StartsOnPage does not work for specific program

I use three programs to work with Latex - TexMaker, TexStudio, and TexWorks. I’d like to open all latex files on page 0 1. In my config I put

Style  TeXworks      EWMHMiniIconOverride, MiniIcon $[fvwm_icon]/texworks.png,  StartsOnPage 0 1 
Style  TeXstudio     EWMHMiniIconOverride, MiniIcon $[fvwm_icon]/texstudio.png, StartsOnPage 0 1
Style  TeXmaker      EWMHMiniIconOverride, MiniIcon $[fvwm_icon]/texmaker.png,  StartsOnPage 0 1

It works for Texstudio and TeXmaker, but does not work for Texworks! When I start Texworks on page 0 0, for example, it first starts in 0 1 but then changes to page 0 0. The same behavior for others pages. How do I solve this problem?

It sounds like the program is changing the page it is on after it is run. Look through the list of other styles pertaining to EWMH hints, and try to ignore them. I don’t know which style would be useful for this, but maybe EWMHIngoreStateHints. There is a whole section for Extended Window Manager Hints to give more info on the types of hints windows can set that Fvwm will then honor (unless you tell fvwm to ignore them)

EWMHIngoreStateHints does not help. It is surprising for me that EWMHMiniIconOverride has to work for any program, but it does not work for Texworks, only. It works for texstudio, texmaker, and mathematica, but does not work for texworks.