Fvwm3 meson install

Version 1.1.1 (1.1.0-112-gf789db30)

git clone https://github.com/fvwmorg/fvwm3.git
cd fvwm3

meson setup build && ninja -C build && meson install -C build

A few questions:

  1. Default install /usr/local/share/. How to configure --prefix=/usr
  2. How --enable-mandoc
  3. How to uninstall ?

meson setup --prefix=/usr build
ninja -C build
meson install -C build

The manual pages (or html manpages) are boolean settings, so you can enable them with -Dmandoc=true and -Dhtmldoc=true. So just run meson setup -Dmandoc=true -Dhtmldoc=true build to include the manual pages. Previous answer gave you the option for setting up the --prefix.

Seems to uninstall you need to use ninja, so ninja uninstall -C build

Thanks. Run in one lineā€¦
meson setup --prefix=/usr -Dmandoc=true -Dhtmldoc=true build