   ***   *****  *****   ***   *   *   ****  #
#  *      *   *  **  *  *   *    *      *    *   *  **  *  *      #
#  ****   *   *  * * *  *        *      *    *   *  * * *   ***   #
#  *      *   *  *  **  *   *    *      *    *   *  *  **      *  #
#  *       ***   *   *   ***     *    *****   ***   *   *  ****   #
#                                                                 #

# StartFunction #
	DestroyFunc StartFunction
	AddToFunc   StartFunction
	+ I Module FvwmButtons "MainButtonPanel"
	+ I Module FvwmButtons "ShoutBox"
	+ I SetEnv BRIGHT false

# Func_BrightnessMenu #
	DestroyFunc Func_BrightnessMenu
	AddToFunc Func_BrightnessMenu
	+ I Test (EnvMatch BRIGHT false) Module FvwmButtons ScreenBrightnessPanel
	+ I Test (EnvMatch BRIGHT false) UnsetEnv CHANGE
	+ I Test (EnvMatch BRIGHT true) KillModule FvwmButtons ScreenBrightnessPanel
	+ I Test (EnvMatch BRIGHT true) SetEnv CHANGE true
	+ I Func_ChangeBright

# Func_ChangeBright  #
	DestroyFunc Func_ChangeBright
	AddToFunc Func_ChangeBright
	+ I Test (!EnvIsSet CHANGE) SetEnv BRIGHT true
	+ I Test (EnvIsSet CHANGE) SetEnv BRIGHT false
	+ I UnsetEnv CHANGE

# Func_ClearShoutBox #
	DestroyFunc Func_ClearShoutBox
	AddToFunc Func_ClearShoutBox
	+ I Exec exec echo \;\; > $[SHOUT_BOX_PATH]

# Func_DisplayInfoHere #
	DestroyFunc Func_DisplayInfoHere
	AddToFunc Func_DisplayInfoHere
	+ I Exec exec echo Here: $(df -h|grep "/$"|tr -s " "|cut -d " " -f4) > $[SHOUT_BOX_PATH]

# Func_DisplayInfoStorage #
	DestroyFunc Func_DisplayInfoStorage
	AddToFunc Func_DisplayInfoStorage
	+ I Exec exec echo Storage: $(ssh alarm@storage "df -h|grep shared|sed 's/\s\s*/ /g'|cut -d ' ' -f4") > $[SHOUT_BOX_PATH]

# Func_GetDavid #
	DestroyFunc Func_GetDavid
	AddToFunc   Func_GetDavid
	+ I Exec exec /dea/programs/qw_download_david_knight > $[SHOUT_BOX_PATH]

# Func_GetYoutube #
	DestroyFunc Func_GetYoutube
	AddToFunc   Func_GetYoutube
	+ I Exec exec /dea/programs/qw_get_youtube > $[SHOUT_BOX_PATH]

# Func_Maximize #
	DestroyFunc Func_Maximize
	AddToFunc   Func_Maximize
	+ H Nop
	+ M Nop
	+ C Maximize

# Func_ScreenBrightness #
	DestroyFunc Func_ScreenBrightness
	AddToFunc Func_ScreenBrightness
	+ I Exec exec echo $0 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
	+ I KillModule FvwmButtons ScreenBrightnessPanel
	+ I SetEnv BRIGHT false

# Func_Xterm #
	DestroyFunc Func_Xterm
	AddToFunc   Func_Xterm
	+ I Exec exec /usr/bin/xterm

#                                     #
#  *   *  *****  *   *  *   *   ****  #
#  ** **  *      **  *  *   *  *      #
#  * * *  ****   * * *  *   *   ***   #
#  *   *  *      *  **  *   *      *  #
#  *   *  *****  *   *   ***   ****   #
#                                     #

# MenuRightClick #
    DestroyMenu MenuRightClick
    AddToMenu MenuRightClick "Fvwm" Title
    + "&Programs%icons/programs.png%" Popup MenuPrograms
    + "&XTerm%icons/terminal.png%" Func_Xterm
    + "" Nop
    + "&Restart%icons/restart.png%" Restart
    + "&Quit%icons/quit.png%" Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-ConfirmQuit

