multiple SSH profiles??

Maby this is off-topic but it is only a problem when I use the menus in fvwm so I guess its an fvwm issue.

I have 3 SSH profiles in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config file:

Host work1
User work_user_name1
ForwardX11 yes
LocalForward 119

Host internet
User another_user_name
HostName internet_host

Host work2
User work_user_name2
ForwardX11 yes
LocalForward 119

In my fvwm2rc fil I have:

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot “Root Menu” Title

  •   	"&3.	Logon (Net)"	   Exec exec xterm -e 'ssh internet'
  •   	"&4.	Logon (work1)"	Exec exec sudo xterm -e 'ssh work1'
  •   	"&5.	Logon (work2)"	Exec exec sudo xterm -e 'ssh work2'

I always have to use “internet” profile before choosing either work1 or work2.
The problem is that nothing happens I choose either work1 or work2.

I have tried to outcomment work2 in /etc/ssh/ssh_config and then I can use work1.

Any ideas?