Fvwm3 Tiling 'patch'

Does anyone out in fvwm3-land have a functioning tiling function they are willing to share? I find some prior version material around the net, but thus far have failed to identify anything that works very well for me on fvwm3.

Hi @manyroads

Have you seen: https://github.com/urob/fvwm-tiling

This is perhaps the most comprehensive tiling example Fvwm has.

Thank you @thomasadam I’ll see what I can do with this… ;)

Pardon me, but I have avoided that one for years, because of your comments here: Best of both worlds - A tiling window manager configuration And I have also spent a lot of time to (unsuccessfully), get FvwmPiazza working. Is “Best of both worlds” the right way to go now.?

Hi @dante65

Heh. That was a long time ago. FvwmPiazza is alas no longer maintained. The tiling config from Rob will work just fine. Use that.

NsCDE does the tiling nicely both vertically and horizontally.
FvwmRearrange -tile $0 -r -mn 3 -maximize 0 0 $[wa.width]p $[wa.height]p #vertical
FvwmRearrange -tile $0 -r -mn 2 -maximize 0 0 $[wa.width]p $[wa.height]p #horizontal

I couldn’t find, how does NsCDE restore the tiling of all windows? Without, double-clicking each window individually.

Found this solution.

DestroyFunc DeTile
AddToFunc DeTile
+ I All (CurrentPage, !Iconic, CirculateHit, !Sticky) Maximize Off
+ I WindowId $0 WarpToWindow 50 50

I’m the author of FvwmPiazza, and, yes, I have been neglecting it. Basically because I discovered tmux, and a tiling terminal manager covered all my needs apart from starting a window maximized, so I’ve only been using FvwmPiazza to set certain desktops to “Full”. Which is something which can also be done with the FvwmEvent module.

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I was searching FvwmRearrange -tile and found this topic. Shows tiling and detiling that I have from @rasat Kise script. I want to improve the button function that is not here but found it on Wiki. Good to post it here, though old topic, may be what @manyroads and others were asking.

Check fvwm wiki, click and have a look.