I am so in love with fvwm, i couldn’t run an X session without it
But I also like KDE… So i started combining those two.
This will be like a workshop, i’m not done with my config yet, but i will publish updates here as soon as i make them.
Sadly, my webspace is down… I will post screenies & configs ASAP.
EDIT: One screen shot here: linuxforen.de/forums/attachm … ntid=11117
And now on to the first step:
1. Getting rid of the kwin Window Manager
a) If you start X with startx:
You have to put
export KDEWM="fvwm"
in your .xinitrc, before you start kde.
b) If you’re using a login manager:
The same text, this time it goes to your .bashrc.
Now KDE will use fvwm as the window manager.
2. Styling FVWM
To integrate fvwm into KDE, it should look like the original wm.
As i like the plastik style most, i copied this one to fvwm:
#These Gradients look like plastik titlebars with the plastik color theme
Colorset 1 VGradient 32 2 #c1c9d3 10 #9daaba 90 #aab5c3
Colorset 2 VGradient 32 2 #8fbcea 10 #418edc 90 #62a1e2
# 1 is for inactive windows, 2 for active ones
DestroyDecor PlastikDecor
AddToDecor PlastikDecor
+ TitleStyle Centered Height 24
+ TitleStyle InActive (Colorset 1 -- Flat ) Active (Colorset 2 -- Flat)
+ AddTitleStyle InActive (Colorset 1 -- Flat ) Active (Colorset 2 -- Flat)
+ ButtonStyle All InActive (Colorset 1 -- Flat ) Active (Colorset 2 -- Flat)
Ok, the titlebar color now fits nicely into KDE.
The buttons are still missing, i will add them tomorrow.
Other pieces that will follow soon:
- replacing the “kicker” panel
- including the systray, a pager, iconmanager, and THE KDE MENU!
- and, of course, screenshots!
So stay tuned