# MenuPrograms #
    DestroyMenu MenuPrograms
    AddToMenu MenuPrograms "Programs" Title
    Test (x geeqie) + "Geeqie" Exec exec geeqie
    Test (x gimp) + "Gimp" Exec exec gimp
    Test (x seamonkey) + "Seamonkey" Exec exec seamonkey
    Test (x transmission-gtk) + "Transmission" Exec exec transmission-gtk
    Test (x vlc) + "VLC" Exec exec vlc

#                                            #
#   ****  *****  *   *  *      *****   ****  #
#  *        *     * *   *      *      *      #
#   ***     *      *    *      ****    ***   #
#      *    *      *    *      *          *  #
#  ****     *      *    *****  *****  ****   #
#                                            #

# Global Style #
	Style * \
		BorderColorset 3, \
		BorderWidth 3, \
		Colorset 1, \
		DecorateTransient, \
		EWMHDonateMiniIcon, \
		EWMHMiniIconOverride, \
		FirmBorder, \
		!FPGrabFocusTransient, \
		FPReleaseFocusTransient, \
		FvwmBorder, \
		GrabFocusOff, \
		HandleWidth 3, \
		HilightBorderColorset 4, \
		HilightColorset 2, \
		!Icon, \
		MiniIcon questionmark.png, \
		MinOverlapPlacement, \
		MouseFocusClickRaises, \
		MWMButtons, \
		ResizeOpaque, \
		SnapAttraction 5 SameType ScreenAll, \
		SnapGrid, \
		SloppyFocus, \
		StackTransientParent, \
		!UsePPosition, \
		WindowShadeScrolls, \
		WindowShadeSteps 10

# Menu Style #
    MenuStyle * \
        MenuColorset 5, \
        ActiveColorset 2, \
        GreyedColorset 7, \
        TitleColorset 8, \
        Hilight3DOff, \
        HilightBack, \
        HilightTitleBack, \
        SeparatorsLong, \
        TrianglesSolid, \
        TrianglesUseFore, \
        ItemFormat "%|%3.1i%5.3l%5.3>%|", \
        Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"

# ConfirmQuit #
	Style ConfirmQuit \
		PositionPlacement Center, \
		!Title, \

# DisplayUsageHere #
	Style DisplayUsageHere \
		!Borders, \
        !Handles, \
		PositionPlacement -0 -0, \
		StaysOnTop, \
		!Title, \

# DisplayUsageStorage #
	Style DisplayUsageStorage \
		!Borders, \
        !Handles, \
		PositionPlacement -0 -40p, \
		StaysOnTop, \
		!Title, \

# FvwmIdent #
	Style FvwmIdent \

# MainButtonPanel #
	Style MainButtonPanel \
		!Borders, \
		CirculateSkip, \
		FixedPosition, \
		FixedSize, \
		!Handles, \
		!Iconifiable, \
		StaysOnTop, \
		Sticky, \
		!Title, \

# ScreenBrightnessPanel #
	Style ScreenBrightnessPanel \
		!Borders, \
        !Handles, \
		PositionPlacement +0 -25p, \
		StaysOnTop, \
		!Title, \

# ShoutBox #
	Style ShoutBox \
		!Borders, \
		CirculateSkip, \
		FixedPosition, \
		FixedSize, \
		!Handles, \
		!Iconifiable, \
		StaysOnTop, \
		Sticky, \
		!Title, \

# XTerm #
	Style XTerm \
		EWMHMiniIconOverride, \
		MiniIcon x.png


This seems to be working OK for me. If you start fvwm3 as:

fvwm3 -v

You can check ~/.fvwm/fvwm3-output.log when things are starting to see if there’s any errors – likewise, also check X11’s stderr as well.


I don’t know if it’s the way I’m testing fvwm3 or not, but what I usually do when testing packages that I compile, is to leave them in their directory and run them from there. It looks like fvwm3 can’t find certain files because it’s looking in the wrong directory.

