MenuStyle - Understanding how to apply specific styles (not to defaults)

I found the following and I like the look of the menu.

MenuStyle * Fvwm
MenuStyle * Font "xft:Cantarell:pixelsize=15"
MenuStyle * Foreground white, Background #313434
MenuStyle * ActiveFore white, HilightBack #215D9C
MenuStyle * VerticalItemSpacing 2 4, VerticalTitleSpacing 2 4

But I don’t like it having an effect on my alt-tab menu. I’m trying to give it a menustyle, but it doesn’t produce the same results.

MenuStyle Main Fvwm
MenuStyle Main Font "xft:Cantarell:pixelsize=15"
MenuStyle Main Foreground white, Background #313434
MenuStyle Main ActiveFore white, HilightBack #215D9C
MenuStyle Main VerticalItemSpacing 2 4, VerticalTitleSpacing 2 4

ChangeMenuStyle Main MenuRightClick

MenuRightClick is the proper name of the menu I wish to apply this style to. What am I doing wrong?

So, is this forum dead?

Should I post this somewhere else?

As far as I know you can only have a single MenuStyle.

You could replace WindowList (What you call Alt-Tab) with IconMan and create a Function that mimics WindowList using IconMan when you Alt-Tab.

IconMan can be styled any way you wish.