New Patches

Noticed some nasty bug, about using Style * RoundedCornersTop, RoundedCornersBottom
Here is result of Maximizing it, after accepting new Styles. Same thing without RoundedCorners

on 2.5.18 and cvs ebuild by Lnx

Yes, I’m experiencing the same…until a fix I guess I will have to apply RoundedCorners only to Menu
It also affects windows un/shading when running Composite

Try this patch after everything else:
I’ll merge the fixes together later.

frogb, it works. Thanks.
And one more thing. When winfow is maximized with rounded corners, it has small space from window border to screen border. Is it normal? Here is an example

Did it happen before, or with different windows?
You might need to set “Style * ResizeHintOverride”

It behaved the same with mrxvt but after that style change it works perfectly. Thanks!
Unfortunately even after applying the patch I’m having troubles with Max/Minimize and Un/Shading whenever I set Composite on ( I got hte same effect showed on cub’s pic ) :frowning:

Hello, I just remembered about this thread.

Some days ago I was bored and noticed that these patches were not working again the latest cvs, so I spent some time cleaning them against the current cvs and fixing a couple of variables that have now been changed. Now I remember about struct frame_g becoming g.frame, not sure if something more was broken.

Now it works ok, so, in case anyone wants to use them, I am hosting them for some days here: … 101.tar.gz

You can fetch an overlay for gentoo if you preffer that (no need to download the patches then): … ay.tar.bz2

Remember, I did nothing. The contents of the patches has not been modified by me except for the strictly needed few bits to make it compile and work ok on the current cvs. So, I have no idea on what is going underneath at all.

Best regards.

I’ve updated to 2.5.23 and recreated the patches. MultiBorder had a bug where the border would sometimes be corrupted which I’ve fixed. Other changes are just for compatibility with the latest code. Everything seems to work as before but if there are any problems, then let me know.