FvwmButtons with two panels each containing FvwmPager

I created a FvwmButtons to control my desktop selection. I can mouse whell over the buttons and it also changes desktop. I figured that sometimes you want to see a pager with just one desktop worth of data, and other times you want to see all 4 desktops in the pager, so i made panels that each contained a pager of different sizes.

The two panels with one pager in each does not work. A pager gets put randomly on the screen and the pager that goes into the small or large panel is often the opposite one. The mouse scroll wheel also does not work in either panel, if both of the panels are enabled.

If i just use one panel with one pager, then everything works as expected. Is calling two instances of pager in one FvwmButtons a problem?

DestroyModuleConfig BotMidPanel: *
*BotMidPanel: Geometry 210x20-0-0@0
*BotMidPanel: columns 6
*BotMidPanel: rows 1
*BotMidPanel: colorset 10
*BotMidPanel: frame 0
*BotMidPanel: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"
*BotMidPanel: (Title S, Panel SmallPagerPanel "Module FvwmButtons SmallPagerPanel", Frame 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)
*BotMidPanel: (Id desk0, Title "0", ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0, Colorset 11, \
	      Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)
*BotMidPanel: (Id desk1, Title "1", ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 1, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)
*BotMidPanel: (Id desk2, Title "2", ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 2, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)
*BotMidPanel: (Id desk3, Title "3", ActiveColorset 12, Frame 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 1) GotoDesk 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)
*BotMidPanel: (Title L, Panel LargePagerPanel "Module FvwmButtons LargePagerPanel", Frame 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)

DestroyModuleConfig SmallPagerPanel: *
*SmallPagerPanel: Geometry 200x115
*SmallPagerPanel: columns 1
#*SmallPagerPanel: rows 1
*SmallPagerPanel: colorset 10
*SmallPagerPanel: frame 0
*SmallPagerPanel: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"
*SmallPagerPanel: (Swallow "FvwmPager" 'FvwmPager *') , Frame 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)

DestroyModuleConfig LargePagerPanel:*
*LargePagerPanel: Geometry 800x115
*LargePagerPanel: columns 1
#*LargePagerPanel: rows 1
*LargePagerPanel: colorset 10
*LargePagerPanel: frame 0
*LargePagerPanel: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"
*LargePagerPanel: (Swallow "FvwmPager" 'FvwmPager 0 3', Frame 0, \
	      Action (Mouse 4) GotoDesk -1 0 3, \
	      Action (Mouse 5) GotoDesk 1 0 3)