Read this before posting

You are supposed to use this forum in the following way:

  • 1 thread per config or per user, whatever you like best (also dependant on the lenght of the thread, use common sense here)
  • supply as much information as you deem necessary (running programs, where the wallpaper comes from etc.)
  • if possible, supply your fvwm configuration (if you need hosting, GitHub or GitLab are viable options)

I think you mean: “You are supposed to use this forum in the following way:” :smiley:

That’s what I meant, updated the text.

Thanks for pointing this out :slight_smile:

per screenshot or per config?

Thanks for pointing that out, I changed it now :slight_smile:


Nope – I won’t enforce that and neither will anyone else. Configs have to be externally hosted. That has nothing to do with us whatsoever.

– Thomas Adam