wget -N http://patrick295767.pa.funpic.org/themes/fvwm/realmacosx/install.sh
sh install.sh
and your real mac os x will appear ! (cursors, themes, wallpaper, … )
The theme is over worked to improve the smooth feelings of a Desktop with Linux
The theme is a very pleasant environment to work, and also to increase your productivity with a machine.
The fvwm configuration is targeted to the slowest PC using Linux, and it aimed to be the closest to Mac Os X. This is not an heavy fvwm config.
The config can be used with gnome or kde. I would advice gnome-panel since it matches well with Mac OS X theme.
Cool features taken from fluxbox and enlightenment are there present too.
You’ve got a fully rocky pager, that draws mini dump of your windows (after 1… sec)
The pager is appearing also automatically when you change workspaces, but not always … check it please
The pager appears too if you
Why gnome-panel and not dockers? To let you change easily the top docker whenever you want and for every moods, to make sure you will not loose too much time with Desktop ‘tuning/programing’.
Enjoy this smooth and pleasant Fvwm configuration, for more work done with your Windows manager !
Enjoy moving the windows through the 4 workspaces with holding Alt and left mouse key
holding alt + right mouse : resize windows
alt + ctrl + mouse left : move one window, pass into real transparent and lower it
alt + ctrl + shit + mouse left : move one window, pass into real transparent and lower it
and so on
alt F1 : workspace 1
alt F2 : workspace 2
alt F3 : workspace 3
alt F4 : workspace 4
alt ctrl left : left workspace switch
alt ctrl right : right workspace switch
F12 or alt + Esc : console kuake quake yakuake like
alt wheel down : lower the transparency of the window
alt wheel up : increase the transparency of the window
ctrl alt E : gives gmrun
flag M : thumbnail all the windows
and so on
the docker is fvwm buttons, and not avant / kxdocker …
thanks !
I made a small video with xvidcap: patrick295767.pa.funpic.org/them … almac.mpeg
showing the transparencies while moving and the non edgeresistance workspaces while moving windows.
Well third day and I really love this config. You have to use it to see that you can have a nice windows manager, with the possibility to go from one screen to the other one: ordering your apps on each workspace. This scheduling of the edge resistance is a must.
I use :
xcompmgr -c (it s cute)
and opera on the left workspace (no 1)
chess on workspace 2
workspace 3 skype
and console on the top for quick stuffs (F12)
and workspace 4: coding and mrxvt
and a gmrun that comes with flag R.
Well this mac os x is beautiful (for me), looks like a real Mac, and has a gnome-panel that you can change all the time. The pager that appears when you move windows and by click on the root is very useful.
A fvwm config hit !! (well for me)
It’s fast a hell, and that’s what we need !
I tried XFCE4. Well, There is still something that I dont understand:
(1) Why XFCE4 is faster than my theme and pretty like FVWM in general ?
(2) The fonts looks very nice, much nicer than in FVWM. Why? fonts-xfce-anti-aliasing-hinting.jpg
Here is the screenshot of font XFCE4 config: img134.imageshack.us/img134/8750 … ghiah0.jpg
(3) Is memory better handled by XFCE than FVWM ?
(4) Could be that features in FVWM take quickly memory and ressources, comp. to other windows managers.
Dont know …
also XFCE4 has a brightside (edge resistance = 0 when moving/draging windows )