My first screenshot posting

Hi, I’m relatively new to both linux and fvwm, and I want to share my first screenshot of my fvwm desktop. It’s not complicated in anyway, but it is very simple, yet functional, in my opinion anyway. Here is the link:
A few things:
-I didn’t put a menu up, because it is just piece of crap, and it’s not even worth having it in view.
-My config file is such a mess, so I will post it later. I’m not even sure if it’s necessary, since my script is very simple.
-It is still considered an alpha version, so I will update it again once I have a better one!
Thanks for viewing,

not bad. I really like the background!

I would suggest keeping lots of comments in your fvwm2rc file to keep it organized, and come up with some sort of version numbering system to keep track of everything!

Welcome to fvwm! :smiley:

I edited the fvwm2rc and now I’m ready to reveal the code. Here is the new image of my updated version of my desktop:

The updates are:

  • Improved menu
  • Added FvwmPager on the bottom right
  • Organized (!) fvwm2rc

And here is the code:

## Kcirick's first FVWM theme! ##
## Version 0.1.2               ##
## Email:    ##

## Desktop Size ##
# I only have one and I only need one =P
DeskTopSize 1x1

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Module FvwmPager 
+ I Module FvwmButtons FvwmDock   
+ I Exec exec fvwm-root -r /home/kcirick/backgrounds/155.png
+ I Exec exec torsmo &

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction
+ I Module FvwmPager 
+ I Module FvwmButtons  FvwmDock
+ I Exec exec torsmo &
ImagePath /usr/share/pixmaps:/home/kcirick/.fvwm

## Global Styles ##
ButtonStyle Reset

DestroyDecor DefaultDecor
AddToDecor DefaultDecor 

+ ButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon

+ ButtonStyle 2 Active Pixmap clear/close-active.png
+ ButtonStyle 2 AllUp Pixmap clear/close-active.png
+ ButtonStyle 2 Inactive Pixmap clear/close-inactive.png

+ ButtonStyle 4 Active Pixmap clear/maximize-active.png
+ ButtonStyle 4 AllUp Pixmap clear/maximize-active.png
+ ButtonStyle 4 Inactive Pixmap clear/maximize-inactive.png

+ ButtonStyle 6 Active Pixmap clear/minimize-active.png
+ ButtonStyle 6 AllUp Pixmap clear/minimize-active.png
+ ButtonStyle 6 Inactive Pixmap clear/minimize-inactive.png

+ ButtonStyle All -- flat usetitlestyle

+ TitleStyle ActiveUp   (Solid rgb:6b/89/9e -- Flat)
+ TitleStyle ActiveDown (Solid rgb:6b/89/9e -- Flat)
+ TitleStyle Inactive   (Solid rgb:CC/CC/CC -- Flat)
+ TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 21 -- flat
Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkipIcon

Style "*"			BorderWidth 5, Handlewidth 1
Style "*"  			CascadePlacement
Style "*"         MWMFunctions,HintOverride,MWMBorder,MWMbuttons
Style "*"			ClickToFocus
Style "*"			UseDecor DefaultDecor
Style "*" 			DecorateTransient, NoPPosition, IconBox  0 0 0 0

## Mouse bindings ##
# First, for the mouse in the root window
# Button 1 gives the Utilities menu
# Button 2 gives the Window Ops menu
# Button 3 gives the WindowList (like TwmWindows)

#Button	Context Modifi 	Function
Mouse 1		R   	A       Menu Menu Nop
Mouse 2		R    	A       Menu "Window Ops" Nop
Mouse 3     R     A       WindowList

# Now the title bar buttons

#Button	Context Modif 	Function
Mouse 0 		6     A   	 Thumbnail
Mouse 0 		4     A	    Maximize 100 92
Mouse 0 		2     A 	    Close
Mouse 0  	1		A	 	 Nop

# Now the rest of the frame
# Button 1 in the corner pieces, with any modifiers, gives resize or raise
Mouse 1		F	A	Function "Resize-or-Raise"
# Button 1 in the title, sides, or icon, w/ any modifiers, gives move or raise
Mouse 1		TS	A	Function "Move-or-Raise"

# Button 1 in an icons gives move for a drag, de-iconify for a double-click,
# nothing for a single click
# Button 2 in an icon, w/ any modifiers, gives de-iconify
Mouse 1		I	A	Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 2		I	A	Iconify

# Button 2 in the corners, sides, or title-bar gives the window ops menu
Mouse 2		FST	A	Function "window_ops_func"

# Button 3 anywhere in the decoration (except the title-bar buttons)
# does a raise-lower
Mouse 3		TSIF	A	RaiseLower

# Button 3 in the window, with the Modifier-1 key (usually alt or diamond)
# gives Raise-Lower. Used to use control here, but that interferes with xterm
Mouse 3         W       M       RaiseLower

