(and I have tried other incantations) to get chromium to start on my desk #4. However, it starts in whatever desk it wants to, which is a bit of aa nuisance.
Is there anyone who can
(a) tell me the right way to do this, or
(b) suggest what sin(s) I might be committing in my config, or
(c) ask some probing questions to work through the issue?
Thanks for the suggestion. I used those two Style lines because FvwmIdent says the Class is Chromium and the Resource is chromium. But, as I mentioned, neither were working for me.
Tragically, that suggestion did not work. Any other suggestions?
I restarted chromium a number of times. First, it started on Page (desk) 3. Then next time page 2. Then next time page 1. Then page 0. Apparently chromium gets around.
No other program (for which I have a StartsOnDesk config entry) wanders around like that.