I’m neither sure if the place is right nor if this is of any interest. I wrote a Perl script that converts Firefox/Mozilla bookmarks (bookmarks.html) to a fvwm menu. The script is a bit quick and dirty and needs some cleanup and sanity checking, but does recreate the bookmark tree with any favicons included in bookmarks.html
v0.1a - alex pleiner alex-fvwm@zeitform.de
code is GPL - use at own risk
use strict;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use MIME::Base64;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Image::Magick;
my $file = “/home/alex/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxx.default/bookmarks.html”;
my $max_length = 40;
my $basemenu = “start”;
my $bookmark_icon = “16x16/bookmark.png”;
my $folder_icon = “16x16/bookmark_folder.png”;
my $menu_prefix = “bookmarks_”;
my $command = “mozilla”;
my $favicon_dir = “/home/alex/.fvwm/icons/tmp”; ## check if exists
my (%menu, %files, %id);
my $c=1;
supported icon types
my %magick = ( “image/png” => “png”, “image/gif” => “gif”, “image/x-icon” => “ico” );
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new; # empty tree
open(my $fh, “<:utf8”, $file) || die;
init root menu
$menu{$basemenu} = menustart($basemenu);
foreach my $f ($tree->descendants)
## skip unless folder, item or separator
next unless $f->tag eq “a” or $f->tag eq “hr” or $f->tag eq “h3”;
## parent
my $pid;
if ($f->depth == 4 && defined $f->attr("personal_toolbar_folder"))
# we might wish to do something different here ....
# $menu{$basemenu} .= menusubmenu($c, $f->as_text);
$pid = $basemenu;
elsif ($f->depth == 4)
$pid = $basemenu;
my $parent = ($f->look_up("_tag", "dt"))[1] || $basemenu;
$id{$parent} ||= $c++;
$pid = $id{$parent};
## debug
#print $f->tag, "-", $f->depth, " - ", $f->address, "-", $pid, "-$c-", $f->as_text, "\n";
## bookmarkitem
if ($f->tag eq "a")
my $filename;
## favicon
if (my $icon = $f->attr("icon"))
my ($type,$encoding,$data) = ($icon =~ /^data]+?\/[^;]+);(\w+?),(.+)$/);
#print "found icon $type - $encoding\n";
## supported
if ($encoding eq "base64" && defined $magick{$type})
my $name = md5_hex($data);
## not yet created
if (! defined $files{$name})
$files{$name} = sprintf("%s/%s.png", $favicon_dir, $name);
unless (-r $files{$name})
my $image=Image::Magick->new(magick=>$magick{$type});
defined $image->[0]
? $image->[0]->Write($files{$name})
: $image->Write($files{$name});
$filename = $files{$name};
$menu{$pid} .= menuitem($f->as_text, $f->attr("href"), $filename);
## separator
elsif ($f->tag eq "hr")
$menu{$pid} .= menusep();
## folder
elsif ($f->tag eq "h3")
$menu{$pid} .= menusubmenu($c, $f->as_text);
$menu{$c} = menustart($c) if ! defined $menu{$c};
foreach (keys %menu)
print $menu{$_}, “\n”;
sub land
sub menusubmenu
my ($id, $text) = @_;
return sprintf("+ %%$folder_icon%%"%s" Popup %s%s\n", clean($text), $menu_prefix, $id);
sub menustart
my ($id) = @_;
return sprintf(“DestroyMenu %s%s\nAddToMenu %s%s\n”, $menu_prefix, $id, $menu_prefix, $id);
sub menuitem
my ($text, $url, $icon) = @_;
return sprintf("+ %%%s%%"%s" Exec exec %s ‘%s’\n", ($icon||$bookmark_icon), clean($text||$url), $command, $url);
sub menusep
return “+ “” Nop\n”;
sub clean
my ($text) = @_;
if (length($text) > $max_length) { $text = substr($text, 0, $max_length) . “…”; }
$text =~ s/*//g; # $text =~ s/*/\*/g;
$text =~ s/\/\\/g;
$text =~ s/&/&&/g;
$text =~ s/"/\"/g;
$text =~ s/’/\’/g;
$text =~ s/$/\$$/g;
$text =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
return $text;
- edit config
- run from comandline to check
- add to .fvwm2rc
[code]PipeRead ‘perl $[fvwm_script]/bookmarks-menu.pl’
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot
other entries
- %16x16/bookmark_folder.png%“Bookmarks” Popup bookmarks_start
[color=red]Edited by theBlackDragon:
–> Well, Perl isn’t an Fvwm function, so moving to Other languages [/color]