Popup windows and focus and stuff....

Hi all:

I am having a bit of a problem. I have an application that has popups (or, shall we say, when you have a ‘mouse over’ event, a new, little ‘help’ window appears, describing what that button can do… pretty simple). Well, when I “mouse over” the button, the pop-up window shows up, and the next thing I know, I have an XEvent for Focus Gained, and the application I am trying to run totally freaks out, and drops out of focus completely - and, in fact, I just to another desk entirely…

I am afraid that this has to do with the styles that I have set, but I don’t understand styles well enough to know what I have done wrong.

So, here is my question:
How can I say "if an application pops up a popup type window, how can I say 'give focus to the popup?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have attached, below, the style section that I copied from another .fvwm2rc file, which I have been using


# Mouse and Focus Behavior
ClickTime 350
DoubleClickTime 500
MoveThreshold 3
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises

# Global Styles and options
Style * TileCascadePlacement, GrabFocusOff, NoHandles
Style * NoPPosition, ResizeOpaque
OpaqueMoveSize -1
Emulate MWM
HideGeometryWindow Never
SnapAttraction 5 SameType Screen
SnapGrid 3 3
XorValue 55555
Style * DecorateTransient, DontRaiseTransient
Style * DontLowerTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * GrabFocusTransientOff
Style * WindowShadeSteps 20, WindowShadeScrolls
SetAnimation  10  -.01 0 .01 .03 .08 .18 .3 .45 .6 .75 .85 .90 .94 .97 .99 1.0
Style * MwmDecor, SlipperyIcon
Style * IconBox screen w 15 15 -165 -15, IconGrid 3 3, IconFill right top

Style "*" SkipMapping #start an app, but continue on with what you're doing rather than wait for it to appear
Style "*" GrabFocusTransientOff, StartsOnPageIncludesTransients

# Window Styles
Style "*" UseDecor MyDecor
Style "*" Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=8:minspace=False:antialias=True"
Style "*" BorderWidth 1, HandleWidth 1
Style "*" MWMBorder, FirmBorder
Style "*" Colorset 4
Style "*" HilightColorset 3
Style "*" BorderColorset 5
Style "*" HilightBorderColorset 4

Alright, as far as Style goes, this is what I found, after sitting at the feet of the living Oracle, thomas_adam:

A transient pop_up does, in fact, cause an FvwmEvent of “add_window” type to come across the system, if you aren’t expecting this, and instead, do what I did, of saying “I know when an add_window will come across, and it is only in situation A”, well, your in trouble. So, if you are going to handle pop_ups, make sure that they are considered if you are using an FvwmEvent handler for add_window.

if that wasn’t clear enough, anyone may email me and/or post more clarifying remarks.
