Jefklaks _NEW_ v4 config show-off hehe

Hello folks

After months ignoring fvwm and the whole UNIX stuff (busy doing something far more important hehe) - I’m back! And I also tought my config could use an upgrade. So I rewrote almost everything, resulting in v3.2 > v4.0 upgrade. There are still some things I would like to change but it’s “stable” enough to release on this forum.

MAIN LINK: … loads/fvwm
OLD SCREENSHOTS: … creenshots

v4 includes 2 themes: milk and pixel. You can see a 3th theme in the teaser but i’m still working on that one (yeah stonecrest it’s a thumb of your screenshot lol). Take a look at the MOVIE (v4 is october release, v3.2 is february 2005). This shows off something I’m proud of: dynamic theme changing in the menu including wallpapers!

Theme 1: milk > … _fvwm1.jpg

Theme 2: pixel > … _fvwm2.jpg

You can also download previous versions of my config file (june2004 v1, sept2004 v2 and a tar file containing v3.2) if you’d like - screenshots are located on the old screenshot page.

DOWNLOAD HERE: … 28.tar.bz2
And don’t forget to read the friggin’ README hehe.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated! 8)

Your pixel one has the titlebars messed up :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean to the left of the minimize button?
I don’t care, I’ll fix it someday it’s not annoying at all.
There’s a unified titlebar fvwm2rc wich handles all themes, so I can’t change much.

Nice job, I like the new config.

One request can you include your changeback script that is referenced in your functions.fvwm2rc file for changing backgrounds? Looks like it resides in:



of course, I forgot to include that one in the tar bz2 :slight_smile:


if [ -z “$FVWM_USERDIR” -o -z “$fvwm_theme” ]; then
echo “WARNING: FVWM_USERDIR and/or fvwm_theme not set!”
echo “WARNING: Quitting now.”
exit 1

Esetroot -scale $1

echo “Exec exec Esetroot -scale $1” > $FVWM_USERDIR/themes/$fvwm_theme/wallpaper.fvwm2rc
echo “Wallpaper is now set to $1 for theme $fvwm_theme”

exit 0[/code]

I’ts actually very simple…
I wanted to have a separated wallpaper associated with each theme.
Read the README: you need Esetroot (part of Eterm)!

Thanks for the positive feedback :slight_smile:
I will update as soon as I have some more spare time and I will post it right here!

Just wanted to show how your config can be scaled to other platforms. I’ve adapted your config to my pda. I’m using pdaXrom on my Zaurus CL-750. Instead of using the default matchbox desktop, I’ve installed fvwm.

One question though, I haven’t been able to find where you set the default font color for the scripts. Where is it set?

lol very nice!
The font color for the FvwmScripts are defined in the script itself
The first few lines or so :slight_smile: