My .fvwm2rc

Well for what it’s worth here is mine and I would like to thank those that helped me and the man pages and the info pages and of course ‘google’ and ‘git hub’. I broke up my stuff into different files, made it way easier to work with. What I’ve done here is between the “(( ))” is the actual coding.

I’ve got it working the way I wanted it to, I’m sure there are some more aesthetic tweeking and some little glitches but it works.


__ _ _ _ ___ |

#/ | |_ __ _ | | _____ ( ___ /__ ___ __ |
#\ | '_ \ / |/ _ |/ _ \ \ /\ / |/ _| // /\ \ /\ / | ’ \ |
\ | | | | (| | (| | () \ V V / _ \ / _// \ V V /| | | | |
#_|| ||_,|_,|_/ _/_/ |/ ___/ _/_/ || || |


__ ____ |

/ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ |___ \ _ __ ___ |

| |\ \ / \ \ /\ / | ’ ` _ \ ) | '/ __| |

_| _|\ V / \ V V /| | | | | |/ /| | | ( |

#(|| _/ _/_/ || || ||_____|| ___| |


__ ____ __ ____ |

/ | ___ _ __ __ _____ _ __ |__ \ / /_ | ___| |

#| |_ / _ | '| \ \ / / _ | '| ) || ’ \ |__ \ |
#| | () | | \ V | | | / / | () _ ) | |
| _
| _/ _
|() |
__(__(|___/ |


For those that, care the ascii letters are from | |

As an added bonus to this little endeavor, it’s also made |

me very familiar with my now favorite editor ‘G/VIM’. |

I’ve commented the hell out of this for myself incase I have |

to come back to this later on and for anyone |

who might find it helpful, useful or just too lazy to bounce |

back and forth between the man pages and FVWM home pages |

#—NB: if you really bork things up |

where the default stuff setting scripts and forms are |

fvwm-config --info | grep Data |

#…Now! On with that show! |


SetEnv fvwm_home $[HOME]/.fvwm
SetEnv fvwm_img $[fvwm_home]/images
SetEnv fvwm_icon /usr/share/icons
SetEnv fvwm_pix /usr/X11R6/share/pixmaps
SetEnv fvwm_wall ~/Pictures
SetEnv fvwm_script $[fvwm_home]/scripts
SetEnv fvwm_icon_size 48


OpaqueMoveSize -1
Emulate FVWM
#Mwm and Win style menus popup sub menus automatically.
#Win menus indicate the current menu item by changing the background to black.
#Fvwm sub menus overlap the parent menu, Mwm and Win style menus never
#overlap the parent menu
HideGeometryWindow Never
BugOpts FlickeringMoveWorkAround True
XorValue 55555
#Animation set to 30ms with 16 frames
SetAnimation 30 -.01 0 .01 .03 .08 .18 .3 .45 .6 .75
.85 .90 .94 .97 .99 1.0


#Test for tcsh and then uses it
Test (f /bin/tcsh)
ExecUseShell /bin/tcsh


#the entry with xxx;.png means to look for png files in the same location
#the default files used are .xpm
ImagePath $[fvwm_img]:$[fvwm_img];.png:$[fvwm_icon]:$[fvwm_icon];.png:


*FvwmBanner: NoDecor
#tests to see if the file is available
#if not it reverts back to default
#Yeah, I ‘had’ to make my own :sunglasses:
Test (I banner.xpm)
*FvwmBanner: Pixmap Banner.xpm
*FvwmBanner: Timeout 3


start xscreensaver daemon for locking

  • I Test (x xscreensaver-command) Test (Init) Exec xscreensaver -no-splash


xwininfo boxes

*FvwmIdent: Fore DeepPink4
*FvwmIdent: Back SlateGray4
*FvwmIdent: Font “xft:Sans:Bold:size=10:antialias=True”


DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
#setups up # of pages
Module FvwmPager 0 2
#+0+0 = TL corner
#-0-0 = BR corner
#+1-1 = BL corner
#-1+1 = TR corner
FvwmPagerGeometry 190x50-1+1
FvwmPager: MiniIcons
FvwmPager: Back Black
FvwmPager: Fore DeepPink1
FvwmPager: Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r--
#Hilights the active desktop and page
*FvwmPager: Hilight White
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonsFore red4
*FvwmPager: BalloonsBack black
#*FvwmPager: BalloonColorSet * Colorset 9
#*FvwmPager: BalloonsBack Yellow
#*FvwmPager: BalloonsBack Black

  • Fvwmpager: BalloonFont “xft:Bitstream Vera Sans:style=Roman:size=8:antialias=True”
    #*FvwmPager: BalloonsFont lucidasanstypewriter-8
    *FvwmPager: BalloonsOffset +2
    *FvwmPager: BalloonBorderWidth 1
    #*FvwmPager: BalloonBorderColor red4


(0) (1) (2)

#|00|01| | | | |
#|10|11| | | | |
DeskTopSize 2x2
DesktopName 0 Home
DesktopName 1 Whirk
DesktopName 2 Serphin
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeThickness 1
#Have cursor resist for #ms before going to the next desktop
EdgeResistance 2000
Style * EdgeMoveDelay 1500
Style * EdgeMoveResistance 1500



#Warning: The highest colorset number used determines memory consumption.
#Thus, if you define ‘Colorset 100000’, the memory for 100001 colorsets is used
#Colorset N | Meaning | Usage Examples

0 | default | feedback windows, FvwmScroll

1 | inactive window | window/icon titles, windows in Pager

2 | active window | window/icon titles, windows in Pager

3 | inactive borders | window borders (may copy 1)

4 | active borders | window borders (may copy 2)

5 | inactive menu item | menus (may have pixmap or gradient)

6 | active menu item | menus (only bg/fg used)

7 | greyed menu item | menus (only fg used)

8-9 | reserved | for the fvwm-themes future use

10 | modules, default | Button Bar, Pager, other modules

11 | modules, default hilight | Button Bar

12 | modules, special | gradient for IconMan/IconBox

13 | modules, swallowed apps | bg, fg, sh, hi for xclock/xload etc.

14 | modules, default #2 | alternative for Pager, Button Bar

15 | modules, default hilight #2| alternative for Pager

16 | modules, balloons | TaskBar, Pager

17 | modules, winlist, standard | item of IconMan, WinList, TaskBar

18 | modules, winlist, active | --.–

19 | modules, winlist, iconified| --.–

20 | modules, winlist, pointed | --.–

21 | modules, ident | FvwmIdent

22 | modules, console | FvwmConsole

23 | modules, transparent | Button Bar

24-28 | modules, reserved | for the fvwm-themes future use

29 | dynamical/temporary | tools for choosing/previewing colors

30 | regular terminal | xterm/rxvt or any other terminal

31 | admin terminal | terminal for root (su)

32 | remote terminal | terminal with ssh/rsh/telnet

33 | viewer terminal | man, less, tail -f

34 | console application | top, editor

35 | dialog main area | FvwmScript, FvwmForm, xmessage

36 | dialog text area | FvwmScript, FvwmForm, xmessage

37-39 | reserved | for the fvwm-themes future use

Colors can be #hex or rgb.txt oneword names

ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
Colorset 0 fg “lawn green”, bg black
Colorset 1 fg green, bg red4
Colorset 2 fg black, bg SkyBlue4
Colorset 3 fg dimgray, bg black
Colorset 4 fg black, bg #00FF11
#[TODO] Colorset 5 set to dark-stone pixmap.
Colorset 6 fg #FFFF33, bg #CC3333
Colorset 7 fg red4
#[Test this one on diff. locations]
Colorset 8 transparent
Colorset 9 BGradient 300 Black SaddleBrown
#Gradient Types
#B=BR to TL
#D=TL to BR
#R=CCW Radial
#S=‘X’ out to in
Colorset 10 DGradient 300 Black Red



Rem’d out for later use for eye candy purposes

#*FvwmTaskbar: StartName Oh yea! $[fvwm_img]/16x16/others/animals-penguin.png


___ _ _

/ __ | || | ___ _ __ ___

/__/| | | | __| _/ _ | ’ / __|

#/ / | || | || || () | | | _
#_/_,|_|__/|| ||_/
read kage.buttons

A x B = A=<> B=^v

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmButtons: *
*FvwmButtons: Geometry 165x620+1740+64
*FvwmButtons: font “Shadow=1:xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=9:minspace=True:antialias=True”
*MyButtons: Boxsize fixed
#| C1/R1 |…|C3/R1 |
#| … |…| … |
#| C1/R13|…|C3/R13|
*FvwmButtons: Columns 3
*FvwmButtons: Rows 13
# for the systray in the button
*FvwmButtons: (2x1, Back red4, Swallow stalonetray ‘Exec exec stalonetray -t --fuzzy-edges 3 --geometry 5x2 -i 20 --vertical --dockapp-mode simple’)
*FvwmButtons: (Colorset 1, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/24x24/apps/,
Action (Mouse 1) Exec exec xterm -fg cyan -bg black -geometry 80x24,
Action (Mouse 3) Exec exec xterm -fg green -bg black -geometry 90x60)

*FvwmButtons: (Colorset 1, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/apps/firefox.png
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec /usr/lib/firefox-34.0.5/firefox-bin -new-tab’,
Action (Mouse 3) ‘Exec exec firefox -new-tab’)

*FvwmButtons (Back Black, Icon$[fvwm_img]/mini/sound.xpm
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec aumix’)

*FvwmButtons: (Colorset 1, Icon $[fvwm_img]/winXX-startmenu/documents.xpm
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec konqueror’,
Action (Mouse 3) ‘Exec exec dolphin --split’)

*FvwmButtons (Colorset 1, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/24x24/apps/gvim.png
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec gvim’,
Action (Mouse 3) ‘Exec exec kwrite’)

*FvwmButtons: (Back black, Icon $[fvwm_img]/winXX-startmenu/help.xpm
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec xman -pagesize 875x875+0+0 -bg black -fg cyan -bd red -title RTFM!’)

*FvwmButtons (Colorset 1, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/24x24/apps/gimp.png
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec gimp’,
Action (Mouse 3) ‘Exec exec gwenview’)

*FvwmButtons (Colorset 1, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/24x24/apps/vlc.png
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec vlc’,
Action (Mouse 3) ‘Exec exec xine’)

*FvwmButtons (Back black, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/24x24/apps/xmms2.png
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec xmms’),
Action (Mouse 3) ‘Exec exec audacious’)

*FvwmButtons: (Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/24x24/actions/view-media-artist.png,
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec xterm -r -e $[fvwm_script]/toor.scr’)

*FvwmButtons (Back red4, Icon$[fvwm_img]/exit6.xpm
Action (Mouse 1) Quit,
Action (Mouse 3) Restart

Rem’d since this is a dup of what’s on .buttons

Action (Mouse 2) Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock)

*FvwmButtons: (Back black, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mc.xpm,
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec $[fvwm_script]/mc.scr’)

*FvwmButtons: (Colorset1, Icon $[fvwm_img]/48x48-infox/disk-cd.xpm,
Action (Mouse 1) ‘Exec exec $[fvwm_script]/dvdon.scr’),
Action (Mouse 3) ‘Exec exec $[fvwm_script]/dvdout.scr’)

#size is set to 3 row x 2 col.
*FvwmButtons: (3x2, Back red4, Swallow “oclock” ‘Exec oclock -jewel green -hour white -minute white -bg red4 -transparent’)
*FvwmButtons (3x2 Container())
*FvwmButtons: (3x1+0+0, Swallow (NoKill, Respawn, UseOld) “xclock” ‘Exec xclock -digital -face ‘Mononspace:size=16’ -bg red4 -fg white -strftime " %a %m-%d"’)
#fg=pupil outline=around eye
*FvwmButtons: (3x1+0+1, Back red4, Swallow “xeyes” ‘Exec exec xeyes -fg CornflowerBlue -outline black -bg green’)
*FvwmButtons (End)
#This creates a container box within the existing Buttons Window
#that takes up 3 col and 3 rows.
#1x1 = 1 col x 1 row within the created block and then the location of the item
#within the created box, eg. +1+2 would put it in column 1
#row 2 (remember - start with ‘0’)
*FvwmButtons (3x4, Container(Rows 4, Columns 5))
#| 00 | 10 | 20 | 30 |
#| 01 | 11 | 21 | 31 |
#| 02 | 12 | 22 | 32 |
*FvwmButtons (1x1+0+0, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.resize.xpm Action Resize)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+1+0, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.move.xpm Action Move)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+2+0, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.lower.xpm Action Lower)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+3+0, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.raise.xpm Action Raise)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+4+0, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.excl.xpm Action ButtonRestart)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+0+1, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.stick.xpm Action Stick)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+1+1, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.delete.xpm Action Delete)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+2+1, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.destroy.xpm Action Destroy)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+3+1, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.iconify1.xpm Action Iconify)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+4+1, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/actions/system-lock-screen-2.png
Action (Mouse1) ‘Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock’)
*FvwmButtons (1x1+0+2, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_pix]/htop.png
Action (Mouse1) ‘Exec exec xterm -geometry 165x85 -e htop’)
#*FvwmButtons (1x1+1+2, Back red4, Icon $[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/knotes.png
Action (Mouse1) ‘Exec exec knotes’
*FvwmButtons (2x1, Back red4, Swallow (UseOld,NoKill,Respawn) “wmxmms” ‘Exec exec wmxmms’)
*FvwmButtons (2x1, Back red4, Swallow (UseOld,Hints,Respawn) “wmweather” ‘Exec exec wmweather’)
*FvwmButtons (End)


__ _ _

#/ \ | _ | | ___ ___
#\ | __| | | | |/ _ / __|
\ \ || || | | /_
#_/_|_, ||_


read kage.styles



for reminder these are set in .fvwm2rc

#fvwm_img $[fvwm_home]/images
#fvwm_icon /usr/share/icons
#fvwm_pix /usr/X11R6/share/pixmaps
#COLORSET is done in .fvwm2rc


Style * EdgeMoveDelay 1500
Style * EdgeMoveResistance 1500
#Have to click window to bring it forward
#SloppyFocus sets window active when cursor is on window
#not my glass of vodka, personally
#[TODO] Need to experiment with these settings
#Style * NoIcon
Style * ClickToFocus
Style * Font --clean-bold-r---17-------
Style * IconFont -adobe-courier-bold-r---14-100--100----*
Style * HilightFore “lawn green”, HilightBack cornflowerblue
Style * BorderWidth 7, HandleWidth 7
Style "" Icon Unknown.xpm, Color lightgrey/dimgrey
Style * MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
Style * DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
Style * IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
Style * FocusFollowsMouse
Style * TileCascadePlacement
Style Fvwm
NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style Fvwm* BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
#Style FvwmPager StaysOnTop - set so it will go under open windows
#see kage.pager-todo
Style FvwmBanner StaysOnTop
Style FvwmButtons Icon toolbox.xpm, ClickToFocus



Starts on (deskop window window)

Style * = set all entries to whatever setting

eg. Click to Focus ANY application

Style * ClickToFocus
Style “Firefox” Icon firefox.png, MiniIcon $[fvwm_icon]/oxygen/16x16/apps/internet-web-browser.png, StartsOnPage 2 0 0
Style “xterm” Icon $[fvwm_img]/term.xpm, MiniIcon $[fvwm_icon]/nuvola/16x16/apps/utilities-terminal.png, StartsOnPage 1 0 0
Style “xmms” StartsOnPage 2 1 1

by Shadow Style XTerm Icon $[fvwm_img]/term.xpm, MiniIcon $[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/terminator.png,\

ClickOnFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140

Style “kwrite” Icon $[fvwm_img]/png/24x24/apps/kwrite.png
Style “konqueror” Icon $[fvwm_img]/konqueror.png
Style “knotes” Icon $[fvwm_icon]/oxygen/32x32/apps/knotes.png
Style “kalarm” Icon $[fvwm_icon]/nuvola/22x22/actions/kalarm.png
Style “wmweather” NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClicktoFocus, StaysOnBottom



#Style" UseDecor k_decor
#Style "
” Font --
#Style "
" Colorset



Colorset5 | inactive menu item | menus (may have pixmap or gradient)

6 | active menu item | menus (only bg/fg used)

7 | greyed menu item | menus (only fg used)

MenuStyle * fvwm
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 6
MenuStyle * TitleColorset 2
MenuStyle * HilightBack black
MenuStyle * TitleWarp, TitleUnderlines1
MenuStyle * Sidepic $[fvwm_img]/side.fvwm2.xpm, SideColor #000000
MenuStyle * Icon $[fvwm_img]/linux.xpm
#[TODO] MenuStyle * Itemformat
#MenuStyle * Foreground IndianRed3, Background black, Greyed grey40, Hilightback white, ActiveFore #b80909
MenuStyle * Font --clean-bold-r---17-------
#MenuStyle * Font “xft:Candara:Bold:size=10:minspace=False:antialias=True”



CursorStyle DEFAULT $[fvwm_img]/HandPointing.xpm 0 0
CursorStyle ROOT $[fvwm_img]/HandPointing.xpm 0 0
#title was set just to be funny - could of been set just like default one
CursorStyle TITLE $[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/emotes/face-devilish.png 0 0
CursorStyle MOVE $[fvwm_img]/HandReach.xpm 0 0
CursorStyle MENU right_ptr
#CursorStyle DESTROY #Look here for some nostalgic X cursors,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNF9h0eCs3xAroLPLZ84-M8f5h18Dw&ust=1412092747818624
#CursorStyle TOP_LEFT
#CursorStyle TOP_RIGHT
#CursorStyle BOTTOM_LEFT




Button identification is set in kage.binding

#This will set all active and inactive to raised or flat respectively
ButtonStyle All Active (-- raised) Inactive (-- flat)

ButtonStyle 1
Active (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/actions/align-vertical-top.png)
InActive (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/actions/align-vertical-top.png)
ButtonStyle 2
Active (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_pix]/Daemon.xpm)
InActive (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_pix]/Daemon.xpm)
ButtonStyle 3
Active (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_img]/48x48-infox/window-iconify.xpm)
InActive (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_img]/48x48-infox/window-iconify.xpm)
ButtonStyle 4
Active (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_img]/48x48-infox/window-maximize.xpm)
InActive (AdjustedPixmap $[fvwm_img]/48x48-infox/window-maximize.xpm)



DestroyDecor k_decor
AddToDecor k_decor

TitleStyle RightJustified Height 20
TitleStyle Active (TiledPixmap $[fvwm_img]/buttons/bluegray-gimpressionist-cubism.xpm – Raised )
TitleStyle Inactive (TiledPixmap $[fvwm_img]/background/as-back.xpm – Sunk )


//\ ___ _ __ _ _ ___

/ \ / _ \ '_ | | | / __|

#/ //\ \ / | | | || _
#/ /_
|| ||_,|___/




DestroyMenu MenuFvwmRoot
AddToMenu MenuFvwmRoot “[Kage’s Menu]” Title

  • “[AudVid]” Popup MenuFvwmAudVid
  • “[Dev]” Popup MenuFvwmDev
  • “[0.25]” Popup MenuFvwmGames
  • “[911]” Popup Help
  • “[Whirk]” Popup MenuFvwmOffice
  • “[Proggies]” Popup MenuFvwmPrograms
  • “[Tools]” Popup MenuFvwmTools
    #+ “[Utiz]” Popup MenuFvwmUtilities
  • “Volume” Popup Volume
  • “[Webbing]” Popup MenuFvwmWeb
  • “[Bu-Bye]” Popup MenuFvwmQuitVerify


AudVid Menu

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmAudVid
AddToMenu MenuFvwmAudVid “” Title
“” Nop

  • “K3b” Exec exec k3b
    • “Vidz” Popup MenuFvwmVid
    • “Noize” Popup MenuFvwmAud
      DestroyMenu MenuFvwmVid
      AddToMenu MenuFvwmVid “Vidz” Title
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/mini/video.xpm% Gmplayer” Exec exec gmplayer
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/mini/xine.xpm% Xine” Exec exec xine
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/dragonplayer.png% Dragon Player”
    Exec exec dragon
  • “” Nop
    DestroyMenu MenuFvwmAud
    AddToMenu MenuFvwmAud “Noize” Title
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/nuvola/16x16/apps/amarok.png% Amarok” Exec exec amarok
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/apps/audacious.png% Audacious” Exec exec audacious
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/nuvola/16x16/apps/juk.png% Juk” Exec exec juk
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/kaudiocreator.png% KAudioCreator” Exec exec kaudiocreator
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/kplayer.png% CD Player” Exec exec kplayer



Dev Menu

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmDev
AddToMenu MenuFvwmDev “” Title

  • “” Nop
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/png/22x22/apps/python2.5.png% Python IDE” Exec exec idle
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/22x22/apps/kapptemplate.png% KAppTemplate”
    Exec exec kapptemplate
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/22x22/apps/kompare.png% Kompare”
    Exec exec kompare
  • “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/22x22/apps/kturtle.png% KTurtle”
    Exec exec kturtle
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/png/22x22/apps/python2.5.png% Term Python”
    Exec exec xterm -r -e python
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/png/22x22/apps/gdb.png% Term gdb”
    Exec exec xterm -r -e gdb



Games Menu

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmGames
AddToMenu MenuFvwmGames “<Insert .25>” Title
+ “B/W” Popup MenuFvwmBW
+ “Color” Popup MenuFvwmColor
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmBW
AddToMenu MenuFvwmBW
+ “Gomoku” Exec exec xterm -e gomoku
+ “Hangman” Exec exec xterm -r -e hangman
+ “Hunt” Exec exec xterm -r -e hunt
+ “Snake” Exec exec xterm -r -e snake
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmColor
AddToMenu MenuFvwmColor
+ “%$[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/apps/dosbox.png% DosBox” Exec exec dosbox
+ “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/kolf.png% Kolf” Exec exec kolf %U
+ “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/ksirk.png% KsirK” Exec exec ksirk



Help Menu

DestroyMenu Help
AddToMenu Help “<911>” Title
“” Nop

  • “%/usr/include/X11/pixmaps/mini.xman.xpm% ManPages” Exec exec xman
  • “KHelp Center” Exec exec khelpcenter
  • “Info” Exec exec xterm -geometry 130x50 -r -e info



Office Menu

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmOffice
AddToMenu MenuFvwmOffice “” Title
“” Nop

  • “BrainDump” Exec exec “braindump”
  • “Calendar” Exec exec “orage”
    • “Calligra” Popup MenuCalli
      DestroyMenu MenuCalli
      AddToMenu MenuCalli “” Title
      • “Flow” Exec exec calligraflow
      • “Mobile” Exec exec calligramobile
      • “Sheets” Exec exec calligrasheets
      • “Stage” Exec exec calligrastage
      • “Words” Exec exec calligrawords



Programs Menu

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmPrograms
AddToMenu MenuFvwmPrograms “” Title
“” Nop
+ “Terms” Popup MenuTerms
+ “Scribbly” Popup MenuScrib
+ “EduPlay” Popup MenuEdu
+ “Coloring Book” Popup MenuCbook
DestroyMenu MenuTerms
AddToMenu MenuTerms
+ “XTerm” Exec exec xterm -r
+ “UXTerm” Exec exec uxterm -r
+ “Terminal” Exec exec terminal
DestroyMenu MenuScrib
AddToMenu MenuScrib
+ “%$[fvwm_icon]/oxygen/16x16/apps/ksnapshot.png% Snapshot”
Exec exec ksnapshot
+ “%$[fvwm_icon]/oxygen/16x16/apps/karbon.png% Karbon”
Exec exec karbon
+ “%$[fvwm_icon]/hicolor/16x16/apps/gwenview.png% Gwenview”
Exec exec gwenview
+ “%$[fvwm_icon]/oxygen/16x16/apps/krita.png% Krita”
Exec exec krita
DestroyMenu MenuEdu
AddToMenu MenuEdu
+ “%$[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/apps/kstars.png% Kstars”
Exec exec kstars
+ “%$[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/apps/kiten.png% Kiten”
Exec exec kiten
DestroyMenu MenuCbook
Addtomenu MenuCbook
+ “%$[fvwm_img]/mini/xv.xpm% XV” Exec exec xv


Tools Menu

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmTools
AddToMenu MenuFvwmTools “” Title
“” Nop

  • “XFontSel” Exec exec xfontsel
  • “AppFinder” Exec exec xfce4-appfinder
  • “Find it” Exec exec kfind
  • “Ark” Exec exec ark



Utilities Menu

leaving some in just in case

The Circulate is a little confusing but here is a good place to explain


DestroyMenu MenuFvwmUtilities
AddToMenu MenuFvwmUtilities “” Title

  • “WinOps” PopUp WindowOpsMenu
    DestroyMenu WindowOpsMenu
    AddToMenu WindowOpsMenu “Window Operations” Title
  • “Identify %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.question.xpm%” Module FvwmIdent
    #+ “Move %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.move1.xpm%” Move
    #+ “Resize %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.resize3.xpm%” Resize
  • “(De)Iconify %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.iconify.xpm%” Iconify
    #+ “(Un)Maximiz %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.winXX-maximize.xpm%” Maximize
    #+ “(Un)Shade %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.shade1.xpm%” WindowShade
  • “(Un)Stick %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.stick1.xpm%” Stick
  • “” Nop
  • “Close %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.winXX-close.xpm%” Close
  • “Delete %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.delete.xpm%” Delete
  • “Destroy %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.destroy.xpm%” Destroy
  • “” Nop
  • “Top %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.raise.xpm%”
    Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
  • “Layer +1 %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.raise3.xpm%”
    Pick (CirculateHit) Layer +1
  • “StaysPut %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.window2.xpm%”
    Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
  • “Layer -1 %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.lower.xpm%”
    Pick (CirculateHit) Layer -1
  • “Bottom %$[fvwm_img]/mini/mini.lower3.xpm%”
    Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
  • “” Nop
    • “Move It” PopUp WinMoveMenu
      DestroyMenu WinMoveMenu
      AddToMenu WinMoveMenu “Move it!” Title
      #moves the app to another page - function is in kage.func
  • “Move R” FuncMoveWindowToPage +1p +0p
  • “Move L” FuncMoveWindowToPage -1p +0p
  • “Move U” FuncMoveWindowToPage +0p -1p
  • “Move D” FuncMoveWindowToPage +0p +1p
    #moves the window to the next/previous desktop and cycles back around
    #movetodesk is build-in function
  • “Move +1” MoveToDesk +1 0 2
  • “Move -1” MoveToDesk -1 0 2
    #+ “$[fvwm_img]/mini.picture.xpm Window Screenshot” Pick (CirculateHit) FvwmWindowScreenshot
    #+ “$[fvwm_img]/mini.display.xpm Screenshot” FvwmDesktopScreenshot 5


Web Menu

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmWeb
AddToMenu MenuFvwmWeb “” Title
#+ “” Nop

DestroyMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify
AddToMenu MenuFvwmQuitVerify “[Really Quit Fvwm?]” Title

  • “%$[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/actions/application-exit-2.png%
    [Yes, Really Quit]” Quit
  • “” Nop
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/mini/restart.xpm%[Restart]” Restart
  • “” Nop
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/mini/terminal.xpm%[Just an Xterm]”
    Restart xterm -n ‘“X Console”’ -T ‘“X Console”’
  • “” Nop
  • “%$[fvwm_img]/png/16x16/actions/system-lock-screen-2.png% [Lock it up!]”
    Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock
  • “No, Don’t Quit” Nop


Volume Control

DestroyMenu Volume
AddtoMenu Volume “” Title

“” Nop

  • " MUTE" Exec amixer -q sset Master toggle
  • " 10%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 3
  • " 16%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 5
  • " 23%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 7
  • " 29%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 9
  • " 35%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 11
  • " 42%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 13
  • " 48%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 15
  • " 55%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 17
  • " 61%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 19
  • " 68%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 21
  • " 74%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 23
  • " 81%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 25
  • " 87%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 27
  • " 94%%" Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 29
  • “100%%” Exec amixer sset ‘Master’ 31



___ _

/ __\ _ _ __ __| | ___

/ | | | | ’ \ / __| __/ __|

#/ / | || | | | | (__| |__
#/ _,|| ||_|_|/
read kage.func



Window Buttons and Window ID

#| Root Window |
#| Icon |
#| |
#| F---------------frame side---------------------------F |
#| | 1 3 5 7 9 Title Bar 0 8 6 4 2 | |
#| ±---------------------------------------------------+ |
#| | | |
#| |< frame sides | |
#| | V | |
#| F----------------------------------------------------F |
#| |


R = Root Window

W = Application Window

F = Frame Corners

S = Frame Sides

T = Title Bar

I = Icon



I = Immediate

M = Motion

C = Click

H = Hold

D = 2x click



AddToFunc StartFunction

  • I Module FvwmAnimate
  • I Module FvwmBanner
  • I Module FvwmButtons
  • I Module FvwmBacker
  • I Module FvwmIconBox

creates a debug window ‘just in case’ + I Module FvwmDebug -xc




This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,

only raises the window if you click, and drops or raises the

windowshade if you double-click.

AddtoFunc “Maximize”

  • “D” Maximize 100 100

AddToFunc “Move-or-Raise”

  • “M” Move
  • “M” Raise
  • “C” Raise

+ “D” Maximize 100 100"

  • “D” Windowshade

This one moves and then lowers the window if you drag the mouse,

only lowers the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you

double click

AddToFunc “Move-or-Lower”

  • “M” Move
  • “M” Lower
  • “C” Lower
  • “D” RaiseLower

This one moves or (de)iconifies:

AddToFunc “Move-or-Iconify”

  • “M” Move
  • “D” Iconify

This one resizes and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,

only raises the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you

double click

AddToFunc “Resize-or-Raise”

  • “M” Resize
  • “M” Raise
  • “C” Raise
  • “D” RaiseLower

You can probably guess what this does.

AddToFunc “Raise-and-FlipFocus”

  • “I” Raise
  • “I” FlipFocus

Move active window to next/previous page

DestroyFunc FuncMoveWindowToPage
AddToFunc FuncMoveWindowToPage

  • I MoveToPage $0 $1
  • I GotoPage $0 $1


Program Launch

This checks for firefox and then launches it from the

website menu options

DestroyFunc FuncOpenURL
AddToFunc FuncOpenURL

  • I Test (x $[infostore.default_browser]) Exec $[infostore.default_browser] ‘$0’
  • I TestRc (!Match) Test (x firefox) Exec firefox ‘$0’


This start xscreensaver

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction

  • I Exec exec xscreensaver -no-splash



_____ ___

_ ___ ___ _ __ / __\ _____ __

/ // / _ | ’ \ /_/// _ \ / /

#// /| (| () | | | / / \ () > <
#_/ __/|| |____/__//_\

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconBox: *

Note that icons are shown in the module

ONLY if NoIcon commnand is applied.

#Style “*” NoIcon

Style "" NoIcon
FvwmIconBox: IconBack #1fdb22
FvwmIconBox: IconHiFore black
FvwmIconBox: IconHiBack LightSkyBlue
FvwmIconBox: Fore green4
FvwmIconBox: Back red4
FvwmIconBox: Geometry 6x1+0+1092
FvwmIconBox: MaxIconSize 32x32
FvwmIconBox: Font --clean-bold-
*FvwmIconBox: SortIcons WindowName
*FvwmIconBox: Padding 1
*FvwmIconBox: Lines 10
*FvwmIconBox: SBWidth 11
*FvwmIconBox: Placement Left Top
*FvwmIconBox: Pixmap fvwm.xpm
#*FvwmIconBox: HideSC Horizontal
*FvwmIconBox: HideSC Vertical
*FvwmIconBox: SetWMIconSize
*FvwmIconBox: HilightFocusWin
*FvwmIconBox: Resolution Desk
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 1 Click RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 1 DoubleClick Iconify
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 2 Click Iconify -1, Focus
*FvwmIconBox: Mouse 3 Click Module FvwmIdent
*FvwmIconBox: Key r RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBox: Key space Iconify
*FvwmIconBox: Key d Close
*FvwmIconBox: Key n Next
*FvwmIconBox: Key p Prev
*FvwmIconBox: Key h Left
*FvwmIconBox: Key j Down
*FvwmIconBox: Key k Up
*FvwmIconBox: Key l Right

Icon file specifications

Mostly, you don’t have to specify icon files, as FvwmIconBox now

reads icon files specified in Style commands.

#FvwmIconBox: "Fvwm" -


___ _ _ _

/ __() __ __| () __ __ _

/__// | '_ \ / _ | | '_ \ / _ |

#/ / \ | | | | (| | | | | | (| |
#_/|| ||_,||| ||__, |


read kage.bind


Window Buttons and Window ID

#| Root Window |
#| Icon |
#| |
#| F---------------frame side---------------------------F |
#| | 1 3 5 7 9 Title Bar 0 8 6 4 2 | |
#| ±---------------------------------------------------+ |
#| | | |
#| |< frame sides | |
#| | V | |
#| F----------------------------------------------------F |
#| |


R = Root Window

W = Application Window

F = Frame Corners

S = Frame Sides

T = Title Bar

I = Icon



I = Immediate

M = Motion

C = Click

H = Hold

D = 2x click

Logitech M570 Mouse button format


|8| | | | u 4 |

|9| 1 | 3 | 2 | d 5 |


Mouse 1 R A Menu MenuFvwmRoot Nop
Mouse 2 R A Menu WindowOpsMenu Nop
Mouse 3 R A WindowList

#Scrollwheel to go up/down windows
Mouse 4 R A GotoPage +0p -1p
Mouse 5 R A GotoPage +0p +1p
#Scrollwheel to go left/right windows
Mouse 4 R S GotoPage +1p -0p
Mouse 5 R S GotoPage -1p +0p

#Buttons move to next desktop

goes to next desktop with 0 being first window

2 being the last window - it wraps around both

ways. Silent turns off max buttons and complex

function warning

Silent Mouse 8 R A GotoDesk +1 0 2
Silent Mouse 9 R A GotoDesk -1 0 2

for the title bar buttons:

Mouse 0 1 A Menu WindowOpsMenu Close
Mouse 0 2 A Close
Mouse 0 3 A Iconify
Mouse 0 4 A Maximize

for other parts of the window/borders/icons:

Mouse 1 F A Resize-or-Raise
Mouse 1 TS A Move-or-Raise
Mouse 1 I A Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 2 I A Iconify
Mouse 2 FST A Menu WindowOpsMenu Nop
Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower


Modifiers: (A)ny, ©ontrol, (S)hift, (M)eta, (N)othing

Key Next A SCM Next [] Focus
Key Prior A SCM Prev [
] Focus

Use Shift+Ctrl+number to go to different desktops




___ _ _

/ __\ __ _ ___| | ____ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ __| |

//// _ |/ __| |/ / _ | '/ _ | | | | '_ \ / _` |

#/ / \ (| | (__| < (| | | | () | || | | | | (| |
/_,|___||__, || ___/ _,|| ||_,|


read kage.backer


#####This is for the backgrounds of each of the Destkops

can be rgb.txt color, png-using fvwm-root, ColorSet

which is setup in fvwmtheme

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmBacker: *

The one below is for Home Desk(Desk 0)

#| 0 0 | 1 0 |
#| 0 1 | 1 1 |
#This sets the same thing for every page on Desk 0
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 0) Exec xv -max -root -quit $[fvwm_wall]/Pale_Blue_Dot.jpg

#The one below is for Whirk Desk (Desk 1)
#Gradient will only work if they are set in a Colorset
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 1, Page 0 0) -solid black
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 1, Page 1 0) Colorset 9
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 1, Page 0 1) Colorset 10
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 1, Page 1 1) Exec xv -max -root -quit $[fvwm_wall]/Kitty.jpg

The one below is for Desk 2

#For 2 of 4 windows of Serphin (Desk 2)
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 2, Page 0 *) Exec fvwm-root $[fvwm_img]/background/stone.png
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 2, Page 1 0) Exec xv -max -root -quit $[fvwm_wall]/Nina.jpg
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 2, Page 1 1) Exec xv -max -root -quit $[fvwm_wall]/s38g.jpg