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
##		From fvwm faq:                                                     ##
##    Q:  Why do NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock interfere with         ##
##        ClickToFocus and/or my mouse bindings?                         ##
##                                        			 							 ##
##    A: Because they are treated as modifiers.  You can use the      	 ##
##       IgnoreModifiers command to turn individual modifiers off for    ##
##       bindings.  With XFree86 and fvwm version 2.4.0 or above, the    ##
##       right command is:                              			 		 	 ##
##       	IgnoreModifiers L25                                          ##
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #   
    IgnoreModifiers L25

## Dock Settings ##
Style   FvwmDock Sticky, NoTitle, NoHandles, WindowListSkip, Borderwidth 0
Colorset 17 RootTransparent

#The width of the dock is 450 and the 2nd line centers the dock.
SetEnv MyDock.width 450
PipeRead "echo SetEnv offset.MyDock $$(( ($[vp.width]-$[MyDock.width]) / 2))"

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmDock: *
*FvwmDock: Rows 1
*FvwmDock: Frame 0
*FvwmDock: Geometry $[MyDock.width]x64+$[offset.MyDock]+704
*FvwmDock: BoxSize fixed 
*FvwmDock: Columns 6
*FvwmDock: Colorset 17
*FvwmDock: (1x1, Icon "icons/terminal.png", Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec exec xterm -sb -ls -fg white -bg black')
*FvwmDock: (1x1, Icon "icons/firefox.png", Action(Mouse 1) `Exec exec firefox`)
*FvwmDock: (1x1, Icon "icons/gimp.png", Action(Mouse 1) `Exec exec gimp`)
*FvwmDock: (1x1, Icon "icons/abiword.png", Action(Mouse 1) `Exec exec abiword`)
*FvwmDock: (1x1, Icon "icons/bluefish.png", Action(Mouse 1) `Exec exec bluefish`)
*FvwmDock: (1x1, Icon "icons/gxine.png", Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec exec gxine')

## Pager Settings ##
Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, BorderWidth 1

*FvwmPager: SloppyFocus
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: Back black
*FvwmPager: Fore #7bc8e4
*FvwmPager: Geometry 133x100+891+668
*FvwmPager: Balloons
*FvwmPager: BalloonFore black
*FvwmPager: BalloonBack white

## Functions ##
AddToFunc Move-or-Raise		"I" Raise
+				"M" Move
+  				"D" Lower

AddToFunc Move-or-Raise2	"M" Raise
+				"M" Move
+  				"D" Lower

AddToFunc Maximize-Func		"M" Maximize	 100 100
+				"C" Maximize	 100 100
+				"D" Maximize	 100 100

AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify	"I" Raise
+				"M" Move
+				"D" Iconify

AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise	"I" Raise
+				"M" Resize
+				"D" Lower

AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise2	"M" Raise
+				"M" Resize
+				"D" Lower

AddToFunc PrintFunction		"I" Raise
+				"I" Exec xdpr -id $w

## Thumbnails function ##
#The code is taken right from the FVWM Manpage
DestroyFunc Thumbnail
AddToFunc Thumbnail
+ I Raise
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded, Iconifiable, !Iconic) PipeRead \
    "xwd -silent -id $[] | convert -scale 72 -frame 1x1 \
    -mattecolor black -quality 0 xwd:- \
    png:$[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[].png \
    && echo WindowStyle IconOverride, \
    Icon $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[].png \
    || echo Nop"
+ I Iconify
DestroyFunc DeThumbnail
AddToFunc DeThumbnail
+ I Exec rm -f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[].png
+ I DestroyWindowStyle

*FvwmEvent: deiconify DeThumbnail

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent

AddToFunc StartFunction I Test (Restart) All (Iconic) \
   Test (f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[].png) WindowStyle \
   IconOverride, Icon $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.$[].png
AddToFunc ExitFunction I Test (!ToRestart) \
   Exec rm -f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icon.tmp.*
## Menus ##
Colorset 0 fg white, bg #0681ba, fgsh black, Transparent buffer, tint #ffffff 25

MenuStyle * Hilight3DThin, PopupOffset +0 100, PopupDelay 1400
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 0
MenuStyle * Font "Shadow=1"
MenuStyle * BorderWidth 1, TitleUnderlines 0, SeparatorsLong, TrianglesSolid, Animation
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%.2|%.5i%.5l%.5i%10.3>%2|"
MenuStyle * AutomaticHotKeys

AddToMenu 	Menu	  	"Menu"   	Title
+				"Xterm"		Exec exec xterm -sb -ls -fg white -bg black
+				"Firefox"	Exec exec firefox
+				"Abiword"	Exec exec abiword
+				"Gimp"		Exec exec gimp
+				"Bluefish" 	Exec exec bluefish
+				"Gxine"  Exec exec gxine
+				""				Nop
+				"Restart" 	Restart
+				"Refresh screen" Refresh
+				""				Nop
+				"Quit"		Quit