I am having an issue with Pem’s FVWM Config. In Fvwm 2.5.X the topbar looks like it should, white background, the current window in blue.
In 2.6 the topbar looks like this:
I have read the config, read the FvwmButtons man page but I cannot figure out what changed between 2.5.30 and 2.6.x to break this part of the config.
edit: I should add top.fvwm2rc
[code]Style FvwmTopBar NoTitle, StaysOnBottom, Sticky, WindowListSkip,
CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, HandleWidth 0, BorderWidth 0,
NeverFocus, Layer 1
This size corresponds to: ScreenWidth(1680) - Border(5) - Border(5)
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_width 1270
This size corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_width - 265
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_iconman_width 1041
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_icon_width 125
This end of IconMan position corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_width + fvwm_topbar_icon_width(125)
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_endim_pos 1166
This battery level position corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_endim_pos + EndIconManWidth(12)
#SetEnv fvwm_topbar_battery_pos 1142
This inter application position 1 corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_battery_pos + VolumeWidth(36)
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_interap_pos1 1178
This volume level position corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_interap_pos1 + InterApWidth(6)
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_volume_pos 1184
This inter application position 2 corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_volume_pos + VolumeWidth(36)
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_interap_pos2 1220
This wifi position corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_interap_pos2 + InterApWidth(6)
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_wifi_pos 1226
This end of topbar position corresponds to: fvwm_topbar_wifi_pos + WifiWidth(36)
SetEnv fvwm_topbar_end_pos 1262
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmTopBar: *
*FvwmTopBar: BoxSize fixed
*FvwmTopBar: Colorset 23
*FvwmTopBar: Columns $[fvwm_topbar_width]
*FvwmTopBar: Rows 40
*FvwmTopBar: Geometry $[fvwm_topbar_width]x40+5+5
*FvwmTopBar: Frame 0
*FvwmTopBar: Padding 0 0
*FvwmTopBar: ( $[fvwm_topbar_icon_width]x40+0+0, Icon $[fvwm_theme_img]/topbar_head.png)
*FvwmTopBar: ( $[fvwm_topbar_iconman_width]x7+$[fvwm_topbar_icon_width]+0, Icon $[fvwm_theme_img]/topbar_up.png)
*FvwmTopBar: ( $[fvwm_topbar_iconman_width]x26+$[fvwm_topbar_icon_width]+7, Swallow “FvwmIconMan” “FvwmIconMan -g $[fvwm_topbar_iconman_width]x26”)
*FvwmTopBar: ( $[fvwm_topbar_iconman_width]x7+$[fvwm_topbar_icon_width]+33, Icon $[fvwm_theme_img]/topbar_down.png)
*FvwmTopBar: ( 12x40+$[fvwm_topbar_endim_pos]+0, Icon $[fvwm_theme_img]/topbar_endim.png)
#*FvwmTopBar: ( 36x40+$[fvwm_topbar_battery_pos]+0, Swallow “BatteryState” `FvwmScript $[fvwm_script]/BatteryState \
$[fvwm_theme_img]/bat4.png \
$[fvwm_theme_img]/bat3.png \
$[fvwm_theme_img]/bat2.png \
$[fvwm_theme_img]/bat1.png \
$[fvwm_theme_img]/bat0.png )
*FvwmTopBar: ( 6x40+$[fvwm_topbar_interap_pos1]+0, Icon $[fvwm_theme_img]/topbar_interap.png)
*FvwmTopBar: ( 36x40+$[fvwm_topbar_volume_pos]+0, Swallow “VolumeLevel” FvwmScript $[fvwm_script]/VolumeLevel \ $[fvwm_theme_img]/volume4.png \ $[fvwm_theme_img]/volume3.png \ $[fvwm_theme_img]/volume2.png \ $[fvwm_theme_img]/volume1.png \ $[fvwm_theme_img]/volume0.png ) *FvwmTopBar: ( 6x40+$[fvwm_topbar_interap_pos2]+0, Icon $[fvwm_theme_img]/topbar_interap.png) *FvwmTopBar: ( 36x40+$[fvwm_topbar_wifi_pos]+0, Swallow "WifiSensor"
FvwmScript $[fvwm_script]/WifiSensor
$[fvwm_theme_img]/wifi0.png )
*FvwmTopBar: ( 8x40+$[fvwm_topbar_end_pos]+0, Icon $[fvwm_theme_img]/topbar_tail.png)[/code]