Hello. I’d like to make Alt+Enter do Maximize on every programs except for uxterm, which has its own full screen feature mapped to Alt+Enter. Is this possible? Thanks.
I don’t think you can get the behavior you want, as most applications won’t accept synthetic events, so the whole, ‘make a key binding for every window except X’, isn’t really a possibility in xorg.
You can achieve this a different way though. The Maximize
command as a fullscreen
flag you can use which will make xterm use its full screen feature you talk about. So maybe write a custom function like.
DestroyFunc MyMaximize
AddToFunc MyMaximize
+ I ThisWindow (UXTerm) Maximize fullscreen toggle
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Maximize toggle
Then bind that function to your maximize key binding, and it should make it so UXTerm windows will get put into full screen mode, and others maximized normally.
Thanks. This worked perfectly.