Platform : Linux mint Kataya on Toshiba Satellite L 300
I ran apt-get dist-upgrade a few minutes before the installation.
I removed my old install of fvwm 5.3.something
apt-get --purge remove fvwm
As root I compiled fvwm 2.6.4
./configure && make && checkinstall
compile halted with error “/bin/mkdir” could not create directory “/usr/local/libexec”
So I createted the directory /usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.6.4
That went smoothly, and fvwm runs fine - so far.
As I am curious about InfoStore I tested to type
InfoStoreAdd abc 124
in FvwmConsole.
The WM dies and I am out to the login manager,
I rebooted and tested again - same result.
So I created a ~/.fvwm/config comtaining only this line
InfoStoreAdd abc def
, then I exited fvwm, went to the terminal and removed all crap from .xsession-errors.
Loggin in at fvwm, and the same thing happened again.
This is the first lines in .xsession-errors /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
Setting IM through im-switch for locale=sv_SE.
Start IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default.
*** buffer overflow detected ***: fvwm2 terminated
======= Backtrace: =========
The full list is at
I googled for “ (__fortify_fail+0x37)”, and get a few matches - the most of them are talking about that
there at the devolopers machine was other make tools than the ‘standard ones’ which was used to build the application in count.
I have empty partitions enough to do a fresh install of mint and try there, but I would like to hear some comments about this before I do that.
Also - both in mint Kataya and aptosid there was no Fvwm.desktop created in /usr/share/xsessions.
I solved this with reusing the old one - which I had on a backup.