[1602004506.634510] FScreenInit: Using RandR 1.6
[1602004506.908808] ewmh_ComputeAndSetWorkArea: monitor 'LVDS-1': {l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0} {x: 0, y: 0, w: 1280, h: 800}
[1602004506.908855] ewmh_ComputeAndSetWorkArea: differ, so setting work area
[1602004506.959262] FlocaleGetFontSet: [fvwm][FlocaleGetFontSet]: (-*-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*,-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*,-*-*-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*) Missing font charsets:
[1602004506.959309] FlocaleGetFontSet: ISO8859-14
[1602004506.959325] FlocaleGetFontSet: , 
[1602004506.959340] FlocaleGetFontSet: JISX0208.1983-0
[1602004506.959354] FlocaleGetFontSet: , 
[1602004506.959368] FlocaleGetFontSet: KSC5601.1987-0
[1602004506.959382] FlocaleGetFontSet: , 
[1602004506.959396] FlocaleGetFontSet: GB2312.1980-0
[1602004506.959410] FlocaleGetFontSet: , 
[1602004506.959424] FlocaleGetFontSet: JISX0201.1976-0
[1602004506.959438] FlocaleGetFontSet: 
[1602004506.964532] CMD_Read: file '/usr/local/share/fvwm3/ConfigFvwmDefaults' not found
[1602004506.965508] CMD_EwmhBaseStruts: mon: LVDS-1 {l: 100, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0}
[1602004506.965531] ewmh_ComputeAndSetWorkArea: monitor 'LVDS-1': {l: 100, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0} {x: 100, y: 0, w: 1180, h: 800}
[1602004506.965548] ewmh_ComputeAndSetWorkArea: differ, so setting work area
[1602004507.027538] parse_and_set_window_style: Unconsumed argument in  		Layer 0 5: 5
[1602004507.027693] parse_and_set_window_style: Unconsumed argument in  		Layer 0 5: 5
[1602004507.027828] parse_and_set_window_style: Unconsumed argument in  		Layer 0 5: 5
[1602004507.030731] do_execute_module: No such module 'FvwmButtons' in ModulePath '/usr/local/libexec/fvwm3/1.0.1'
[1602004507.030844] do_execute_module: No such module 'FvwmButtons' in ModulePath '/usr/local/libexec/fvwm3/1.0.1'
[1602004507.031188] CMD_GotoDesk: CMD_GotoDesk: using monitor: LVDS-1
[1602004510.168336] setup_window_placement: Expanding screen from 'null' -> ''

I’ll mess around with it a bit (with symlinks), but I’m not a fan of replacing fvwm2 as of yet.

Hi @Yonut27,

In that case, you’ll need to set ModulePath to be where you’re running things from. Because you’ve not set --prefix when compiling fvwm3, It won’t know where to look for the files it can’t find. That’s not an fvwm problem per-se, that’s a problem with the person who built fvwm3 locally. :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing I have noted in the logs above is:

[1602004507.027538] parse_and_set_window_style: Unconsumed argument in  		Layer 0 5: 5
[1602004507.027693] parse_and_set_window_style: Unconsumed argument in  		Layer 0 5: 5
[1602004507.027828] parse_and_set_window_style: Unconsumed argument in  		Layer 0 5: 5

I don’t see “Layer 0 5” anywhere in the config you pasted above.

Note that you could install this with sudo make install and then always run sudo make uninstall if you hate it that much – that way, you’d find more things were working for you, I suspect.


[quote=“thomasadam, post:7, topic:2948, full:true”]
I don’t see “Layer 0 5” anywhere in the config you pasted above.[/quote]

Ok, full story… been runing FVWM2 for about 2 years now. Wanted to take this “scamdemic” time to fix it for good. I heard fvwm3 was on it’s way!!! That means I could potentially hop on the start of FVWM3 and ride that for the next 10 years (or so). So I have been rebuilding my config file, slowly. One thing I was able to change (last night) was getting my buttons (staysontop) to not be blocked by full screen programs (like vlc). The solution I found was load the buttons on layer 0 5. They stay on top except for fullscreen. All that’s new is: 1 removed line (staysontop) and 2 added lines to “Style MainButtonPanel”

Layer 0 5,

Not sure why it would report it 3 times though.

I will try to recompile the source with your suggestions.

UPADTE: Ok, just tried it, look great! This first difference I’ve noticed, though, is the lag on bring up the brightness buttons. There is a noticeable difference in time.


Hi @Yonut27,

Not sure why there’d be a log, and again, I’m not sure how this is going to be Fvwm3’s fault.

Glad everything else is working though!


It works fine for me:

*FvwmScript: DefaultColorset 10
Module FvwmScript FvwmScript-DateTime

I believe I have a bug, but who knows.

This works fine in 2.6.9 but not in 3-1.0.1. Posting here as I don’t want to create an account with another website (github).

