titlebar buttons displaying oddly

My titlebar buttons do not seem to be displaying correctly. I’ve gone over the section in the config that pertains to its setup and cannot seem to find any error that could be causing this problem. I have also been getting the following odd error messages from fvwm:

[FVWM][ReadDecorFace]: <<ERROR>> Bad button style (3) in line Vector 4 30x30@3 70x70@3 70x30@4 30X70@3 [FVWM][ReadDecorFace]: <<ERROR>> Bad button style (3) in line Vector 4 35x35@3 75x75@3 75x35@4 35X75@3 [FVWM][ReadDecorFace]: <<ERROR>> Bad button style (3) in line Vector 4 35x35@3 75x75@3 75x35@4 35X75@3 [FVWM][ReadDecorFace]: <<ERROR>> unknown style \: \ [FVWM][_execute_function]: <<ERROR>> no such command 'Vector' [FVWM][ReadDecorFace]: <<ERROR>> unknown style \: \ [FVWM][_execute_function]: <<ERROR>> no such command 'Vector'

The following is the settings that pertain to the titlebar buttons:

DestroyFunc FvwmClose
AddToFunc FvwmClose
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ D Nop
+ C Close

DestroyFunc FvwmMaximize
AddToFunc FvwmMaximize
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ D Nop
+ C Maximize $0

DestroyFunc FvwmStick
AddToFunc FvwmStick
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ D Nop
+ C Stick $0

DestroyFunc FvwmIconify
AddToFunc FvwmIconify
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ D Nop
+ C Iconify $0

DestroyFunc FvwmShade
AddToFunc FvwmShade
+ C Raise
+ M Move
+ D WindowShade

DestroyFunc FvwmLower
AddToFunc FvwmLower
+ C Nop
+ D Lower

Mouse 1 1 N FvwmClose
Mouse 1 8 N FvwmStick Toggle
Mouse 1 4 N FvwmIconify True
Mouse 1 2 N FvwmMaximize Toggle
Mouse 1 T N FvwmShade
Mouse 3 T N FvwmLower
Mouse 1 I N FvwmIconify False

DestroyDecor MainDecor
AddToDecor MainDecor
+ TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 13 -- flat
+ BorderStyle Simple -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp \
    Vector 4 30x30@3 70x70@3 70x30@4 30X70@3
+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown \
    Vector 4 35x35@3 75x75@3 75x35@4 35X75@3
+ ButtonStyle 1 Inactive \
    Vector 4 30x30@0 70x70@0 70x30@4 30X70@0
+ ButtonStyle 8 ActiveUp \ 
    Vector 5 49x49@3 51x49@3 51x51@3 49x51@3 49x49@3
+ ButtonStyle 8 ActiveDown \
    Vector 5 54x54@3 56x54@3 56x56@3 54x56@3 54x54@3
+ ButtonStyle 8 Inactive \ 
    Vector 5 49x49@0 51x49@0 51x51@0 49x51@0 49x49@0
+ ButtonStyle 4 ActiveUp \
    Vector 5 30x75@3 70x75@3 70x80@3 30x80@3 30x75@3
+ ButtonStyle 4 ActiveDown \
    Vector 5 35x80@3 75x80@3 75x85@3 35x85@3 35x80@3 
+ ButtonStyle 4 Inactive \
    Vector 5 35x80@0 75x80@0 75x85@0 35x85@0 35x80@0
+ ButtonStyle 2 ActiveUp \
    Vector 7 20x20@3 80x20@3 80x80@3 20x80@3 20x20@3 20x30@4 80x30@3
+ ButtonStyle 2 ActiveDown \
    Vector 7 25x25@3 85x25@3 85x85@3 25x85@3 25x25@3 25x35@4 85x35@3
+ ButtonStyle 2 Inactive \
    Vector 7 20x20@0 80x20@0 80x80@0 20x80@0 20x20@0 20x30@4 80x30@0
+ AddButtonStyle All -- flat

Buttons 2 and 4 display fine. Buttons 1 and 8 display something I haven’t defined. Titlebar location 6 is displaying what should have been defined for button 8.

Is this a known phenominon or have I made some obvious error?


You want something along the lines of this:

+ ButtonStyle 1 - Clear MwmDecorMenu
+ ButtonStyle 2 - Clear
+ ButtonStyle 3 - Clear MwmDecorMax
+ ButtonStyle 4 - Clear MwmDecorMax
+ ButtonStyle 5 - Clear MwmDecorMax
+ ButtonStyle 6 - Clear MwmDecorMin 


– Thomas Adam

Thanks. I’ll try it as soon as I can.

I think I’ve found the problem but I need to do further checking to be sure. It seems that, when defining vectors, you cannot have any of the visible lines intersect.

The following defines an ‘X’ shaped vector by drawing two intersecting lines

+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp \
    Vector 4 30x30@3 70x70@3 70x30@4 30X70@3
+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown \
    Vector 4 35x35@3 75x75@3 75x35@4 35X75@3
+ ButtonStyle 1 Inactive \
    Vector 4 30x30@0 70x70@0 70x30@4 30X70@0 

I’ve been able to fix it by drawing two ‘V’ shapes instead–one right side up, and the other upside down underneath it to form an ‘X’ shape:

+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp \
    Vector 6 30x30@3 50x50@3 70x30@3 70x70@4 50x50@3 30X70@3
+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown \
    Vector 6 35x35@3 55x55@3 75x35@3 75x75@4 55x55@3 35X75@3
+ ButtonStyle 1 Inactive \
    Vector 6 30x30@0 50x50@0 70x30@0 70x70@4 50x50@0 30X70@0 

There are other issues with my configuration. I’ll post them when I get a chance.

Edit: Changed ‘quote’ to ‘code’. Dumb me.