saebla's screenie

EDIT: back to blue hehe… my latest config where I go a bit old school with some gradients. Only the close/minimize buttons are pixmaps.

old post:
Not really my first configuration. I’ve had alot of them with different kind of iconbars etc… this is the latest where I go for unity and away from blue… so sick of the colorsets that are based around blue… so I like orange… and to keep it clean I used lightgrey base. GTK and QT colors are adjusted to match…

window decor resemble blackbox/wmaker/etc, and the behavior is quite simple with moving and resizing and such…

It’s FvwmButtons at the top, with CDE-inspired “panels” for applications, and a swallowed FvwmIconMan, together with FvwmPager and some dockapps.

Don’t remember where I got the wallpaper. I didn’t make it myself.

here it is: orange and grey

It’s a work in progress.

The .fvwm2rc is nothing special… What might differ from other configs are the bar (but still nothing advanced):

I start this with FvwmButtons fDock of course..

*fDock: ButtonGeometry 68x68+68+0
*fDock: Colorset 7
*fDock: Padding 0 0
*fDock: Frame 0 
*fDock: Rows 1

*fDock: (1x1, Padding 2 2, Container(Frame 1))
        *fDock: (1x1, Frame 0, Padding 2 2, Swallow(UseOld, NoHints, Respawn) "wmzcalock" "Exec exec wmzcalock"))
*fDock: (End)
*fDock: (5x1, Padding 2 2, Container(Frame -1))
        *fDock: (1x1, Padding 2 2, Container(Frame 1,Rows 4))
                *fDock: (1x3, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title "Firefox", Action "Exec exec firefox")
                *fDock: (1x3, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title "GiMP", Action "Exec exec gimp")
                *fDock: (1x3, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title "Mixer", Action "Exec exec gnome-volume-control")
                *fDock: (1x3, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title "Files", Action "Exec exec rox")
                *fDock: (1x3, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title "Xterm", Action "Exec exec xterm")
                *fDock: (1x1, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title ".", Panel(Down,delay 0) pNet "Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel pNet")
                *fDock: (1x1, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title ".", Panel(Down,delay 0) pGfx "Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel pGfx")
                *fDock: (1x1, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title ".", Panel(Down,delay 0) pSnd "Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel pSnd")
                *fDock: (1x1, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title ".", Panel(Down,delay 0) pMisc "Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel pMisc")
                *fDock: (1x1, Frame 1, Padding 2 2, Title ".", Panel(Down,delay 0) pSys "Module FvwmButtons -transientpanel pSys")
        *fDock: (End)
*fDock: (End)
*fDock: (4x1, Padding 2 2, Container(Frame 1))
        *fDock: (1x1, Frame -1, Padding 0 0, Swallow(UseOld, NoHints, Respawn) "FvwmIconMan" "Module FvwmIconMan"))
*fDock: (End)
*fDock: (1x1, Padding 4 4, Container(Frame 1))
        *fDock: (1x1, Frame -1, Padding 0 0, Swallow(UseOld, NoHints, Respawn) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 3"))
*fDock: (End)
*fDock: (1x1, Padding 2 2, Container(Frame 1))
        *fDock: (1x1, Frame 0, Padding 2 2, Swallow(UseOld, NoHints, Respawn) "wmforkplop" "Exec exec wmforkplop"))
*fDock: (End)
*fDock: (1x1, Padding 2 2, Container(Frame 1))
        *fDock: (1x1, Frame 0, Padding 2 2, Swallow(UseOld, NoHints, Respawn) "wmnet" "Exec exec wmnet"))
*fDock: (End)

That’s pretty nice. It look like something you could get a lot of work done with.

I just started using FvwmIconMan the way have it here and like it better than one long row spread across the screen. I just wish you could style the unfocused icons the way you can in other window managers.

I’ve updated the post with my latest screenshot. I’ve changed fvwm to some old school-looking config. hope you like it.

Well, semi-“old school” config, to use your term. :)

You should post your config file as well, as per the guidelines for this forum section.

– Thomas Adam