Royal Navy

The latest evolution of my Fvwm config. This one is… blue, and named after its predominant colors. It’s customized to be conducive to using multiple desktops, without being unduly annoying.


And here is the configuration:

### Icons ###
ImagePath /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps:/usr/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/apps:/usr/share/icons/simple/48x48/apps:/usr/share/pixmaps

### Virtual desktops ###
DesktopSize 3x3
DesktopName 0 DeskOne
DesktopName 1 DeskTwo
DesktopName 2 DeskThree
EdgeScroll 100 100 # scroll 100% at page edges
EdgeResistance 250 # plenty of scroll resistance
EdgeThickness 1 # Single pixel edges

### Global style options ###
OpaqueMoveSize unlimited
Style * ResizeOpaque
CursorStyle MENU left_ptr
CursorStyle TITLE left_ptr
CursorStyle DEFAULT left_ptr
DefaultColors Lightgray Royalblue
DefaultFont "xft:Sans:bold:size=8:antialias=True"
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises
Style * SnapAttraction 10
Style * EdgeMoveResistance 20
Style * IconBox 480x320-0+0, IconGrid 32 32, IconFill t r

### Colorsets ###
Colorset 3 fg Lightgray, bg Royalblue # Main
Colorset 4 fg White, bg Royalblue # Highlight
Colorset 5 fg Gray, bg Royalblue # Inactive
Colorset 6 fg Navyblue, bg Navyblue # Window borders

### Window styles ###
Style "*" Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=9:antialias=True"
Style "*" IconFont "xft:Sans:Bold:size=9:antialias=True"
Style "*" IconBackgroundRelief 0
Style "*" IconTitleRelief 0
Style "*" Colorset 3
Style "*" HilightColorset 4
Style "*" BorderColorset 6
Style "*" HilightBorderColorset 6
TitleStyle -- Flat
BorderStyle Simple -- NoInset Flat
Style "*" BorderWidth 2, HandleWidth 2
ButtonStyle 1 DGradient 12 Navyblue Royalblue -- Flat
ButtonStyle 2 DGradient 12 Royalblue Navyblue -- Flat

### Menu styles ###
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 3
MenuStyle * ActiveFore White
MenuStyle * BorderWidth 0
MenuStyle * Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=9:antialias=True"
MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff
MenuStyle * TrianglesSolid
MenuStyle * SeparatorsLong

### Startup Functions ###
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Exec sh ~/.fehbg # Restore the wallpaper with feh
+ I Module FvwmPager 0 2
+ I Module FvwmWharf

### Misc Functions ###
DestroyFunc RaiseOrMove
AddToFunc RaiseOrMove
+ I Raise
+ M Move

DestroyFunc RaiseOrResize
AddToFunc RaiseOrResize
+ I Raise
+ M Resize

### Key Bindings ###
# Keys for running stuff
Key p A 4 Exec dmenu_run -i
Key l A 4 Exec xlock -mode blank
Key Return A 4 Exec konsole
Key space A 4 Exec dolphin
# Win+Tab -> window list, for convenience
Key Tab A 4 WindowList root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Super_L
# Keys for manipulating windows
Key q A 4 Close
# Keys for switching desktops
Key Left A 4 Scroll -100 0
Key Right A 4 Scroll +100 0
Key Up A 4 Scroll 0 -100
Key Down A 4 Scroll 0 +100

### Mouse bindings ###
Mouse 1 1 A WindowShade
Mouse 1 2 A Close
Mouse 3 I A Lower
Mouse 1 ST A RaiseOrMove
Mouse 1 F A RaiseOrResize
Mouse 3 STF A Lower
Mouse 3 R A WindowList
Mouse 1 R A Menu RootMenu
# Winkey mouse bindings
Mouse 1 W 4 RaiseOrMove
Mouse 3 W 4 RaiseOrResize

### FvwmPager ###
Style FvwmPager Sticky, !Title, !Handles, WindowListSkip, FixedSize, FixedPosition
*FvwmPager: Geometry 400x100-0-0
*FvwmPager: Rows 1
*FvwmPager: Columns 3
*FvwmPager: Font "xft:Sans:bold:size=8:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: Fore Lightgray
*FvwmPager: Back Royalblue
*FvwmPager: Hilight Navyblue
*FvwmPager: WindowColors Navyblue Royalblue Navyblue Royalblue

### FvwmWharf ###
Style FvwmWharf Sticky, !Title, !Handles, WindowListSkip, FixedSize, FixedPosition
*FvwmWharfBgColor Royalblue
*FvwmWharfTextureType 1
*FvwmWharfTextureColor Royalblue Navyblue
*FvwmWharfGeometry +0+0
*FvwmWharf Opera opera-browser.png Exec opera
*FvwmWharf Qupzilla qupzilla.png Exec qupzilla
*FvwmWharf GVim gvim.png Exec gvim
*FvwmWharf Konsole utilities-terminal.png Exec konsole
*FvwmWharf Dolphin system-file-manager.png Exec dolphin
*FvwmWharf VLC vlc.png Exec vlc
*FvwmWharf K3B k3b.png Exec k3b

### Menus ###
# To prevent accidental quitting!
DestroyMenu QuitMenu
AddToMenu QuitMenu "Really quit?" Title
+ "Restart" Restart
+ "Quit" Quit
# The main menu
DestroyMenu RootMenu
AddToMenu RootMenu "Fvwm" Title
+ "Konsole" Exec konsole
+ "Dolphin" Exec dolphin
+ "Opera" Exec opera
+ "" Nop
+ "Fvwm" Popup QuitMenu