The following code is reduced, but still shows the problem. The two xterms that appear, the width should take up half the screen (minus EwmhBaseStruts - 105p) and the height should be 100%. The two windows should be butted together, with the EwmhBaseStruts space clear to the left.

My guess is… It appears that the gap between the two xterm windows is the same spacing used for EwmhBaseStruts. Might be a problem with using ‘-0’ for the geometry of ‘X’. But like I said before, who knows.

# Set Variables
SetEnv HALFWAY_H 587p

# Reserve Space
EwmhBaseStruts 105 0 0 0

# Set Desktops
DesktopName 0 Internet
DesktopName 1 Coding

# Styles (default first '*')
Style * BorderColorset 3
Style * BorderWidth 3
Style * Colorset 1
Style * DecorateTransient
Style * FirmBorder
Style * !FPGrabFocusTransient
Style * FPReleaseFocusTransient
Style * FvwmBorder
Style * GrabFocusOff
Style * HandleWidth 3
Style * HilightBorderColorset 4
Style * HilightColorset 2
Style * !Icon
Style * MaxWindowSize 1175p 800p
Style * MinOverlapPlacement
Style * MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * MWMButtons
Style * ResizeHintOverride
Style * ResizeOpaque
Style * SkipMapping
Style * SnapAttraction 5 SameType ScreenAll
Style * SnapGrid
Style * SloppyFocus
Style * StackTransientParent
Style * !UsePPosition
Style * WindowShadeScrolls
Style * WindowShadeSteps 10

Style PrO-? !Borders
Style PrO-? !Handles
Style PrO-? HandleWidth 0
Style PrO-? ResizeHintOverride
Style PrO-? StartsOnPage 1
Style PrO-? StaysOnBottom
Style PrO-? !Title
Style PrO-? WindowListSkip

Style PrO-L InitialMapCommand ResizeMove $[HALFWAY_H] 100 0 0

Style PrO-R InitialMapCommand ResizeMove $[HALFWAY_H] 100 -0 0

# Colorsets
Colorset 1  fg white, bg black, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 2  fg white, bg #1A6E99, hi, sh, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 3  fg black, bg #2D2D2D, hi #474747, sh #101010, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 4  fg black, bg #4D4D4D, hi #676767, sh #303030, Plain, NoShape

# Mouse Bindings
Mouse 1 2 A Close
Mouse 1 3 A MoveToDesk 0 0
Mouse 1 4 A Func_Maximize
Mouse 1 5 A MoveToDesk 0 1
Mouse 1 6 A Iconify
Mouse 1 7 A MoveToDesk 0 2
Mouse 1 8 A Module FvwmIdent
Mouse 1 9 A MoveToDesk 0 3

# Func_ProLeft
DestroyFunc Func_ProLeft
AddToFunc   Func_ProLeft
+ I Func_Xterm -geometry 700x700+3000+3000 -name PrO-L

# Func_ProRight
DestroyFunc Func_ProRight
AddToFunc   Func_ProRight
+ I Func_Xterm -geometry 700x700+3000+3000 -name PrO-R

# Func_Xterm
DestroyFunc Func_Xterm
AddToFunc   Func_Xterm
+ I Exec exec xterm $*

# InitFunction #
DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc   InitFunction
+ I Func_ProLeft
+ I Func_ProRight
+ I GotoDesk 0 1

Hi @Yonut27

Maybe. Please open an issue on GitHub, please.

Won’t let me without creating an account. Sorry. But you have all the information you need, feel free to add it yourself. I don’t think me helping you should require me to accept the ‘terms of service’ from a Microsoft subsidiary company. But thanks for offering. :anguished:

Hi @Yonut27

OK. Then this problem might get forgotten about. I’ll do my best to remember though.

Is there a better place in these forums that I should post problems found? Or should I just not report any more problems?

Sorry about not using GitHub, but I am too old and know too much about Billy and his ideology.

Hi @Yonut27

You can use these forums, that’s fine. But given all other issues are being logged on GitHub, that’s where I’ll track them officially – so having this “split” between the two means I’ll not be paying as much attention on these forums to bug reports for those people who won’t log them on GitHub.

As for Billy and his ideology – that time passed long ago, as did Billy’s involvement with Microsoft. Perhaps you should also move on?

Wow, I’m glad Billy only had his hand in Microsoft, and not any of the eugenics projects in Africa. You’re right, he’s probably harmless.