Select left/right/upper/lower window using cursor/vim-keys


as written in the subject, I need a way to select the left/right/upper/lower window by pressing Mod1+h/j/k/l. Cycling through the windows just forward/backward is not enough for me.

I’ll try to be more specific by an example:
I have 4 xterms on my screen:

| A | B |
| C | D |

When I have xterm A active and I want to switch to xterm C, I just want to press alt+down. To activate xterm B I want to press alt+right.

When I have xterm A active and I want to switch to xterm D, I want to either press alt+down right, or alt+right down.

Is this somehow possible?


I’ve been using the following for years:

Key Left    A   4   Direction West (CurrentPage, AcceptsFocus, Visible) Focus
Key Right   A   4   Direction East (CurrentPage, AcceptsFocus, Visible) Focus
Key Up      A   4   Direction North (CurrentPage, AcceptsFocus, Visible) Focus
Key Down    A   4   Direction South (CurrentPage, AcceptsFocus, Visible) Focus

– Thomas Adam

This is AWESOME!!! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! You saved my day!
