Using Fvwm 3.0.6a (released) compiled from the Arch Linux AUR package, I have found an apparent problem with FvwmButtons. To bring things down to a minimal example, I want a FvwmButton (called “BtnTracker”) with a title “BAT” and a battery icon. Here is my code:
DestroyModuleConfig BtnTracker:*
*BtnTracker: Geometry 100x28+272+10
*BtnTracker: Columns 100
*BtnTracker: Rows 28
*BtnTracker: Back #fffff8
*BtnTracker: Fore #000000
*BtnTracker: Frame 0
*BtnTracker: Padding 10 2
*BtnTracker: Font "xft:DejaVu Sans:size=11:antialias=True"
*BtnTracker: (100x28, Id battery, Left, Title "BAT", Icon battery.png)
The problem is that even though the icon and the title should not overlap horizontally (due to the Left option), the horizontal area corresponding to the title seems to overwrite/hide/interfere with the lower portion of the icon:
I have tried adding a Side option to the Title, as suggested by the man page, but nothing seems to work.
As a workaround, I will be happy to create two buttons side by side, one with the icon and one with the title, and I know this will work because in my example, the icon does show up correctly if the title is left empty.
But I would like to know more – is this a bug, or did I misunderstand something?