Small Icons conveniant for 3x3 desktop matrix

I have my 9 desktops arranged in a 3x3 matrix.
I have popup menus for sending windows to specific desktops with or without following them. Is there an icon set containing thumbs displaying a 3x3 matrix with each one of them highlighted (resulting in 9 pictograms)?
The huge package wm-icons seems not to contain such icons.

You could make such icons easily with, say, gimp.

Well, I will have to try to, lets see if I actually can do this :slight_smile:
Does anybody else need such Icons?

You could write a script to create a pbm file and convert that to a png or whatever.
here’s some info on the format


Hm, thats a interesting approach also, I will try that first.

Sorry, I mentioned the wrong format, PBM is a monochrome format, PPM is a format that supports RGB colors.
